Several Nata males were startled when they saw Qin Fei suddenly slide down the dirt **** from a distance, and hurried over for fear that he was injured. When she got close, she saw Qin Fei squatting under the dirt slope, covering her buttocks with a smirk. Following Qin Fei's gaze, several people couldn't help cheering. Just by looking at the color, they knew that the piles of red fine sand below were the red sand that was hard to find in Father Lunfa's mouth. Immediately, a male ran over to announce the good news to Daddy Lunfar.

Father Lunfa has gained a lot here. Except for the hard-to-find red sand, he has found some other materials. Although I dare not say that the materials used are enough to supply the needs of this house, it is similar. A male is convinced that building materials are easy to obtain. After all, he found a lot of materials after just rummaging on a hillside, so it can be seen that these things are not scarce. So as long as everyone works hard to build a house, there is no need to worry about the cold winter and no warm place to live.

Although Father Lunfa said that the production materials were not scarce, he knew in his heart that red sand was not easy to find. Although some red sand can definitely be dug out from these huge hills, the effort is definitely not small. Seeing that there was no news at all from Qin Fei's side, Father Lunfa was just about to go over there to see if there was really nothing there; he also planned to discuss with Saree and the others tomorrow to conduct a large-scale search of two nearby Stone Mountain. No matter how to find enough red sand to build a house as soon as possible, Father Lunfa was thinking about it when he heard good news from Qin Fei.

Father Lunfa came to the spirit, and hurriedly followed the male who reported the news to the area where the red sand was found, wanting to see how much the male said a lot.

In the distance, Qin Fei could be seen climbing up from under a soil **** using both hands and feet. Just as he was about to step forward to ask, he saw that he put his hand behind him with an embarrassed expression, just where he was covering his buttocks.

Qin Fei didn't expect that a group of males would come around as soon as she climbed up the dirt slope. After coughing twice, he covered his PP and said, "Father Lunfa, there is a lot of red sand down there that looks like what you said. You need to see if it is that thing. If so, you can bring someone to collect it first, and I will go back and change it. pants."

Seeing Qin Fei's embarrassment, Father Lunfa nodded hastily.

Everyone didn't understand the connection between the discovery of red sand and changing pants, and they all turned their eyes around Qin Fei carefully, and immediately found something suspicious. Qin Fei's face was getting redder and redder, she quickly squeezed out the crowd and rushed back to the bamboo building where she lived.

Sarei saw Qin Fei rushing to the bamboo building from a distance, and he followed him back to the bamboo building with some worry. Pushing open the half-closed bamboo door, at a glance, he saw Qin Fei who was rummaging through her buttocks. And he was naked with his lower body naked, and his originally white and tender buttocks had two red marks. Although Qin Fei was very attractive at the moment, Saree could see at a glance that the two marks on the back of his buttocks looked like bloodstains.

Saree hurriedly walked to Qin Fei in a few steps, holding his waist to check. Qin Fei was startled by Saree's sudden action, and then struggled with an embarrassed face. But if Sarai's strength could be against him, Qin Fei simply let him check with the cheek. Anyway, he was all over his body, inside and out, and he was touched by Saree for a long time. He was more familiar than himself, and he was hypocritical.

Seeing that the two red marks didn't seem to be bloodstains, Saree looked more like dyes rubbed on them. Although some scratches were not serious, he was relieved a lot, and asked casually, "How did you get it?"

Qin Fei rolled her eyes and muttered, "I accidentally slipped down the gravel slope, but nothing happened, except that my pants were rubbed and my buttocks were also torn a bit."

Saree put him on the hide and instructed, "You lie down and don't move, I'll get some water to help you scrub the wound, and then apply the medicine."

Qin Fei nodded, waited obediently for Saree to wash off the water, and slowly washed away the sand and dust with the water Ukaka handkerchief. After wiping Qin Fei's pp, it regained its whiteness and tenderness, but there were only a few minor scratches. Saree felt that the two light bruises appeared on the tender meat dumplings, which was extraordinarily sexy. The hand was stroking back and forth with nostalgia, and the piece of water ukaka used to wipe was thrown aside long ago.

Qin Fei couldn't see the change behind him, but he could feel it. The water ukaka on Sarei's hand seemed to be gone. Those big fiery hands were stroking his buttocks constantly, and his fiery fingers , is scratching more and more into the gluteal groove.

Qin Fei turned her head and was about to tell Sarei to be patient first, and there were still a lot of things waiting for the two of them to deal with. Who knew that as soon as he turned his head, he was kissed by Saree in the face.

After more than half a month of traveling, Saree endured very hard all the way. These two days, he was thinking about various matters of the tribe. He said that he was resting. In fact, neither of them was idle. Right now, Qin Fei was lying in front of her naked and pouting her tender pink buttocks, and Saree couldn't bear it.

Qin Fei, who had also been holding back for more than half a month, was teased by Saree's hot lips and tongue, and immediately became lustful. "God" completely forgot that there are still a lot of people busy outside. If the two main things are not seen for a long time, How could no one come to ask.

Seeing that the two of them lost their guns, they were about to fight each other, but there was a shout from outside the bamboo building, "Patriarch Sarei, Boss Qin Fei, Father Lunfa asked you to come over quickly, he has new discoveries there. "

The two of them were more than half stunned by this roar. Qin Fei glared at Saree, and Sarei smiled embarrassingly and coughed twice to make his voice sound less hoarse, otherwise he would just listen to this tune I knew that the two of them must have done nothing good in the bamboo building.

Saree finally found the right tone, and quickly shouted to the outside, "Okay. I'll be here soon." The person also quickly helped Qin Fei find his pants, and carefully helped Qin Fei dress neatly.

Qin Fei was pulled out of the bamboo building by Saree, and at a glance, he saw a young male with a deep meaning waiting outside the bamboo building, smiling at the two of them. This person, Qin Fei, is also quite familiar. It is the young Nata warrior who has been praised by Saree and is very agile - Yam.

Seeing that Qin Fei's face was getting more and more red from the smile of Yam boy, Saree walked to Yam's side a few steps, raised his hand and gave Yam a slap on the back of the head. He laughed and scolded, "You stinky boy, you will do bad things and good things. Be careful to find you a female who is more fierce than Braza, and ask you to get your ears pinched by the females at home just like Mocha."

Yam rubbed his head and said with a smile, "Don't lie to me, Patriarch, I think Brother Mocha is very happy to be screwed. Besides, being fierce is also good for being fierce. Look at Braza's fierceness, but she treats Brother Mocha very happily. How good. Hee hee... Qin Fei's boss is also very fierce, but everyone is eager to have one at home. "

When Saree heard this, his eyes widened, "Hey, you stinky brats, you have a lot of courage." Saree wanted to smoke Yam again.

Yam shrank his neck to avoid Saree's slap, twisted his body to hide away, and quickly apologized and begged for mercy, "We don't dare to **** from you, Patriarch Saree, just think about it."

Qin Fei stopped Sarei and stopped the two and said, "Stop making trouble, the business is important, hurry up and see what new discoveries Dad Lunfa has found." Qin Fei's intuition seems to be a good thing, otherwise Dad Lunfa will also I won't be in a hurry to find them.

Yam said that Father Lunfa made a new discovery at the place where Qin Fei discovered the red sand. So, the three hurried to the place where Qin Fei found the red sand.

Father Lunfa watched the three of them come over, and pointed at the pile of red sand and the scattered bright rocks on the edge of the red sand with a laugh, "Qin Fei, it's a good deal for you to fall, not only did you find the number The amazing red sand also led me to this soft rock."

Qin Fei was stunned. Although he knew that the soft rock that Father Lunfa was talking about must be the pile of rocks that looked like fine crystals embedded in it, he had never heard of soft rock, and he thought it might be this planet. something unique.

Father Lunfa knew from Qin Fei's expression that he must not know this, so he patiently explained, "soft rock refers to the crystal parts in the middle of these rocks, the reason why this kind of thing is called soft Rock, because it melts at high temperature. And if the melted liquid is mixed with materials such as yellow brick soil for construction, once it is dried, it will have high heat resistance, and it will have a rare good effect. We produce high-quality iron ware molds, and the layers inside are made of this kind of thing. But although yellow brick soil is very common, soft rock is very rare and expensive. Abrasive tools mixed with soft rock are general Small blacksmiths can't afford it, and molds made entirely of soft rock and yellow brick and soil can only be used by a few big families, except for the places specially smelting weapons for the Royal Praetorian Guard. How many soft rocks did you fall." Father Lunfa twitched his beard and laughed.

Saree heard Qin Fei talk about making weapons, and there were some simple concepts in his mind, but others heard it was foggy, but he also understood that this thing is an extremely precious good thing, and it is a miracle that it can be found. The big happy event also followed one by one with grins.

Once the materials to make the house are found, the rest is naturally to start building. But for what kind of house to build, Qin Fei and Father Lunfa's drawings were inconsistent.

Although Father Lunfa also discussed with Qin Fei about building a house, he still remembered the house where he lived for most of his life, so Father Lunfa insisted on drawing the structure of his hometown on the sand. Qin Fei felt that the houses painted by Father Lunfa were somewhat like some European dwellings, with tall fireplaces that could be used to store burning wood. The layout of the house is also very reasonable, and there is a well-ventilated basement storage room.

Father Lunfa was also quite proud of the architecture of his hometown. He introduced the hometown houses he drew while watching everyone's reactions. Most of the males were drawn to the house that Daddy Renvar told about, and it was the eyes that shone. However, Saree and the two patriarchs just listened quietly, and did not express any approval.

Father Lunfa twitched his beard and didn't ask these three people. Instead, he turned around and smiled at Qin Fei, "Boy Qin Fei, let's talk about the houses in your hometown. I think the three patriarchs still told you that the houses are better. interested."

Qin Fei did not refuse, and explained his house concept while drawing. This time Qin Fei spoke in great detail and raised some of his questions about the structure of the house. After all, he only listened to people talking about many of the parts, but he never saw them with his own eyes, nor did he personally participate in the construction of these parts or houses. All he had was oral experience, and he had to discuss it with everyone in order to be better. implementation.

The house in Qin Fei's mouth has a 'fire wall' that can pass fireworks and keep the interior warm; there is also a 'hot kang' that also uses fireworks but can sleep on it. If these people still feel that they are not warm enough, they can also dig some "earth dragons", pile firewood in them, and slowly warm the fire to let the ground also emit heat.

What everyone listened to was full of fascination. If they could live in such a house, they would not have to worry at all, and they would lose their lives due to the severe cold in winter.

Although Father Lunfa had heard Qin Fei's idea before, he still listened with relish. In the end, Qin Fei and Dad Lunfa discussed it and merged the house in Dad Lunfa's hometown with the house in Qin Fei's hometown. Let the whole big house not only have a warm fire wall, a heated kang, but also retain some of the style of Lunfa's hometown. Father Lunfa was also very happy about this, and everyone simply cleaned up and prepared to start digging the foundation and building the house according to Qin Fei's drawings the next day.

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