Xue Danrong helped Fang Chaozhou to wipe off the blood on his hand. After wiping, he stretched out his hand on the trouser leg of the other Chaozhou's left leg, but before it was rolled up, Fang Chaozhou hurriedly blocked him Hands.

"Little Junior Brother, I was just bitten by a snake. I have taken the poison pill and squeezed out the poisonous blood, so I don't need to watch it anymore."

The light in the cave was not very bright, Xue Danrong lowered his eyes, and his long eyelashes were like the long grass by the lake. With a light touch, they covered the lake reflecting the stars. He did not speak, but slowly withdrew his hand.

But the chicken cried, "Little white face, don't underestimate the poison of the double-headed snake, it can be powerful, you should let this big beauty take a look!"

Fang Chaozhou heard that the chicken was called Xue Danrong, a great beauty, and couldn't help but glanced at Xue Danrong's expression.

Sure enough, Xue Danrong's face was obviously ugly. Probably the protagonist of millions of "fans" has a common problem, that is, he most hates others for praising him for his good looks.

The chicken didn't know that Xue Danrong's expression had deteriorated, so he leaned in and urged: "Quickly, roll up your trouser legs, you are all men, and you are in the same family. What is so shy about."

"Brother, you and I are in the same school, you are all injured, are you not willing to let me help you?" Xue Danrong said softly, "What are you worried about, Brother?"

"I..." Fang Chaozhou said a word and closed his mouth again.

Seeing that they only talked, the chicken didn’t do anything. It was anxious. It grabbed Fang Chaozhou’s pants with its sharp beak, and only heard a “tear” sound. The fabric on its calf became a strip of cloth. The painting naturally also "shows" the tip of the iceberg.

The Fang Chaozhou had no time to cover it, and Xue Danrong's hand was already covered.

The cold fingertips picked up the cloth, traversed the entangled body of the black and white snakes, and landed around the wound.

"The wound has not been cleaned, and the poisonous blood inside has not been completely squeezed out." Xue Danrong frowned, "If the poison of the double-headed snake is serious, it will paralyze the mind and make people become a fool."

Fang Chaozhou was shocked by these words.

In his mind, it is better to kill him to become a fool.

He didn't care that Xue Danrong was still there, so he tore off the cloth that was in the way and continued to squeeze blood, but the blood squeezed out was too little. Fang Chaozhou looked around, picked up the knife he had just stroked his leg, and was about to make a bigger cut, but Xue Danrong stopped him.

"You can't scratch. The toxin of the double-headed snake will damage the wound, and the wound will be enlarged. By then, the skin and flesh of this place may be ulcerated, and the area of ​​festering will increase.

"Then... what should I do?" Fang Chaozhou was at a loss. He threw away the knife, and went to look through his storage ring again to see if there was a detoxifying pill inside him. When I turned something, a warm sensation suddenly came from my legs.

The chicken next to it lifted its wings to block its eyes, "Tsk tusk, I can't see this kind of scene with a chicken." It whispered, turned and ran out, and ran out of the cave.

Fang Chaozhou was stunned for a while before looking at Xue Danrong, who lowered his head to help him take poison and blood. Two years ago, the other party did the same, and helped him **** snake venom in a cave.

Now, again...

Fang Chaozhou glanced at Xue Danrong who was helping him take drugs, and then placed his gaze on the stone wall next to him, not looking at Xue Danrong at all. The touch on his legs made his scalp numb, and he had to pinch his hand to hold back his leg.

I don't know how long time has passed, and finally Xue Danrong raised his head.

As soon as he raised his head, Fang Chaozhou immediately thanked him.

"Thank you Junior Brother."

While thanking him, he retracted his leg, but as soon as he retracted, he heard Xue Danrong's voice.

"Brother, wait, the wound has not been treated yet."

"Oh." Fang Chaozhou became even more embarrassed, and responded with a muffled voice, and could only stretch out his leg again.

Xue Danrong took out a bottle the size of a hip flask from the storage ring. He tore off the waistband that Fang Chaozhou was tied to his leg, and washed Fang Chaozhou’s wound with the bottle for a while, and then Fall down at the knee.

The "medicine" water poured out of the bottle looked like water, but it had a fragrance.

The "medicine" water flowed down Fang Chaozhou's calf, and Xue Danrong's hand was also covered, his fingers pressed against the skin of his calf, and the blood on his leg was wiped off a little bit, when it reached the golden bell. , His hand paused, and then he seemed to have found nothing, and continued to help Fang Chaozhou treat the wound.

But when it was processed later, he took a handkerchief, wiped off the "liquid" body on his leg, and wiped the golden bell. When the golden bell was touched, she couldn't wait to make a jingle.

That voice made Fang Chaozhou even more embarrassed, and couldn't help but want to retract his legs. Xue Danrong did not stop him, cleaned his lips and hands, took out a bottle of pill "medicine", and handed it to Fang Chaozhou.

"Brother, eat this."

Fang "Chao" Zhou glanced at the "medicine", took it, and asked, "Detoxification?"

Xue Danrong gave a hum, and Fang Chaozhou didn't doubt the others, poured out a pill, and ate it directly. After taking the "medicine", he sat back, because the fabric on his calf was gone, he was embarrassed to change clothes in front of Xue Danrong, so he could only cover it with the wide sleeves.

Because Xue Danrong stopped talking, Fang Chaozhou felt that the atmosphere was really embarrassing. After thinking about it, he still felt that he could find a topic to talk about, and then invited the other party out and said that he wanted to change his clothes.

"Little brother, why did you run into that chicken?"

"Chicken?" Xue Danrong paused obviously, "Brother thought it was a chicken?"

When Fang Chaozhou heard this, he was a little surprised, "Isn't that a chicken? It said it was a chicken."

Xue Danrong shook his head, "No, it's a kind of brown horse chicken, but it's forgivable for my brother to admit that it's breed. This kind of bird is not good at flying and prefers to run on the ground like a chicken.

Fang "Chao" Zhou recalled the chicken, ah, no, the bird was dragging and running on the ground with itself in its mouth. After a while, he said, "It turns out that this is the case. The one...that brown horse chicken?"

"It happened to happen." Xue Danrong said lightly.

When Fang Chaozhou heard the words, he didn't know what to say for a moment. After a pause, he said in a low voice, "Thank you, brother, I want to change my clothes."

When the words fell, Xue Danrong got up and went out. When he went out, Fang Chaozhou heard the brown horse chicken outside talking, as if asking him about his situation. He thought for a while, and set up an enchantment before starting to change clothes.

After changing his clothes, he unlocked the barrier, "I changed it, you can come in."

He let the brown horse chicken come in, but only Xue Danrong came in. Fang Chaozhou couldn't help but looked at Xue Danrong's back, "Where is it?"

"He said he was a little thirsty. He went to drink water and will come back later." Xue Danrong approached Fang Chaozhou, and he sat down beside him. Seeing him sitting down, Fang Chaozhou moved aside, making the gap larger, "Then let's wait for it to come back, and I don't know if the double-headed snake will chase him."

He and Xue Danrong did not talk with each other, but he said a lot. Xue Danrong only said a few words occasionally, or nodded and shook his head, and was very quiet.

When Fang Chaozhou saw this, he closed his mouth, but when he closed his mouth, Xue Danrong took the initiative to open his mouth again.

"Who painted the painting on the brother's leg?"

Fang Chaozhou pressed his lips and then said Song Lianyi's name.

"Song Lianyi of Fengyue'an?" Xue Danrong glanced over, "Why does he paint on his senior brother's lap?"

"He...he..." Fang Chaozhou couldn't say the first word. He couldn't say it. He could only repeat the first word until he felt that the painting was touched.

It was Xue Danrong's hand that opened the obstacles and landed directly on the painting. His action made Fang Chaozhou immediately want to retract his leg, but the other party clasped his ankle.

At the same time, because of their actions, the bell on Fang Chaozhou's ankle rang out of time.

Without retracting his legs, Fang Chaozhou was very embarrassed, especially when he noticed that the hands on the painting were moving upwards.

"Little Junior Brother." He called each other.

But Xue Danrong didn't let go, just moved his hand to the ankle, he lifted Fang Chaozhou's trouser legs, and flicked the bell on the anklet with his fingers, jingling. The begonias on the legs opened many flowers, and some of the petals spread to the ankles. Dansha red flowers are paired with red gold "color" bells, and the snow-white skin is used as the background "color".

Xue Danrong played with the bell, with a calm tone, "If you don’t want to answer a question, you don’t want to answer it. If you encounter a question you are willing to answer, you can answer again." He paused, "This bell is also worn by Song Lianyi. of?"

Fang Chaozhou gritted his teeth, "Yes, but I was forced, I am useless, I can't wash the painting, nor can I take the bell off."

Having said that, he took the initiative to roll up his trouser legs and rubbed the painting on it vigorously, but how he rubbed it, he couldn't rub the color off the painting, instead he made his skin red.

Xue Danrong grabbed Fang Chaozhou's hand, "Brother."

Fang Chaozhou was caught with one hand, and the other hand went to pull the bell. Naturally, the bell couldn't be pulled off, but because of his behavior, both hands were caught.

He earned money for a long time, didn't take his hand out, and frustrated, kicked Xue Danrong.

He kicked hard and tried his best.

After kicking it out, he was stunned first, looking at the footprints on Xue Danrong's clothes, stopped struggling, and let the opponent grasp his hand.

"You... why don't you hide?" Fang Chaozhou asked hesitantly.

With Xue Danrong's cultivation base, it is impossible to avoid this kick.

"I know that the brother has anger in his heart, and the qi always has to come out, so that he can be happy. If the brother is not relieved, you can kick a few more feet." Xue Danrong said lightly.

These words made Fang Chaozhou completely quiet, and he slowly dropped his head and stopped moving.

Xue Danrong let go of Fang Chaozhou's hand, and his gaze fell on the opponent's leg. Fang Chaozhou just pulled the bell too hard, and then he pulled a blood mark on his ankle.

Xue Danrong first wiped the oozing blood beads with a silk paw, and then took a soothing "medicine" ointment to apply, the whole movement was so gentle that it couldn't be gentle.

Immediately after applying the "medicine", he heard a rustling sound next to him, and when he turned his head, it turned out that Fang Chaozhou moved over.

Fang Chaozhou stared at Xue Danrong's face for a long time before saying: "Little Junior Brother, I understand your difficulty now."

Xue Danrong didn't speak, but abruptly, there was an extra hand on his face.

Fang Chaozhou "touched" Xue Danrong's face, and said aggrievedly, "I shouldn't feel irritated when I read the text. Cub, you should cultivate immortality well. Those dog men should be as far away from you as possible. . Promise Dad to focus on cultivating your mind, and don’t be tempted, okay? Those people are just greedy for your body, they are all too much!"

Xue Danrong's eyes slowly changed. He didn't pull the hand of the "Chao" boat underneath. He just said, "Brother, why do I not understand what you are saying?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, but you have to remember what I said next. Li Zhu is the little demon of the Dark Soul Gate. He is reading your fanboy script every day, and he likes to bite people, either by biting his ears or by biting. The hand is a bastard. Li Yiye, the big demon of the Dark Soul Gate, is also a bastard. His son is still that old. The most important thing is that his place is too big and dead. Also, Song Lianyi, That is a pervert. He is not only an impotence man, but also a foot fetish, and he can be big enough for human feet."

Fang Chaozhou didn't notice a change in the surrounding atmosphere, and continued.

"Although Zhong Li Yueshui is good-looking and has a high cultivation base, he...he is too fierce, and he likes to spank people. Forget spanking and kicking, he also likes spanking. Fortunately, you have a high talent. , And like to practice, otherwise he might "force" you to cleanse your marrow. If you really want to form a companion, I think Du Yunxi is good, considerate and kind, but he may not be able to protect you. After all, he will greet you. There are so many men."

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