Fang Chaozhou reacted slowly to what the other party had asked. He met Xue Danrong's eyes and couldn't help but stunned, then backhanded Xue Danrong's arm, and changed the subject: "Little brother, we Get out of here first."

Little Junior Brother’s delusion is not good.

Xue Danrong curled his eyebrows and looked at him without saying a word, but still agreed with Fang Chaozhou's statement. He pulled Fang Chaozhou and left the Dark Soul Gate first. They walked so smoothly this way, so smooth that Fang Chaozhou felt incredible, and there were only a few small demons to stop them.

Those demon cultivation bases were low, Xue Danrong fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

"Why are there no people?" Fang Chaozhou couldn't help asking.

Xue Danrong didn't answer Fang's Chaozhou's words, he looked around, put his hand around Fang's Chaozhou's waist, and flew up with people into the air. Fang Chaozhou saw two white horse-drawn carriages driving side by side in the distance ahead.

Xue Danrong took Fang Chao's boat into one of the carriages. As soon as he entered, Fang Chao's boat was knocked down. Xue Danrong looked at him condescendingly, staring straight at his earlobe, "Brother, who bit it, tell me?"

Fang Chao Zhou was suddenly pushed down by his junior brother again, and was about to say something when another voice rang out first.

"Dan Rong."

The sound was like the sound of heaven. After Fang Chaozhou heard it, he became dizzy and couldn't help turning his face outside, wondering who said it. When Xue Danrong saw Fang Chaozhou like this, his eyes changed slightly, and he immediately held Fang Chaozhou's face, lowered his voice and said, "Don't listen, you are here for me."

After speaking, he gave Fang Chaozhou a spell, and Fang Chaozhou found that he couldn't hear anything. He watched Xue Danrong get up and go out with the driving curtain.

But not long after Xue Danrong went out, Fang Chaozhou found that he could hear him again.

The man with the sound of nature is talking.

"...You and him were both bitten by the cloud crimson snake. Although you helped him take the poison, the toxin on his body was not completely cleaned, so no matter how your master helps you clean the toxin, you see him, There will be uncontrollable love."

"Master, I..." This was Xue Danrong's voice.

But his words were quickly interrupted.

"You don't need to rush to refute me. You can recall, when did you have a deep love for him, right after being bitten by the cloud crimson snake? Have you paid much attention to him before that? No. Dan Rong, don't deceive yourself anymore. Your feelings for him are only harassed by toxins. I am here to save him this time to solve this matter completely."

The man said, "I will cleanse the toxins in his body, and then you will practice by my side for the time being, don't return to Yizhifeng. After half a year, you will not feel anymore when you see him."

Although Fang Chaozhou felt dizzy when he heard this voice, he still understood and knew the identity of the speaker.

Xue Danrong called him Master.

Because he is their master's master, when today's Shui Sect's master Zhong Li Yueshui.

The most popular and most mysterious alternative attack in the original book.

It is said that Zhong Li Yueshui's cultivation base has reached the realm of Mahayana, and no one in the world can beat him, but he is too mysterious and almost invisible. Even the master of Fang's Chaozhou, it is difficult to see him.

The only person in Tianshui Sect who can freely enter and exit his residence is Xue Danrong.

When Xue Dan joined the Tianshui Sect, Zhong Li Yueshui took it back.

It is said that Xue Danrong's parents are Zhong Li Yueshui's best friends.

Zhong Li Yueshui is the most popular attack, but his appearance is not described in detail in the original work, because his cultivation level is too high, ordinary people can't see his face at all, and see him and hear his voice. I couldn't help being dizzy, just like Fang Chaozhou was doing at this time.

The only description, the original author borrowed a poem——

"Stones are like jade, and pine trees are like green. Lang Yan is unique and unique in the world."

However, Zhong Li Yueshui has very few scenes in the original work, so few that his fans frequently ask him to appear in the comment area, saying that even a single line is fine.

Fang Chao Zhou didn't expect to see Zhong Li Yueshui's deity.

It's not that you see, there is a curtain between them.

Xue Danrong hadn’t spoken for a long time, and Zhong Li Yueshui seemed to sigh, “I’m not going to'force' you. On the way back to Tianshui Sect, you still have time to think clearly and have time to say goodbye to him. Danrong, you still remember your worship Is it an oath to enter the Tianshui Sect?"

Xue Danrong's voice was very low, with a slight shaking, as if he was suppressing something, "I remember."

"At the beginning, your father gave up being a fairy for your mother, but the final outcome is still embarrassing. You once said that you will not repeat the same mistakes. I hope you can really do it."

After this sentence, Fang Chaozhou found that he couldn't hear it again.

After a while, Xue Danrong opened the curtain of the car and came in. He looked at Fang Chaozhou who was sitting up, and the emotions in Feng's eyes were extremely complicated. He slowly walked to Fang Chaozhou's side, sat next to him, and held Fang Chaozhou's hand on his lap, changing from a grip to a ten-finger clasp.

Xue Danrong parted his red lips and said something, but Fang's "Chao" boat's spell was not solved, and he couldn't hear Xue Danrong's words at all, so he was "bewildered" and "confused" asked: "What?"

As soon as the voice fell, he was kissed again.

Xue Danrong pushed him on the wall of the car, almost preventing Fang Chaozhou from escaping. The slightly cold lips were lingering, and Fang Chaozhou couldn't even tilt his head. He was completely squeezed, and his hands were forced to clasp each other's fingers.

The boy's kiss drifted from the lips to the earlobe.

Fang Chaozhou took a deep breath.

Xue Danrong bit him.

Still bite very hard.

"Little Junior Brother." Fang Chaozhou couldn't help calling each other's name.

But the boy turned a deaf ear to his snow-white teeth, and only focused on the earlobe in front of him. Until the bite bleeds, he loosened his teeth and chose to suck. It was not until no blood leaked out from the wound, and he slightly retracted his body.

Fang Chaozhou blushed for the most part, and now his gentle eyes only knew that he looked at the young man in front of him blankly, unable to speak a word.

Xue Danrong's lips were stained with the blood of Fang Chaozhou, his phoenix eyes were drooping, his red tongue was stretched out, and the blood beads on his lips were slowly licked clean. Fang Chaozhou flushed even more when he saw this scene.

This face of Junior Brother is too foul.

And then, the temperature on Fang Chaozhou’s face never dropped. The carriage stopped. He didn’t know, and he was dizzy all the way. What should and shouldn’t be said, all came out bald, even The protruding belly was "touched" for a long time.

Obviously, in just a few days, how does he feel that Xue Danrong looks like a different person?

Obviously a few days ago, in the Dongfu of Zhichunzhou, the junior brother would not use his face like this.

The carriage stopped for a long time, but they did not get off, and the people outside had no patience.

"Dan Rong, he should go."

Fang's Chaozhou had already been unlocked by the spell, so he naturally heard this voice, it was Zhong Li Yueshui.

The boy holding him gently stroked his back and whispered: "Master, I am not going to you, I still want to stay in Zhichunzhou."

"You still stay in Zhichunzhou, what about him?" Zhong Li Yueshui seemed a little angry.

Xue Danrong looked at Fang Chaozhou, who was more dizzy because of Zhong Li’s Yueshui voice, and touched Fang Chaozhou’s lips with his lips. When the demon is looking at him, the demon will not let him go so easily, so I hope that Master Zu will lead him to practice and help him break through the Nasal Infant as soon as possible, and also have the ability to defend himself in the future."

Zhong Li Yueshui did not speak.

Xue Danrong let go of the Fang's "Chao" boat and looked out the curtain of the car, with imploring meaning in his tone: "Master."

After a long time, Zhong Li Yueshui spoke.

"At most half a year."

Xue Danrong heard this, but there was no joy in his eyes. He said, "Thank you, Master", and then set his sights on Fang Chaozhou again. The sleeve of Fang Chaozhou’s hand was rolled up, and the five teeth marks on it were very conspicuous. Xue Danrong put down Fang Chaozhou’s sleeve and said nothing, but looked at Fang deeply. Chao Zhou glanced at it and got up and went out.

Fang Chaozhou was still sitting in the carriage, and the carriage began to move forward again. He still dazzled and leaned on the carriage until the carriage stopped again.

"Come down." Zhong Li Yueshui's voice came from outside.

Fang Chaozhou hesitated before getting up and opening the curtain. As soon as he got out, he saw a white man.

As written in the book-

"Zhong Li Yueshui only likes white "color", from clothes and socks to home decorations, it's not white "color". He likes white to a perverted point, even the monsters he raises are mostly white. "

Fang "Chao" Zhou only raised his eyes and glanced at Zhong Li Yueshui, and began to feel dizzy again. As the book said, he could not see Zhong Li Yueshui's face at all. There was a kind of opponent standing against the light, and he faced While holding the Golden Crow, I wanted to see the opponent's face clearly, but couldn't see clearly. Instead, he burned his eyes.

"Fang Chaozhou, since I promised to take you to practice for half a year, you will stay in Huali Mountain for this half a year and you will not need to do it. For half a year, you must break through the Nascent Soul. If it fails, you will leave the Tianshui Sect. ."

Long after Zhong Li Yueshui left, Fang Chaozhou woke up. He shook his head and looked up at the surrounding environment.

This is Huali Mountain where Zhong Li Yueshui lives.

Huali Mountain floats above the Tianshui Sect, and there is no way to figure it out. If you want to go up or down, you must ride the golden-winged bird that Zhongli Yueshui's mount.

Fang Chaozhou lowered his head and looked at himself. There was nothing on him. The clothes he wore were all clothes Li Yiye gave him.

After a while, he couldn't help shouting to the sky, "Master! My cultivation level is still restricted! Where do I live? Where do I practice? Is there any practice experience? Is there a magic weapon? If you don’t have these, can you change two sets of clothes... Ah!"

Fang Chaozhou’s jaw seemed to be hit by an invisible stone, and his lower teeth were numb, and he couldn't speak.

Zhong Li Yueshui's cold voice sounded.

"In the future, I won't have many mouths in Huali Mountain. Someone will come to settle you down later."

Fang Chaozhou held his chin and couldn't speak. He can only nod his head now to show that he heard it.

After a while, someone came to set up the "chao" boat. To be precise, it was not a person, but a white cat. The cat gave birth to a pair of mandarin duck eyes and walked slowly from a distance. Because it was white and the surroundings were white, Fang Chaozhou did not see it for the first time.

Until I heard the cat's voice.

"Meow, are you the disciple that Master Zhongli said?"

Fang Chaozhou lowered his head and saw a white cat squatting in front of him.

The cat opened a pair of mandarin duck eyes, tilted its head to look at him, and its long tail encircled its front paws.

"I am." Fang Chaozhou knelt down, "Are you the cat raised by the master?"

The tip of the white cat's tail moved slightly, and did not answer this question, but stood up and walked in one direction, "Meow, follow me."

Fang Chaozhou heard the words and hurriedly followed it, but the white cat walked very slowly. After Fang Chao followed for a while, he cautiously suggested: "Mimi, or I hold Are you going?"

The white cat turned his head and glanced at him, the mandarin duck narrowed his eyes, "Meow, okay."

Seeing that the other party agreed, Fang Chaozhou stretched out his hand to pick up the white cat, but before he touched his hand, he saw that the white cat had grown at least ten times bigger, and he was scared to step back.

White cat, no, it's time to call it white tiger.

He also tilted his head to look at Fang Chaozhou, "Meow, why didn't you hold it?"

Fang "Chao" Zhou "Lu" smiled awkwardly and politely, "I will be a little bit tired today."

Bai Hu squinted again, turned his head and continued walking. This time, Chaozhou couldn't keep up, he almost needed to run to keep up with the opponent's footsteps.

I don't know how long he walked, he finally saw a courtyard.

The courtyard has white walls and white tiles, and even the door is white.

Fang Chaozhou couldn't help thinking, would he really not get snow blindness if he lives here?

The white tiger changed back to the appearance of a white cat. It leaped over the wall and jumped over. After a while, the courtyard door opened. The white cat sat behind the door and looked at him, "Meow, this is your residence for the next six months. Master Zhongli is very busy. You only have free time every day, so you need to go to Master Zhongli’s courtyard to attend classes before Maoshi. If you miss the hour... …"

The white cat stretched out his paw and gently "licked" and "licked", "I should be hungry that day."

Fang Chao couldn't smile anymore, and even wanted to pinch himself to see if he was dreaming.

But this is not a dream.

Especially the next day, before reaching Mao, he was first awakened by a heavy weight.

Fang Chaozhou opened his eyes with difficulty, raised his head slightly, and met a pair of green eyes. He blinked, moving faster than he realized, hugged the cat on his body, rolled over, and burying his face while slapped.

"Acai, Dad loves you more than ever~"

After speaking, he also kissed the sweet and soft cat belly.

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