After two consecutive days of autumn rain, the Nata tribe once again suspended hunting and picking. The time is not urgent, and there is still a lot of time to pick and store food for winter. The recent food storage is also very abundant, and there is no need to go out in the rain. The females use this time to hide at home and sew slowly. Fill this one with socks, that one with panties, and another with a shirt. The males either gathered in groups in the canopy and gestured their muscles and bones that could not be idle for two times; or selected some from the wood and bamboo piled up in the tribal camp, and a few people cooperated to make some furniture.

Qin Fei slept late, and when she woke up, she found that Sarei had long since disappeared, and the quilt on one side was a little cold. There is a basin of clean water on the washbasin shelf in the room. There is a cup full of water on the windowsill, and half of the aloe vera is on the cup. The corner of his mouth raised an arc of happiness unconsciously, indicating that it was not prepared by Saree for him, or by his sensible Xiao Bu and Xiao Ren.

Qin Fei slowly put on her clothes and went to the ground, washed her face and brushed her teeth, and then left the room.

In the living room, Father Lunfa and Elder Luma were practicing Taijiquan taught by Qin Fei, and Xiaobu and Xiaoren were next to each other, gesturing a little different. Xiao Ouwu looked rather boring, chasing his tail bored.

Seeing Qin Fei leaving, Father Lunfa pointed to the kitchen, meaning to tell Qin Fei to leave food for him; Father Ruma pointed to the door, meaning that his Sarei was outside. Although neither of the two old men said a word, they both showed the appearance of "I'm punching seriously", but they were funny no matter how they looked at it.

Qin Fei nodded, holding back a smile, trying not to make her expression look too weird. Xiao Bu and Xiao Ren had already surrounded him, and Xiao Aowu also grabbed Qin Fei's thigh. Qin Fei rubbed the heads of the three little guys one by one, and the three little guys ran away with a smile.

Sitting in the kitchen with breakfast warm on the embers, just lukewarm. Qin Fei ate breakfast slowly and enjoyed a rare leisure time. Qin Fei has been very busy these days. First, she brought people to pick all the large and small mountain grapes, and then she was busy making a lot of anti-corrosion and fresh-keeping medicine **** to keep those large grapes fresh; Those little sour grapes that no one eats turn into delicious wine.

What Qin Fei didn't expect was that Father Lunfa and Elder Luma actually carried him, and several old people of the Nata tribe, made more than 100 wine jars with yellow brick soil with special materials. Qin Fei was so shocked that her chin almost dropped when she saw the things that Elder Luma asked people to take out. He was not in a hurry to get fruit wine, mainly because he didn't have any good utensils, but since he found mountain grapes, he didn't want to let it go. Who knows that the matter of the wine urn and the wine jar has not come yet, and someone will take the initiative to solve it.

The wine jar looks rough, because it is purely handmade, and there are some bumps in some places, but Father Lunfa said. The oldest winemaking workshop on their side used yellow brick wine jars. The wine stored in such wine jars not only has spring fragrance, but also can be stored for thousands of years when sealed. So Qin Fei used the recipe handed in by the Qin family's grandfather to make a lot of wine and bottled it in these wine jars. Daddy Lunfa was greedy and asked when he could drink it.

After eating the porridge in the bowl, Qin Fei stretched a lot and decided to go out to see what Saree and the others were tossing about. As he sat in the kitchen, he heard dings and dings from outside.

When he walked out of the kitchen again, Father Lunfa and Priest Luma had already finished punching. Qin Fei asked curiously, "What's up with Saree?"

Father Lunfa took a piece of animal skin and gave it to Qin Fei, "See, the porch painted by your Sarei."

Qin Fei was stunned, grabbed the animal skin and looked at it carefully. The porch is domed, only less than five meters long and wide. The style is simple and simple, but if it is drawn by Saree, it is not simple.

Then Qin Fei remembered that he said that there was a lot of rain outside in the past few days, and every time everyone came back from going out, the poncho and shoes would make the living room door dirty. The three little females in the family are very well-behaved. They are afraid that everyone will find it messy. They will clean up once they come back. He looks at him and thinks that he is suspected of abusing minors.

Saree asked him some solutions. At that time, the two were in bed, and Qin Fei was tired and stupefied. He vaguely remembered talking about the porches of Chinese architecture, but he himself forgot, but Saree remembered. He didn't ask him to study together in the morning. It is estimated that Father Lunfa was there. He was so confident that he even drew the drawings by himself, so he took the males in the family to make trouble. Qin Fei pinched the drawings and couldn't help but praised his Sarei for being smart and able to read.

Looking at his expression, Father Lunfa knew what he was thinking, and he laughed and said, "They plan to add a waterproof layer on the top, and then lay yellow brick soil to dry in the shade. It has been raining these days, and Saree said that in order to prevent soil The layers are washed off, and a few more layers of slippery bark can be placed on top.”

Qin Fei nodded, it was a good idea, and he wanted to go out and watch it.

Pushing open the door, I saw that several thick wooden shelves had been erected in front of the open door, and the shape of the porch had been basically completed. Fant was using a gourd basin to pass the yellow brick soil to the top, while Ripa and Suya were mixing mud. Listening to the voice above, it seems that Saree and Berke are busy above.

Seeing Qin Fei coming out, Fant smiled at him, "they are on top. It just happened that the rain stopped recently, so hurry up and you can drive them out."

Qin Fei looked at the sky, it was still gloomy, and it was impossible to say when it would rain. Looking at the nearly finished porch, he nodded and said, "You guys are not very fast."

Fant laughed, ran to carry a pot of mud again, stepped on the wooden ladder and handed it up. Qin Fei also ran out from under the porch, clinging to the ladder to see the progress.

Saree and Berke have one head each. Berke has already stood on the house, and the yellow bricks on his side are about to be paved. Looking at Saree again, he had retreated to the edge of the porch opposite the door, and he saw that the yellow brick and earth were about to be finished.

When Qin Fei showed up, Saree looked at him distractedly, and his body swayed. Although there was a wooden platform behind him, Qin Fei was frightened and broke out in a cold sweat. This height is said to be high or not, low or low, and if Saree's hand falls, it is estimated that it will not be much, but it makes people worry.

Qin Fei couldn't help but yell, "Idiot, be careful."

Sarei didn't care that Qin Fei called him an idiot, and nodded with a smile. "There's still a pot of mud, and that's about it."

Saree backed up and stood on the wooden platform. Fant brought another pot of mud to Berke, took the mud pot in front of Saree, and quickly turned it into a pot of mud for Saree. Saree carefully spread the mud in front of him, and he could still see some slippery bark on the edges, knowing to cover them all, and then use a wooden board to scrape the mud flat.

Finally, working with Bairco, put the bark of three slippery bark trees and carefully place the rainwater on the cover to drop the yellow brick soil that has not dried out.

Qin Fei thought about it, and it took less than a morning for a few people to build this porch. Although the porch is very simple, the efficiency is still quite high.

Saree and Berke got down from the room and the wooden shelf respectively, removed the extra wooden shelf built around them, and then looked at Qin Fei with a smile.

Qin Fei knew that several people were waiting for his comment. He is also not stingy, and gives high evaluations from the drawings of the building to the firmness of the building and the construction time. Then, everyone's indispensable division of labor and cooperation will be praised and praised until everyone can't stop laughing.

After everyone laughed, Qin Fei also gave a good suggestion. If the porch can be covered with water ukaka in winter, the living room will be warmer and the relative room temperature will be higher. Some. Saree thinks it's good, and plans to wrap the porch in a layer according to Qin Fei's method before winter.

Others in the tribe, seeing the porch built by Saree and the others, also felt that it was good. They figured that if it didn't rain in the afternoon and they had dinner, they also discussed with their family members and started to build a porch. Because this is not something that must be built, and Saree has no unified organization, let the big guy decide freely.

Who would have thought that before the meal was eaten, it started to rain again. Although the rain was not big, it did not stop.

After lunch, Sarei and Qin Feiwo went back to their room. Saree hugged Qin Fei, who was a little sleepy, and his heart was overflowing with happiness. In the past autumn weather, he and his clan were huddled in a dank tent. Sometimes because there is no food, I have to go out to hunt in the rain, how can I be so leisurely, and I never imagine that one day I will be so happy, staying in a warm house. He hugged his lover and listened to the wind and rain outside the window, but he couldn't catch a drop of rain.

Sarei took Qin Fei into his arms, Qin Fei found a comfortable position and put it on Sarei's hot body, and the whole person showed a satisfied smile comfortably. Lowering her head and rubbing Qin Fei's nose, Qin Fei looked up at Saree in confusion.

Saree tossed and sucked on his lips, and then said in a hoarse voice, "Go to sleep, I'll be with you all the time."

Qin Fei closed her eyes contentedly and fell asleep in Saree's arms. Saree just kept staring at Qin Fei until the dim light made him unable to see the person in his arms.

Saree was stunned for a moment. He didn't think it had been so long. The food in his stomach had not been digested. How could it be dark. He turned his head suspiciously and looked out the window.

It was pitch black outside the window, and nothing could be seen. When Saree was about to get up and take a look, suddenly a light flashed across the sky. It seemed that the darkness had been cut open in an instant, and then the explosion of thunder shook in my ears.

Qin Fei, who was in Saree's arms, was awakened immediately. Saree touched his hair distressedly and patted his back. Qin Fei was woken up in a daze, and was still a little dazed.

"It's thunder, don't be afraid..." Saree comforted Qin Fei's back.

Qin Fei turned her head and looked out of the window. At this moment, a pea-sized raindrop fell down, and a standing flash also slashed down. The two felt that the water Ukaka on the window was shaken.

Qin Fei had seen this kind of weather a few times, but she didn't feel anything. He turned his head and took a sip on Saree's mouth, and praised, "The leader of Saree really has the name of foresight, and the bark of the three-layer slippery bark is not afraid of heavy rain."

Saree was not praised by Qin Fei. He knew that Qin Fei was afraid of being under pressure, so he always encouraged himself. The lover did this in order to maintain his male dignity, and Saree was even more moved. But moving is moving, and desire is desire. It is estimated that any male will have a normal reaction when he is rubbed on his body by his lover who only wears a pair of small underwear.

Qin Fei found out when the hot piece was pressing against him, but he didn't like that Saree always thought about what was there or not, and deliberately dawdled on it a few times. Sure enough, Saree's face changed immediately, and he no longer had any thoughts about what he had or not. He turned over and pressed Qin Fei under him.

The constant thunder and heavy rain outside concealed the rapid gasping and moaning of the two of them. Just when the two were about to step into the main topic, a big thunder suddenly exploded, not only making their ears buzz, but also making the kang under them tremble a few times.

The two stopped at the same time, and then came the roar of the big beast that shook the mountains and rivers. Somehow, the rain quickly retreated, and the thunder and lightning disappeared.

There was light in the room again, and Sarei frowned and glanced at Qin Fei. Qin Fei blinked her eyes, the secret passage was too evil. A little worried about the big beast, he pushed Saree up and went out to have a look. When the two got dressed and walked out of the house, Father Lunfa, Elder Ruma, the Berke family, together with Xiao Bu and Xiao Ren all gathered at the door. There are a lot of clansmen gathered outside, everyone is not panic, most of them are watching the fun.

Qin Fei quickly deduced the reason why everyone was not panicking. In their conception, the roar of the great mythical beast just now was probably not a legend, it swallowed the clouds, rain and thunder; it was that it tore apart the evil and gave peace to the tribe.

At this time, the big beast hovered calmly in the air for a few times, and gave a low cry in the direction of Qin Fei. It's kind of like saying, 'No big deal, what to do'. After that, he didn't land, and flew straight to his own cave. Qin Fei guessed that he disliked the muddy water on the ground and didn't want to get all of himself.

Seeing that the great beast was safe and sound, Qin Fei was relieved. Now the thunder is gone, the rain has stopped, and the sky is clear. It is estimated that tomorrow is going to return to a busy life, just to take advantage of today to catch up on sleep. After yawning, he picked up the sleepy little Ren, led Xiao Bu to send them back to the house, then climbed back to the kang and hugged Saree to continue to make up for sleep.

What Qin Fei didn't expect at all was that the rainstorm was sent by God and his old man as a gift. The thunder and lightning split a mountain not too far away from them, and where the mountain split longitudinally, there are rich metal deposits buried. A few days later, when Father Lunfa followed the collection team to patrol the mountain, he naturally found those metals. Father Lunfa laughed **** the spot. Among the rich metal deposits, there was actually a kind of metal called iron bars, which was inexhaustible. And this kind of iron bars, on the other side of the continent, is very precious. It is said that as long as the weapon with iron bars is added, it is a rare blowing blade, which is extremely expensive.

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