Transmigrated into the Primitive Wilderness as a Great God

Chapter 123: Discovery of grapes and the custom of 'snatching knives'

The weather is getting cooler day by day, and the food in the tribe is starting to increase. The underground storage room of each house is gradually being used, and a lot of distributed materials have been moved in for the residents of the whole house to eat. The clothes of Xiaobu and Xiaoren also changed from the combination of Shuiukaka animal skin shorts to Shuiukakali underwear, with a whole set of thin animal skin long pants. The two little guys are extremely cute, and they are even more adorable under the background of animal skins.

Fortunately, the two children are both obedient and sensible, otherwise I really don't know how they will be spoiled. Although Qin Fei always felt that her education was not bad, it was obvious that he favored children more than anyone else. At least the two little guys have lived with him until now, and he has never once forced them to do anything they don't like. All education is based on guidance, let alone beating children. Saree would occasionally stare, but under Qin Fei's supervision, it seemed that he could only stare without threat.

Ruipa is the uncle of Xiao Renn. After the death of his only brother, he does not need to say how much he loves Xiao Renn. Xiao Bu and Xiao Ren became conjoined twins. He first loved Wu Jiwu, but later his love for the two little guys became partly estranged. Baierke's son Suya was originally the youngest in the family, but he was a very responsible little male, very similar in character to Baierke. Suddenly there are two more cute little brothers, and I can't adapt to it. The little guy who always feels fragile and weak, he will break it if he doesn't make it right. But living together every day, the two little guys have sweet mouths, one brother Suya, and now he is also thinking of ways to love them.

Qin Fei is also very good to Ruipa and Suya, and often points them to some kung fu and skills. If there is anything good, don't forget the two of them, making the two and a half elder brothers feel that the life of multiple elder brothers is happier. In particular, the half-sized children are restless and hungry. Every time the two guys groaned with hunger and sneaked into the kitchen for food, they would find Qin Fei's warm food on the embers. It made them feel even more moved, and they wanted to do something for Qin Fei more and more.

Qin Fei occasionally talked to Saree about winemaking recently, which made the two boys remember. If I have nothing to do, I will run all over the mountain. In addition to hunting something to come back to add food, I will search for wild fruits in places on the mountain that no one has been to before, and bring them back to Qin Fei for identification. After more than ten days of work, two boys who were comparable to wild monkeys discovered three or four kinds of fruits that had not been eaten before. Two of the fruits can be stored for a long time, and the total amount is not small. He was praised once by Qin Fei in front of the whole clan, and he also rewarded two young men with a sharp spear each. This made the two and a half older children couldn't keep their mouths shut, and they worked harder to do things.

Qin Fei felt that it was good for young people to do more things, but she repeatedly told the two of them that they must pay attention to safety and not risk their lives. Although the two of them are young, their respective growth factors make them tend to be precocious and calm. Although they are not as good as those team leaders and leaders, they are obviously stronger than some adult males. Qin Fei still knows the two and a half eldest sons well, and is not worried that they will do stupid things.

On this day, the two and a half boys went out with several nearby gathering and hunting teams. When they came back in the evening, the two of them had a lot of stuff in their backpacks. When he entered the door, he smiled, and when he saw the two old men sitting on the sofa killing chess, he hurriedly asked Qin Fei where he was.

The two old men sneakily pointed to the direction of the kitchen, and the two boys went straight to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Qin Fei was showing off her skills today, and Daima and three little females were busy helping him. Xiaobu and Xiaoren were obediently picking up the shredded potatoes on the ground, while Xiaoaowu squatted aggrieved in the corner, secretly chewing a big fruit thrown by Xiaobu in their mouths.

Qin Fei glared at Xiaoaowu, Xiaoaowu's bulging little cheeks immediately stopped squirming and blinked big eyes for no reason. Indicates that it really does nothing.

Qin Fei put her hands on her hips, "Don't pretend that there is no reason. If you hadn't been naughty and ate it, you wouldn't have scattered the shredded potatoes. Now squat for me honestly, and Xiaobu is not allowed to give him any more food."

Xiaobu stuck out his tongue, squeezed his eyes at Xiaoaowu, and whispered, "Who told you to put it in your mouth and eat it, you must have been discovered."

Xiao Aowu whimpered softly, just in time to see Ruipa and Suya come in with a basket on their backs. Immediately please rub it over and see what delicious food you can get.

Suya and Ripa greeted Xiao Aowu respectively, and then excitedly put the basket on the floor of the kitchen.

Qin Fei saw the two of them when they came in, and when she saw the joyful expressions on their faces, she became curious too. She leaned in front of the two's back baskets to see, and said in surprise, "Oh my God, it's a grape, it's a grape!"

When the two heard Qin Fei shout out the grapes, they couldn't close their mouths with joy. Ruipa said, "It really is grapes. When we saw it for the first time, we thought it was very similar to the grapes described by Brother Qin Fei. And once you were painting fruits for Xiaobu on the sand table, I saw you The grapes are painted. Although they are not too similar, they are generally similar.”

Su Ya smiled and licked his lips, "Grandpa Lunfa said that wine is very good, especially fruit wine. Only, only... Anyway, only very powerful people can drink it. Hehe, then this time we will drink it. Is it a blessing?"

Qin Fei smiled and patted the two boys on the shoulders, "You two guys, okay, where did you find them, how many?"

In fact, Qin Fei's second sentence is a bit too much to ask. The place is vast and sparsely populated, and many things are shriveled and rotten because no one has eaten for a long time. The seeds fell into the soil, and soon after, new plants grew. Over time, once many things were discovered, they grew piece by piece. Either picking your hands softly, or digging your back sore.

Ruipa couldn't help nodding, "There are too many, too many, as much as you want, and as much as you want."

Qin Fei looked down at the two baskets of grapes again, only to realize that the two baskets did not contain any kind of grapes. Each of the baskets of grapes near him was the size of a ping-pong ball, and a bunch of them weighed four or five pounds and were very plump. The grapes in the other basket were much smaller, and each bunch weighed half a catty.

Qin Fei picked a grape and tasted it, and it was exactly as he guessed. The big grapes are delicious and sweet, but the small ones are very sour, similar to the mountain grapes that my grandfather used to make wine. Seeing Qin Fei's expression, several people in the kitchen couldn't help swallowing, especially Xiao Aowu, who had already squeezed his entire big head over. Blinking big eyes for no reason, he begged Qin Fei for food.

Qin Fei pushed its big head, which was about to block the entire basket, to one side, and the little one came over again. Two small front paws, holding Qin Fei's legs, there is a tendency that I won't let go if you don't give it to me. Qin Fei grabbed a few sour grapes with a wicked smile and stuffed them into its mouth. Xiao Ouwu just took two bites, and then spit it out, the sour expression was wonderful. But seeing Xiao Aowu's big eyes full of grievances, Qin Fei couldn't bear it anymore, and hurriedly tore off two sweet grapes. Xiao Aowu hesitated a bit, biting carefully. However, the sweet juice flowed into its mouth, and it immediately whimpered lowly, clack-clack-clack indicating deliciousness.

Qin Fei asked Ruipa and Suya to do a simple cleaning and prepare for dinner. Let Lisa wash some of the sweet grapes and put them in two large fruit bowls. One is taken to the living room for the males to eat, and the other is left in the kitchen where everyone cooks dinner and eats it. Sweet grapes are loved by everyone, and dinner is especially delicious. The two and a half boys were praised by Qin Fei again.

Saree also praised, "If these two boys continue to work so hard, the good weapons in the tribe will not all be in their hands."

Father Lunfa was eating the sweet grapes, and the wine bugs in his stomach were also hooked out, talking about thanks to the two boys, otherwise, when Qin Fei remembered and went to the grapes, he didn't know when he would be able to drink the grapes. What about wine.

Qin Fei smiled and begged Father Lunfa for the reward on behalf of the two boys. Father Lunfa agreed immediately. After the iron ore is discovered in the future, he will give the two boys priority to make two weapons that are in hand. Qin Fei pretended to be angry and pouted again, saying that Daddy Lunfa was not funny.

Father Lunfa glared, "You and Saree kid, each has a razor blade and a fart..."

Qin Fei immediately took out her saber with a smile, and took this opportunity to give it to Baierke.

Berke was very surprised. Usually, when Saree used a saber, he really looked greedy. I have also heard that Saree's saber was given by Qin Fei, but it is very rare, and there are only two at present. One is for sarees, and the other is for Qin Fei. Although Qin Fei rarely used a saber, it was Qin Fei's thing, something no one dared to give him in Qin Fei's identity. Baierke's character wouldn't make him feel that way, but he still couldn't help showing envious eyes when he saw it.

In the hunting in the clan, Baierke contributed the most, and he was also the most compatible with Saree, and he was also very good to Qin Fei. Qin Fei and Sarei consciously called Big Brother Baierke, and Baierke really regarded them as relatives. Qin Fei rarely uses a saber now. Every time Saree wipes the saber, Berke will quietly cast an envious look. Qin Fei wanted to take this opportunity to give the general knife to Baierke.

When Baierke watched Qin Fei hand the sword to him, he was obviously at a loss. Saree was also a little surprised, but nodded with a smile, and persuaded Berke, who declined, to accept it. In the end, Berke refused, but finally accepted Qin Fei's saber, and the excited expression in his eyes could not be concealed.

Qin Fei smiled at Father Lunfa, "I don't have any weapons now, so I should be ranked this time..."

Father Lunfa smiled and rolled his eyes at him, "You stinky boy, okay, line up, line up, put you all in line... I'll line up with you, Xiao Bu, Xiao Ren and the others. Wait for the two of them. When the weapons are finished, I will get a dagger for each of you three."

How could Qin Fei listen to this, and everyone couldn't help laughing. Xiaobu and Xiaoren threw themselves into Qin Fei's arms and said with a smile that the three of them have the same thing, the three of them are the same. Only then did Qin Fei react, and she grinned, "It's the same." Then she kissed each of the two little guys' soft cheeks. Made them both giggle. However, Qin Fei knew in her heart that discovering iron ore was not an easy task overnight.

Back in the room at night, Saree teased Qin Fei. Qin Fei didn't know why the leader of his family, Saree, suddenly showed a little depression, and could only talk to his coat little by little. After a few sentences, the Saree leader automatically admitted. I am very jealous of Big Brother Baierke, who asked Qin Fei to take the initiative to give the saber to Baierke.

Qin Fei was stunned, thinking that you are not happy too? At that time, I persuaded others to accept it, but now I regret it? After listening to the following, I know the reason why Saree is not very happy. At the beginning, Sarei was staring at him, and the saber he had had the cheek to blackmail, but Balke was offered by Qin Fei's smiling hands. The difference is obvious.

Thinking of the past, Saree was quite unwilling to take two bites on Qin Fei's body. The biting Qin Fei hummed and begged for mercy, and then stopped.

Qin Fei also knew that Sarei was either really angry or a man's face, and he was a little stuck. After all, Saree still felt that the saber was not so glorious in his heart. Qin Fei laughed sullenly in her heart, "You are so depressed now that you called you kid to steal from Lao Tzu." At the same time, she made up all kinds of hearsay and said that Saree had robbed the saber very beautifully, as if It became a necessary means for the two to fall in love.

Saree was no longer depressed, and felt more and more fortunate. It seems that if he hadn't forcibly grabbed the saber at that time, Qin Fei might not be his 'Qin Fei' now. And Qin Fei angrily called him a 'robber' when he grabbed the saber, which became a deliberate flirtation between the two.

Qin Fei didn't know that he made up the words to comfort the leader of Sarai, but was spun out by Sarai in a proud way. And the target is Bairco - this affordable big brother. The elder brother was even more convinced when he heard it. It turned out that there is still such a method of settling love, and it is still the 'tribal patron saint'.

So Berko told the "facts" of how Saree was visited by a "tribal patron saint" to his younger brother Fant, who has not yet been a female, and his son Suya, who will fight for females in the future. Inspire them to learn from it, and in the future it is possible to learn the essence like the leader and get a 'high-level' female.

The two naturally believed in it, so many years later, the Nata tribe had another strange custom of getting married, which was called "snatch the sword".

It is said that the females of the Nata tribe, if they find a male, will hand a sheathed knife to the male. If the male drew the knife in front of the female and 'successfully took it away'. That is, the male also took a fancy to this female, and the love between the two will be blessed by the ancestor of Nata's 'snatch the knife', and it will definitely be extremely happy and happy.

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