There are a lot of people in this migration, although they are all young adults, but there are a lot of items to be carried. Saree made a rough estimate that even if he traveled normally without encountering heavy rain, it would take at least fifteen days to reach his new place of residence. And this also requires that the cartridges invented by Qin Fei can function normally, and the males do not need to spend extra time hunting along the way, otherwise it will take them a lot of time just for food.

Qin Fei had no experience with the migration of so many people, so she discussed it with a few people again. Father Lunfa and Priest Ruma both thought it was best to rest in Nata for two days before setting off, and Saree also thought it was the best. After all, the old and the weak who stayed in Nata after they left accounted for half of the ratio, and it may take a long time for them to be separated this time, and there is no way to take care of Nata's side. Saree suggested to use these two days to reserve more food for Nata, especially the baa beasts that are easier to keep in captivity.

Saree's proposal was approved by all members. That afternoon, the males were divided into several teams. At a location not far from Nata, they hunted a few batches of baa beasts and returned, and expanded and strengthened the fence. This naturally reduced a lot of hunting pressure for the remaining males.

Qin Fei also left some pods for Nata's leaders and the priest Sunaira of Chamaiha. In the event of a food crisis, several leaders can pick up those stunned beasts by setting off smoke bombs, but this seems not suitable for long-term large-scale use in a fixed hunting area, because the effect of the smoke bombs is very strong. In a coma, you lose consciousness for a long time. If it is used for a long time, it will easily lead to the extinction of species in a certain area, and the reason is still very sad and starved to death. So Qin Fei hopes that several Nata leaders can make good use of pods and not cause adverse consequences. As for the cartridges in the hands of Priest Sunaira, Qin Fei repeatedly instructed the old Priest not to use them unless the tribe was attacked by powerful enemies or besieged by beasts. The old priest Sunella carefully put away the cartridges and assured Qin Fei that they would be properly preserved.

Two days later, the first migratory team set off from the Nata tribe and entered the dense jungle area in the farewell of the clansmen. Along the way, Qin Fei used the invincible smoke bomb again, which not only provided a lot of food for everyone, but also ensured the safety of the group. Qin Fei and the others have walked this road twice, and there is another small ooh who is curious about the direction. Where there is a big cave to rest, and where there is a water source to supply, there is no error at all, but it is almost the same. Although it encountered several heavy rains, because of the experienced clansmen, they asked everyone to find a place to shelter from the rain in advance, and avoided the adventure in the rain. Despite some delays, nothing is more important than the safety of all personnel.

Along the way, everyone supported and cooperated with each other, and established a good friendship. Qin Fei was also happy to see this happen. Several elderly people and children who came over were well taken care of. Xiaobu and several little guys were carried in the back basket by the males in turn. As for several seniors with high moral character, Qin Fei asked people to prepare simple stretchers.

After struggling for more than half a month, I finally arrived at the new place of residence at noon on the seventeenth day. The distant little Ouwu used its unique chirping to inform the big beast that it was back. At noon when the weather was hot, the big beast naturally wouldn't climb out of the cave, but it still rubbed against the entrance of the cave and let out a roar that shook the mountains and rivers at the people who came from far away.

Although everyone has been reminded by Qin Fei, there are guards of the great beast here, and the voice of the great beast is not small. But that roar that even the ground couldn't stop shaking, still made everyone's legs go weak. The males of the Nata tribe are accustomed to hearing the roar of Xiaoaowu, although the cry of the big beast has been amplified many times, it is not too rude. The other two tribes had never heard such a roar before. Just from the sound, you can feel that those wild beasts of the jungle, compared with the owner of this voice, are definitely the food in the mouths of others. Immediately, a few were timid and fell to the ground in fright, unable to stand up.

Qin Fei rolled her eyes. Judging from the voice of the great beast, this guy is obviously suspected of standing up, otherwise there would be no such momentum. Seeing that the big beast is planning to roar again, to scare everyone. Diligently directed in the direction of the great beast, he opened his throat with a crackle, which was a lecture.

The big mythical beast with a miraculous face was grinning and preparing to roar a few more times. Unexpectedly, Qin Fei closed her mouth immediately after being frightened by this. Following Qin Fei's preaching, his head drooped lower and lower, and finally obediently returned to his cave. Although it was the first time for everyone in Nata to see an adult beast, they were only a little surprised since Qin Fei had also taught Xiao Aowu a lesson. The other two tribes were dumbfounded. They have heard legends about divine beasts, and recently they have also learned that the powerful Nata tribe has an underage divine beast. Before coming to the new residence, they were told that there is a big divine beast in the new location that can protect everyone's safety. But who can explain why these two divine beasts are so afraid of Nata's future priest Qin Fei.

It wasn't that Qin Fei didn't prepare anything for the beast, so she immediately found a few marinated pork that had been sealed with water Ukaka and placed it beside the cave of the beast. Who would have guessed that the big head that had been shrunk in, actually protruded out again under the shocked eyes of everyone. As soon as the big tongue rolled, he rolled a few pieces of braised pork that Qin Fei had placed on the ground into his mouth. The transparent water Ukaka was spit out by it, and the big beast chewed the marinated meat with a look of enjoyment, and gave Qin Fei a small pleasant name.

Everyone gathered in a black line, and the sacred Canaan beast in their hearts suddenly became a good foodie.

Saree discussed with the team leaders of the two clans, and then organized everyone to allocate temporary residences. Fortunately, during this time, the remaining males built some bamboo buildings. Everyone finally lived in the bamboo building, and no longer had to worry about the wet ground after the rain.

Xiao Bu and Xiao Ren were the few cubs who followed and were well taken care of along the way. Although the adults are very tired, the little guys are very energetic. Compared with the other few who have changed to a new environment, the somewhat cramped cubs, Xiao Bu and Xiao Ren are very lively. The two little guys were full of curiosity about the big beast that couldn't come out of the cave. As for the thunderous roar of the big beast, the two of them were not afraid at all.

Xiao Aowu also seems to think that the cave of the great beast is also counted as one-third of its land. It is necessary to take the two brothers for a walk, and get to know the great beast by the way.

Seeing that the two little guys were following Xiao Aowu, Qin Fei was about to slip into the cave of the great beast, and quickly pulled the brothers back.

Xiaobu pouted, "Father Qin Fei, Xiaobu just wants to go and see Da Ouwu."

Little Renn pouted, "Well, look at the big hoot."

Xiao Ouwu got out of the cave, "Oooo, Oooo..."

Qin Fei suddenly twitched the corners of his mouth, sighed helplessly, and pulled the two little guys a little farther from the hole to explain, "The place where Da Ouu lives is very cold. If you go in, you will get sick. Listen to Dad's words, the big oooo will come out of the cave later, and Dad will ask it to catch big water worms for you to eat. Now the three of you are playing in the open space. Yes, remember not to be near the river, or Dad will be angry."

Xiao Bu and Xiao Ren were obviously still a little unhappy, while Xiao Aowu tilted his head and seemed to understand. However, the three little guys still listened to Qin Fei's words very much, and there were quite a few novel objects around, and the three little guys' attention was quickly attracted by other things. No longer clamoring to go to the cave to find Da Ouu.

Qin Fei will naturally not be at ease when she comes back, how could it be possible to stare at the three little guys all the time, and the other cubs need to be taken care of. Qin Feili thought for a while, and called for Father Lunfa's granddaughter Lisa and Ren's uncle Ruipa, and asked them to help take care of a few cubs during this time.

The two were very satisfied with the tasks assigned by Qin Fei. Especially Ruipa, he only has a relative of Xiao Ren, but Qin Fei and Ruma took care of him so much that he felt that he had two more relatives. And he was originally a half-old child, and usually liked to hang out with a few cubs. During his time in the Nata tribe, because of their close age, he and Lisa, who also had no relatives in the tribe, got very close. Qin Fei's arrangement obviously gave him a chance to get closer to Lisa. So Ripa is naturally very happy, and takes care of the cubs more seriously.

That night, Saree discussed with the patriarchs of several clans and felt that everyone was very tired all the way. It was best to rest for two days. By the way, I used these two days to familiarize everyone with the environment of the new residence. Start preparing to repair the house that can survive the winter.

Although it is said to take two days off, everyone is not completely without things to do. Early in the morning, the males spontaneously formed small teams with fairly strong lineups, familiar with the hunting environment in the surrounding mountains and forests. The females also learned how to make rattan nets at the initiative of several females of the Nata tribe. The waters here are vast and rich in products. Whether the males go out to hunt or fish near the tribe, the requirements for rattan nets are not small.

Seeing everyone's spontaneous actions, without anyone's supervision, Qin Fei felt another emotion in her heart, and her confidence in the construction of the tribe increased greatly.

Father Lunfa was also impatient. Just after breakfast, he dragged Qin Fei and led dozens of males who had nothing to do and wanted to help the tribe to prepare materials for building the house.

Yellow brick soil is very common and can be obtained locally. Plant ash is not a scarce material, and it is not a problem to have a pile of it for lunch or dinner. The most important thing is those kinds of indispensable special materials, not to mention having seen them before, Qin Fei has never even heard of them.

Although Father Lunfa has described these materials as detailed as possible, everyone still has no idea. Even Qin Fei listened to her head full of question marks, chasing Father Lunfa asking this and that, making him jump. It stands to reason that these materials are not scarce, except for things called red sand, which are generally more common in places with sand and stone mountains, but the point is that now only Father Lunfa knows these things. Except for the two materials with particularly obvious color differences, others may not be able to distinguish them even if they have seen them.

Qin Fei took two dozen males and Father Lunfa to separate two hillsides, doing a carpet-like search. He was about to straighten his sore waist, but his feet slipped and he sat on the fine sand. This is not the end, he has been sliding down the **** to the bottom of the **** more than ten meters.

Qin Fei's first reaction was to jump up and rub her almost scalded ass. Two big holes have been torn in the outer pants, and maybe the underwear is also torn. Qin Fei carefully touched her hot butt, but there was no blood on her hands, probably not scratched.

Just as she was about to shed tears of sympathy for her bad luck, Qin Fei looked up and saw the bright red fine sand not far away. The weight is enough to fill half of the 'moat', Qin Fei couldn't help rubbing her buttocks with a smirk on her face.

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