The wedding was lively and lively. Daran and Xiaojing smiled and toasted everyone next to each other, while happily accepting the blessings from relatives, friends and colleagues.

"Hey, Akiko, you're laughing too much, and the Yahuako is showing, it looks very wretched!"

When a technical school classmate was toasting, he laughed and joked with Da Chao.

After listening to the big mess, he immediately became serious, and quickly turned his head to ask Xiaojing, "Daughter-in-law, did I just laugh so badly, did I really feel wretched?"

Today's guests include many of Xiaojing's classmates, colleagues, relatives and friends, including his three brothers and sisters born after his mother's remarriage.

Because Da Chao loves Xiao Jing deeply, she also hopes that she can leave a good impression on her relatives and friends, lest she behave inappropriately and embarrass Xiao Jing.

Xiaojing turned her head and saw the panic on Dao's face, and felt a slight pain in her heart.

This man! I always care about her too much, and I care a little bit about losing myself!

It's just a smile, what does it matter if you smile a little better or if you're a little sloppy? Who would blame a happy smile for not being pretty enough?

"It's okay, a bigger smile proves that we are really happy and happy. You don't have to worry about those useless things. Besides, you are not laughing at all. He is joking with you."

Hearing Xiaojing say this, his heart that was hanging in the chaos suddenly fell, and he opened his mouth and laughed again, "It's good that I didn't embarrass you, hehe, daughter-in-law, let's go, let's go to toast, forget about this bastard. "

The "jerk" in his mouth refers to the good buddy who said he was laughing sly.

The dude known as the jerk immediately called out, "Hey, hey, I kindly remind you, it's fine if you don't appreciate it, why are you still making personal attacks?"

"Remind me? It's not obvious!" Da Chao leaned closer to Xiao Jing, making the two of them close to each other.

"I'm sorry, my daughter-in-law is watching, I don't need you."

The chaos scolded him angrily, and threw a handful of dog food along the way.

"Okay, if I talk too much, I'll punish myself for a drink. It's a confession to you, okay?" The classmate poured a glass of wine, thinking about taking the opportunity to drink another.

This Xifeng wine is usually not available for drinking, but today I have to take the opportunity to drink more!

Da Chao has been his buddy for many years, don't you know his fickleness?

However, he clearly knew that this kid was taking the opportunity to drink, but he didn't bother to tease him. He had to go toast with his wife and his wife, so he didn't have time to choke on these useless things.

Today, Zhou Xilong also condescended to come to have a wedding. In addition to Zhou Xilong and his wife, Manager Cui's family, Auntie Gao, He Li's family, Director Cui's family, and the leadership team of the garment factory... all came, everyone Gather together to witness the happy moment of Da Chao and Xiao Jing.

Da Chao took Xiao Jing to Uncle Zhou's table, toasted everyone, and received everyone's blessings at the same time.

Seeing that Da Chao was also married, Aunt Zhou couldn't help but say with emotion, "Look, Da Chao is married, and our Xiaoyuan doesn't even have a daughter-in-law!"

Aunt Gao said, "What's the hurry, Xiaoyuan doesn't get married, it's not that he can't marry a daughter-in-law, it's just that he didn't meet him. Come in, what are you in a hurry?"

Aunt Zhou said, "That said? But if my daughter-in-law doesn't come in for a day, I'm not at ease."

Manager Cui said with a smile, "It is said that a good meal is not afraid of being late. Xiaoyuan has been picking for so many years, and the one who finally picks out must be a good girl out of ten thousand. You, just do it!"

Director Cui said to Uncle Zhou, "Xiaoyuan is coming back soon. Last time I heard in a trance that he was going to be transferred back. When he comes back, we can have a blind date every day. It's not like people are in the United States now, we just have good girls. It's not convenient to introduce him!"

"That's right, I still have two good girls in my hand, just waiting for Xiaoyuan to come back." He Li also said.

Everyone had a heated discussion about Xiao Zhou's marriage, and the discussion was very lively.

And the next table—

Xiaojing's three half-brothers and sisters are also discussing enthusiastically, but the topics and objects of discussion are different from the table next to them.

"Sister, you said that the eldest sister is a graduate of Tsinghua University anyway, and her job is so good. Why did you find such a poor man? You look at him and laugh, it's really wretched."

Xiu Hongmei's son Qian Ming complained while looking at the chaos with contempt.

Qian Yali said, "Didn't you hear what Mom said? This man has helped the eldest sister a lot. If you don't let this man, the eldest sister can't even graduate from college, and maybe she is still squatting in prison now."

"But even if that's the case, there's no need to make promises. At most, when you have money in the future, just give him more money. Why should you spend your whole life on it?" Qian Ming still couldn't understand the big sister's thoughts. Tucao shook his head.

Qian Yanan said, "Who said it wasn't? Mom said the same thing, but the eldest sister is just like a king who eats a scale. She is determined to marry this man. No matter what Mom says, it won't work, just wait and see. Sooner or later there will be a day when he regrets it."

Qian Yali said, "It's not necessarily true. Although this man's education is not worthy of the eldest sister, and he is not good-looking, but the family conditions are quite good. Look at the hotel where other people hold weddings. Is it in our capital? Can it be considered a high-end hotel? Look at this banquet again, it’s not worth one hundred or two hundred per table? Look at the gold necklace on the eldest sister’s neck, tell me, it’s time to catch up with the drugstore at our Hutong entrance The two on the boss's neck are thick...

Qian Yali and the others were brought up by their little citizen's grandmother. They have narrow vision and short-sightedness, so their evaluation of the chaos is completely superficial and based on what they see.

Their siblings were sitting at this table, surrounded by young men and women. Xiaosuo, Niuniu, Cui Lianjie, Xiaoying, Xiaoli, Xiaomeizi, and Xiaowu also sat at this table. After a few comments on the little uncle, they immediately decided not to communicate with the little aunt's maiden family, especially not with her younger brothers and sisters.

Because this family looks at people with tinted glasses, to put it bluntly, they are snobbish, and what they say to their sisters and brothers is enough to prove how uneducated they are and how unqualified their parents are.

Otherwise, qualified parents will not be able to educate such children!

It's really a white blind aunt, such a person with quality and self-cultivation, to have such younger brothers and sisters, as expected, one mother gave birth to nine sons, and the nine sons are different...

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