Some water splashed on Fang Chaozhou's face, he silently reached out and wiped his face, took a new coat from the storage ring and put it on his body, and headed for the shore.

He swam ashore, and the chicken followed.

"Let’s say it first. I only want to sign a normal contract. I will never sign a soul contract. You look thin and look like a white face. I don’t know how long you can live."

Fang Chaozhou ignored the chicken's words. He put on his coat and then his robe. All the clothes from the inside out were changed, not only the clothes, but also the shoes and socks.

As for the clothes he changed, he ruined them all by magic, and they were completely ruined, with no ashes left.

After changing his clothes, Fang Chaozhou looked around and randomly picked a direction to go, but within two steps, the chicken ran in front of him, spreading its wings and blocking the way.

"Where are you going?" The chicken's small round eyes stared at Fang Chaozhou, "Don't think that we are not as good as those dragons and tigers and monsters. I'm amazing. Don't be blind. Good chicken!"

As he said, it flapped its wings frantically. It has to be said that the wings of this chicken are very beautiful, the front end is white and the tail end is blue.

But no matter how beautiful it is, it is only a chicken.

Although Fang Chaozhou didn't think about signing a contract with any particularly powerful rare beast, would he be scolded by the master when he signed a chicken?

In the underground demon realm, a monk can only sign a contract with one demon beast. Once selected, it cannot be changed.

But Fang Chaozhou thought for a while, still squatted down, "Brother chicken, you are really good, but I don't know how to raise chickens. You should go find someone else."

The chicken was silent for a moment, and the next moment it fell directly on the spot, with two paws up to the sky, wings on the ground, and bluntly said: "Come here, look at this monk who has always been "chaotic" and abandoned, even me. The poor little chickens deceived me, deceived me that no one is old, no one is young, a lonely chick, come on! Come and see this monk's ugly face!"

Fang "Chao" boat: "..."

It seems that there is no such strange monster in the original work, and the method of touching porcelain is so skilled, maybe it is not the first time.

"Don't bark, even if you crack your throat, no one will help you preside over the chicken road." Fang Chaozhou helped his knees, stood up, stepped directly over the chicken's body, and continued to walk forward.

Within two steps, he heard the sound of the chicken again.

"It looks like I don't "show" my true skills. You won't believe that I am very good. Separation. Body skills!" The voice shouted magnificently, and Fang Chaozhou was surrounded by a group of chicks. .

The group of yellow "color" soft down "hair" chicks chirped, frantically pecking at Fang Chaozhou's shoes with their small mouths.

Fang Chaozhou looked down at this scene and pressed his lips silently, but in the end he couldn't help but stretched out his sinful hand to the group of chicks. It turned out that when he was in elementary school, the one he admired most was the uncle who sold chicks at the entrance of the school. Now he finally has a bunch of chicks sucking, and the chicks feel so comfortable to the touch.

And just because Fang Chaozhou sucked the group of chicks, the chicken was even more reluctant to let him go. It was said that Fang Chaozhou had taken advantage of it, and then Fang Chaozhou was still unwilling. The next best thing is to say that it is too boring to stay in the underground demon realm with a chicken, and that other monsters want to eat it when they see it, so that it hasn't been spoken for so many years.

It does not require Fang Chaozhou to sign a contract with it.

"Just take me for a ride, pity me, this lonely chicken."

Fang Chao Zhou looked at the two little chickens in his palms, hesitated for a moment, and still let go, but because this chicken was delivered to the door on his own initiative, Fang Chao Zhou was afraid of fraud, so he was still a little precautionary. of.

But this chicken didn’t recognize it at all. On the same day, when Fang Chao Zhou sat down to rest, it took the initiative to jump into Fang Chao Zhou’s arms and fell asleep, as if he had no defense at all. There is no fear that Fang Chaozhou will kill it and take its inner alchemy.

What surprised Fang Chaozhou even more was the treasure hunting ability of this chicken.

They have been together for a while, and the chicken ran left and right all the way, sometimes there was no chicken shadow, and when it came back, it had something in its mouth, sometimes it was 100-year-old Ganoderma lucidum, sometimes it was The spirit fruit that can increase the cultivation base, the most exaggerated time, it also came back with a blond hairpin.

The hairpin was probably accidentally dropped by a female nun, and she picked it up and took it back.

"Give it to you, give it to you." The chicken gave Fang Chao Zhou all the things he picked up. Fang Chao Zhou was embarrassed to accept it, but the other party became angry and said Fang Chao Zhou looked down on it. , And then said that if Fang "Chao" Zhou is embarrassed, give it a name.

"I don't have a name yet. I heard that your monks are all very good names. You can help me choose one!"

Fang Chaozhou thought of the celadon umbrella he had temporarily put in the storage ring. When faced with the chicken's request, he tried to tell the truth and rejected the other party, "I'm not good at naming it."

The chicken said: "You just take it, any name is fine."

When Fang Chaozhou heard these words, he looked at the chicken carefully and said hesitantly: "Da Hei?"

After a period of silence, Fang Chaozhou was frantically pecked at his boots by a chicken.

Fortunately, that chicken is not just a monster that holds grudges. After angrily pecked the Fang's "chao" boat for a while, it died down again. It didn't take long for it to bring back an egg, which was half the size of its body. , This way was kicked by it with its paws.

As soon as it came back, he called Fang Chaozhou, "Come on, open this snake egg, this is the egg of a double-headed snake, it is the most nourishing, we are half a chicken."

The double-headed snake can be regarded as a more dangerous treasure monster in the underground monster realm. Fang Chaozhou didn't expect this chicken to come back with an egg, "Where did you get it?"

"Of course it was from the den of those two stupid snakes. The two of them were busy mating. Mating. The four snake mouths kissed so hard that they would not have noticed my single chicken. I secretly got it here. Come on. Open, I'm thirsty."

Both the snake gall and snake eggs of the double-headed snake can be eaten raw, and they can also be used as "medicine". They are both great tonics. Fang Chaozhou stared at the snake egg for a while. In order to increase his cultivation, he still The snake egg opened.

The snake egg was divided into two halves by him, half he drank, and the other half was placed in front of the chicken. Fang Chaozhou drank snake eggs for the first time, the smell was so fishy that he almost vomited it out, but the chicken drank very happily, and after drinking it, he spun around and danced on the spot.

Fang Chaozhou finally pinched his nose before drinking the egg liquid.

And the fact that they ate the eggs of the double-headed snake was still discovered.

It turns out that the two-headed snake counts snake eggs every day. It is found that one is missing, and a chicken "feather" is found next to the snake's nest. The male snake in it quickly chases after smelling the smell and sees only eggshells on the ground. At the time of the snake's egg, he was furious, and wanted to bite the "chao" boat and the chicken like a mad, and he couldn't avoid some spells.

Fang Chaozhou saw that the double-headed snake was not easy to deal with, so he chose to escape, but on the way to escape, he was accidentally bitten by the double-headed snake.

He had just been bitten, and the chicken running in front of him came back, his body increased dozens of times, one soaring, and one paw slammed on the double-headed snake's eyes. The two-headed snake was in pain and could not help letting go of Fang's Chaozhou, and the chicken took the opportunity to grab Fang's Chaozhou's clothes with a sharp beak, and ran forward frantically.

Fang Chaozhou, who was dragged all the way, couldn't open his eyes because of the dust on the road. He tried to stop the chicken several times, and he opened his mouth and got chicken feathers in his mouth.

Finally, when the chicken stopped, he felt that he was alive. Before he could perform the purification technique, he heard the chicken say "who are you?" I finally caught it. Where did that little white-faced monk go?"

Fang "Chao" boat: "..."

He snorted twice before spitting out the chicken feathers in his mouth, and then said: "If I understand correctly, the little white-faced monk you mentioned should be me, but you have to let me wash it first."


The double-headed snake bit Fang Chaozhou’s calf, which happened to be Song Lianyi’s left leg. After Fang Chaozhou treated the wound and cleaned himself, he first found a cave and temporarily avoided it. Shelter.

The chicken went into the cave with him. After entering, it was still very angry and kept thinking about it, "That stupid snake, what does it do to be so angry when eating an egg? In a few days, I will take its snake All the eggs are stolen! All must be stolen! No, I don’t steal it once a day.

Fang Chaozhou was sitting against the wall. At first he was able to respond to the chicken's complaint, but after a while, he felt top-heavy.

He noticed that something was wrong, and pinched himself severely, regaining his sobriety, "The book doesn't seem to say that the double-headed snake is poisonous."

The chicken beside him heard Fang Chaozhou's words, "The double-headed snake is not poisonous... Wait, I forgot that you also ate the stupid snake's eggs. The two together are poisonous! Oops! , Oh oh oh oh, I'll go out and see what can detoxify!"

After speaking, it ran out.

Fang Chaozhou, who stayed in the cave, took the poison pill first, and then rolled up his trouser legs. He first wrapped it around the proximal end of the wound with a belt, tied it tightly, and then used a knife to draw on the snake tooth print. Two crosses, trying to squeeze out the poisonous blood.

Since he and Xue Danrong were bitten by the cloud crimson snake that year, he went back to the Tianshui Sect and went to look through the treatment methods for being bitten by the snake. He saw that this method can make the toxins spread less quickly. .

He beat his spirits, gritted his teeth, and squeezed out the blood from the wound, but for a short while, the blood of the red color of pomegranate flowed down the snow-white calf, washing the painting on the leg, and the color of the painting. "It became more intense, and the three colors of red, black and white were mixed together, dazzling and gorgeous.

The blood kept flowing down, not only the golden bells, but also the white socks.

These days, Fang Chaozhou has been trying to wash off the painting on his calf and take off the anklet, but failed.

When Fang Chao's boat was squeezed to almost no bleeding, the chicken came back, and when it came back, it yelled loudly, "Little white face, I caught a monk who came from the Tianshui Sect like you outside."

It had asked Fang's Chaozhou which sect belongs to.

When Fang Chaozhou heard this, he couldn't help raising his head. When he saw the person standing at the entrance of the cave, he was startled for a while, his eyes drooped involuntarily, and as soon as he dropped, he saw the painting on his leg.

For some reason, his first reaction was to put the trouser legs down. After doing this, he whispered, "Little Junior Brother."

With the sound of footsteps approaching, Fang Chaozhou unconsciously touched his fingertips when he felt the shadow cage down. After rubbing a few times, his wrist was clasped.

"Senior brother is injured, do you not want to contact me?" Xue Danrong's voice was very low, and his tone seemed a little different from usual.

Fang Chaozhou didn't know how to describe his current mood, but he didn't want to see Xue Danrong at this time, let alone let the other party discover the painting on his leg and the golden bell anklet.

He looked down at his clasped wrist, and tried to pull it out with a slight force, but instead of twitching, he was held tighter by the opponent.

The young man who clasped his wrist said in an understatement: "It's dirty, I need to wash it, brother."

The word "senior brother" is almost connected with the previous words, and there does not seem to be a pause in the middle, but Fang Chaozhou is not sure, but when Xue Danrong said those two words, his voice fell again. Listen It's a bit vague.

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