A quarter of an hour later.

Fang Chao's boat stood on the promenade outside the door of Zhongli Yueshui room with several paw prints.

The white cat sat a step away next to him, licking his paw gracefully.

After it "licked" it, he turned his head and glanced at Fang Chaozhou. Seeing that people were sad, his tail flicked slightly, and he got up and walked towards the door. When it reached the door, the door opened automatically. A small slit.

After the white cat entered, the door closed again.

At Mao Shizheng, Fang Chaozhou heard Zhong Li Yueshui's voice coming from the room.

"Fang Chaozhou, I only teach you one hour a day. You need to remember everything I said in this hour."

After he finished speaking, he was silent for a while, his voice became much more serious, "Fang Chaozhou!"

Fang Chaozhou was dizzy as soon as he heard the sound of Zhongli Yueshui. The closer he got, the more dizzy he was. He bit the tip of his tongue before reluctantly cheering up, and replied, "Yes, Master."

And for the next hour, Fang Chaozhou was dizzy all the way, and he didn't know when the other party's voice stopped. The white cat walked out of the room in Zhongli Yueshui and saw Fang Chaozhou sitting cross-legged, but after his eyes were completely empty, it suddenly turned into a white tiger, walked over, and opened his mouth to bite Fang Chaozhou's boat. The collar dragged people out.

Fang Chaozhou, who had been dragged more than ten feet away, finally came to his senses. As soon as he became sober, Bai Hu released him and changed back to the petite body shape of a white cat, but it stepped on Fang Chao with a paw. On Zhou's face, Mandarin Duck eyes stared at him coldly, as if staring at his prey, "Meow, you should go to practice now, Master Zhongli said, you have to practice until Haishi every day."

When you cultivate to Haishi, isn't it that the daily practice time is as long as seven hours? This does not include an hour in class.

Before Fang Chaozhou could speak, the white cat stepped on his face and left, leaving a sentence, "Meow, Hua Lishan never left waste, because waste was thrown away."

To be thrown from here, must die thoroughly.

Fang Chaozhou got up, wiped his face a few times, and chuckled again, muttering in a low voice, "Does the cats in the realm of comprehension lose their "hair" too?"

However, this feeling was so familiar that he felt happy.

A Cai is a cat he raised in modern times. After wearing this novel, he had no cats to **** and was empty for a long time.

He dare not raise cats here. Compared with humans, the life span of cats is already very short. If compared with monks, it will be even shorter. Moreover, monks’ retreat is as short as half a year and longer than ten years, making it more difficult to raise cats. .

The white cat raised by Master is too fierce.

Fang Chaozhou doesn't dare to "touch" his face now. There should be no rabies in the world, right? There is no vaccine available here.


Huali Mountain is empty and "swaying". The only living people are Fang Chao's boat and Zhongli Yueshui. Zhongli Yueshui will naturally not take care of Fang's "tide" boat, so all day down, Fang Chao's boat will Just stay alone.

After a few hours of practice, Fang Chaozhou, who likes to combine work with rest, was about to lie down and rest for a while, and the white cat would emerge, and the mandarin ducks stared at him.

Fang "chao" boat:...

He lifted his half-lying body back again.

In the courtyard where Fang Chao Zhou lived, the decorations during the period were all extraordinary items, and the clothes in the closet, Fang Chao Zhou paid attention to them. Those clothes were obviously not prepared for him. Although they are all new, every piece A red crane is embroidered on his clothes.

This courtyard should have been prepared by Zhong Li Yueshui for Xue Danrong, but he did not expect Xue Danrong to come over and let him come.

After Fang Chaozhou noticed this fact, except to go to class every day, he didn't go to Zhongli Yueshui at all other times. After all, Zhong Li Yueshui killing him is as simple as strangling an ant.

After living in Huali Mountain, the claw marks on Fang Chaozhou's face have not disappeared, because new ones are added every day. Every morning when he just woke up, his consciousness always took a while to return to his body, so every time he would forget that the cat who woke him up was not his own Acai, he was always used to "sexually" hug the cat. Into the arms, and then kiss again.

The white cat, who has been hiding far away, is very irritable every morning because he can't figure it out. Why can this guy hug him so accurately every time? Even if it hides fast.

It can be said that all of Fang Chaozhou’s cultivation bases are now used to **** cats.

After a few days, the white cat became angry. It turned into the form of a white tiger and asked Fang Chaozhou to get up.

So on this day, Fang "chao" and "being lost" opened his eyes in a daze, and he used to "sex" to hug the cat.


Didn't hug.

He didn’t realize that he was not completely awake. If the cat was not for him, he went to the cat, so he rolled around in the quilt and rolled to Baihu’s side, burying his face in the fluffy and fluffy man. In the warm tiger "hair".

On this day, Fang Chaozhou’s paw prints were larger than usual.

Even if he was standing outside the corridor of Zhongli's Yueshui room door, he couldn't help but inhale lightly. This white cat is a demon beast, and the wounds it caused will not heal for a while. He has no "medicine" for injuries and can only heal itself.

The pain made him feel faint after listening to Zhong Li Yueshui’s class today, and Zhong Li Yueshui heard the inhalation sound from Fang's Chaozhou from time to time, and could not help stopping the lecture, saying coldly, “Since you have no intentions today Let's go to class."

When Fang Chaozhou heard this, he bowed to the door of the room, "Thank you, Master."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Not long after leaving, a white cat followed.

"Meow, you are so courageous, haven't you found Master Zhongli angry?"

Fang "Chao" Zhou sighed, "I know, but it hurts too much. I can't help it. If I stand there again, wouldn't it be more annoying to Master? I should come back to the class tomorrow." When he said that, he squatted. Looking down at the white cat, he tried to discuss with him, "Can I take a day off today?"

The white cat tilted his head and looked at the youth in front of him, "Meow, what do you think?"

Fang Chao Zhou smiled, "I think it's okay."

The white cat's pupils shrank into a line and stared at Fang Chaozhou coldly. After Fang Chaozhou received the message in his eyes, he got up and went back to the courtyard, muttering to himself: "Today is really a good day for cultivation."

After practicing to Haishi, Fang Chaozhou didn't want to do almost anything, but just wanted to lie down quietly. The white cat would come over to check the progress of Fang's "Chao" boat. It saw Fang's "Chao" boat lying like a dead body, and said nothing, gracefully walked past Fang's "Chao" boat and jumped to the side. He put his paws into the teacup that Fang Chaozhou had half drunk.

Fang Chaozhou noticed, but he has become accustomed to having cats for many years.

Cats have this bad "problem".

But Fang Chaozhou still had other plans in his mind, and it wouldn't work if it went on like this. Either he died under the claws of the opponent, or he was exhausted first. Now it is this white cat who is supervising his cultivation. As long as he can please this white cat, he can still rest for a while every day.

As a cat slave, Fang Chaozhou did what he said, and immediately began to implement a series of measures to please the cat owner.

First, cats like dried fish.

There is a lake in Huali Mountain. Fang Chao's boat went there and turned around and noticed that there were fish in it. That day and night, he immediately went to the lake after his practice. Without fishing tools, he decided to catch it by himself, so he took off his clothes and socks, rolled up his trousers and went into the water.

To illuminate, he also brought a lamp over.

Fang's Chaozhou used a technique to fix the lamp at a point above the lake to illuminate the place within a square meter of him, and then he started to fish. The fishes in this lake are very clever. Fang Chaozhou caught them several times, but let them get out of his hands.

"what are you doing?"

The sudden sound frightened Fang Chaozhou's boat. He was too frightened. When he looked back, he saw that Zhong Li had crossed the water. He had no time to frighten, and he began to feel dizzy again.

Zhong Li Yueshui looked at the young man whose most of his body was soaked in the water, with a bad tone, "Why are you here late at night?"

Fang Chaozhou squeezed himself hard to cheer up and reply, "Back to Master, I'm fishing for fish."

"Fishing? Why fish?" Zhong Li Yueshui raised his eyebrows.

"I want to give Mi... ah, no, to replenish the body of the white cat raised by the master." Fang Chaozhou said.

Zhong Li Yueshui's tone became worse and worse, "It doesn't need you to catch fish to make up for your body. Besides, as a monk, why do you want to go into the water to catch fish like a mortal?"

In his eyes, the young man in front of him was really useless. If Xue Danrong hadn't begged him, he would never have brought such a muddy person to Huali Mountain.

Because he looked down on it, he was never polite to talk to Chaozhou.

Even if the other party is a direct disciple received by his apprentice.

"If you use the technique, a lot of fish in the lake will die. I only want one." Fang Chaozhou lowered his head and replied.

When Zhong Li Yueshui heard this, his tone did not relax a little, and was even more severe. "To kill is to kill. There is no difference between killing one kill and killing dozens or hundreds of kills. In the eyes of those fishes, you are the executioner. You. Don’t do such useless things in the future. The fish in this lake are originally for Tubai. They will come to eat when they are hungry. You don’t need to catch fish deliberately to please them. If you have this time, it’s better to cultivate."

He turned and left after speaking.

Fang Chaozhou watched the other person's back slowly go away, before he got out of the water, he heard another voice.

"Meow, you are really stupid."

It's a white cat.

Fang "Chao" Zhou went to see the white cat sitting in the shadow, not knowing how long it had been sitting there.

The white cat stared at the Fang "chao" boat still standing in the water, stood up, walked lightly to this side, and walked to the lake. It put its paws into the lake water, almost for a moment, it used its small Claws caught a big fat fish up.

When Fang Chaozhou saw this scene, he had nothing to say. He could only come out of the lake. He cast a spell to dry the clothes on his body. When he was wearing shoes and socks, the white cat walked to his side.

"Meow, are you sad? If you are sad, just tell Master Zhong Li, you can take the initiative to leave Tianshui Sect."

After it finished speaking, it waited expectantly for the youth's response, but unexpectedly, its head was slapped.

Fang Chaozhou squatted down, serious, "If you don't leave, it will be half a year if you say it. One month, one day, or one hour can't be considered half a year."

He remembered what Zhong Li Yueshui said, Xue Danrong had to be isolated from him for at least half a year. After half a year, Xue Danrong's feelings for him would return to the way it was before.

And now, if he leaves the Tianshui Sect, it is easy to be captured by Li Yiye. He doesn't want blood to flow into a river, so he can only stay thick-skinned.

In half a year, enough time for Li Yiye to forget him.

After all, Li Yiye treated him only on a whim, and after a long period of time, he probably didn't even remember what he looked like.

Just thinking of this, Fang Chaozhou had another claw mark on his face.

The white cat's voice was grim, "Did you just wash your hands with your shoes and socks?"

It was so angry that the "meow" in front was gone.

Fang Chaozhou looked at his hand, then stood up and ran.


Although the first small fish failed to please, Fang Chaozhou quickly drafted the second one.

Comb the cat with "hair".

But grooming cats is risky. Some cats like it very much and some are disgusted. Fang Chaozhou can only try it.

He made a close-toothed comb by himself. When the white cat was using his teacup to soak his feet, he secretly put the comb behind the white cat and combed it from top to bottom.

This order is very important. Most cats hate their "hair" being combed backwards.

He combed it. The white cat didn't respond, and was still drinking water. Fang Chaozhou hesitated for a while, combed it again, and the white cat's tail flung.

Fang Chaozhou's eyes lit up and he wanted to hit the iron by the heat, but when he combed it for the third time, the comb in his hand snapped and broke in half.

The second one is failure.

The price of failure was another injury on Fang Chaozhou's face.

But soon, Fang Chaozhou implemented Article 3.

He drew a circle on the floor with a "hair" pen, and then called the white cat, "Mimi."

The white cat didn't look back, Fang Chaozhou thought for a while, got up, picked up the white cat's teacup that was still soaking her feet, and placed it in the circle.

After a while, the teacup was overturned and water was spilled on the floor. The white cat squatted outside the circle and continued to "lick" its paw gracefully.

The third is failure.


Fourth, failure.

Article 5, failure.

Article... Failure.

After repeated defeats and defeats, Fang Chaozhou abandoned himself. Starting this morning, after being caught a few times, he did not let go of the white cat in his arms. Instead, he became courageous. Style horse to kill chicken.

After scratching his chin dozens of times, the white cat that had been fried in his arms slowly retracted into the meat pad. After a while, its throat made a gurgling sound, and it quickly slapped the tail of the bed to silence, and even the mandarin duck eyes narrowed.

Fang Chaozhou, who has been raising cats for ten years, scratched the cat's chin while gently tapping the white cat's butt.

His family Acai likes him doing this the most.

Fang Chaozhou patted while observing the white cat’s reaction. Seeing that the other party’s buttocks turned up, the corners of his lips turned up, but only halfway up, the smile on the corners of his lips solidified. .

The white cat in his arms became more than ten times louder with a "bang", directly pressing half of his body.

Bai Hu opened his eyes and stared at the young man with blue and yellow mandarin duck eyes, his paws stepped on the other's shoulders, his voice was dull, "Go on."

Fuck the cat, Fang Chao can move the boat, but the tiger, he really doesn't move.

So Fang Chaozhou looked at the tiger face close at hand, swallowed his saliva nervously, and quickly cast a spell. After he cast the spell, he immediately got up, trying to escape, but he couldn't even get out the door and he was thrown down.

The hot scent of a beast sprayed on the back of his neck, and almost at the same time, countless goose bumps appeared on that piece of skin.

In the next instant, Fang Chao's boat was turned over.

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