After the wedding, Lin Hongzheng, who was in charge of writing the gift account, handed over a pocket full of gift money to Chaos.

When Da Chao saw his brother-in-law giving him money, he put his hands behind his back and said directly to his brother-in-law, "You don't have to give me this money, just give it to my daughter-in-law. My daughter-in-law manages the money."

This move immediately attracted a burst of laughter and ridicule from everyone.

Lin Hongzheng handed the pocket of money to Xiaojing and said, "Brother and sister, take it, you will control the financial power of your family in the future!"

Seeing the chaos, Xiaojing took the initiative to let her manage the money. She was not happy in her heart, but she said, "I'm too lazy to take care of it, so let him take care of it."

"No, no, it's up to you. Women in our family manage the money. I can't break our family's fine traditions." Da Chao shook his head like a rattle, saying he wouldn't take the money.

Lin Hongzheng joked, "I have lived for more than 30 years. This is the first time I have seen a couple who are not willing to manage money. Since both of you are not willing to manage money, otherwise - I will help you manage it?"

Zhang Shuzhen took the pocket of money and put it into Xiaojing's arms, saying, "It's better for women to manage money, men are careless and have no restraint in spending money. If you put money in his hands, it's useless It's going to be a disaster for you in a few days."

This wave of Zhang Shuzhen's actions really moved her daughter-in-law. Most mothers-in-law can't wait to manage their son's money, and even more shameless want to manage money for their son's daughter-in-law. Only Zhang Shuzhen is a mother-in-law who is very smart and wise. From the day Da Chao established a relationship with Xiao Jing, she helped Xiao Jing in everything, but Da Chao stood there, as if Xiao Jing was her daughter and Da Chao was her son-in-law.

Many people don't understand why she did this, but in fact, this is Zhang Shuzhen's cleverness.

The son is his own. As long as his daughter-in-law doesn't instigate him, his son can be with him at any time.

Therefore, as long as you win over your daughter-in-law and have a good relationship with his daughter-in-law, your son and grandchildren will always be filial to you.

Many stupid women always like to alienate the relationship between their son and their daughter-in-law.

By doing this, they can only temporarily satisfy their perverted psychology, but they forget that the son and the daughter-in-law are the real family. Move closer to your daughter-in-law and slowly become one with her.

And they will grow old one day, and one day they will fall into the hands of their daughter-in-law.

That's when it's time for them to pay for the bad things they did when they were young.

So, whatever you sow will bear fruit, if you are not good to your daughter-in-law when you are young, don't expect your daughter-in-law's filial piety when you are old. If your daughter-in-law can do it without revenge, it is already very good. Don't expect too much.

There are also some daughters-in-law who treat themselves harshly when their mother-in-law is young, and then take revenge when their mother-in-law is old and can't move. There are many such examples, but there are so many unsmart women who never learn their lessons. The vivid examples are in In front of them, they always like to meddle in the affairs of their sons and daughters-in-law. They want to be the masters of their sons, they want to teach their daughters-in-law for their sons, and they want their daughters-in-law to be obedient to their own family, and listen to her mediation in everything.

Therefore, whether it is in real life or in the TV and newspaper reports about the abuse of the mother-in-law by the daughter-in-law, the daughter-in-law cannot be blamed entirely. A large part of it is the sin of the mother-in-law when she was young. It's just retribution, karma.

Gossip break!

Besides Da Chao and Xiao Jing, after the couple got the gift money, they said hello to everyone, and went home happily.

To be precise, Zhang Shuzhen pushed him back.

Today, the young couple got up early and started to work. After standing for a day, they were toasting and passing cigarettes. They must be exhausted. She wanted to tell them to go back to rest early, otherwise they would be too tired. The mother will be distressed.

Seeing his eldest sister and brother-in-law leave with the bulging pocket of money, Qian Ming was very jealous.

When he was outside, he couldn't help but say to his sister and sister, "Hey, how much do you think they can charge? I think the pockets of money are quite bulging, and it is estimated that it will be more than ten thousand!"

Qian Yali said, "It's more than 10,000 for me to see. I was passing by where I wrote the gift account, and I saw a man named Cui Guosheng, and he went with a thousand."

"What? One person pays 1000?" Qian Ming exclaimed, "If there are a few with 1000, wouldn't they send it? Tsk tsk, I didn't expect this stinky rice terminal (chef's nickname) to be quite good. Be patient."

Qian Yali said, "That's our eldest brother-in-law, don't yell, be careful that the eldest sister is angry with you when she hears it."

Qian Ming said "cut" indifferently, "If you are angry, you will be angry, but what can you do if you are angry? She is not my sister, how dare she hit me?"

Qian Yali said, "I won't beat you, but don't forget, if you offend the eldest sister, it won't be easy to borrow her light in the future."

When the word "borrowed light" was mentioned, the bulging money bag appeared in front of Qian Ming's eyes again, making him jealous again.

Well, for the sake of money, he won't call that man a stinker in the future!

The siblings discussed and walked back home.

At this time, the family had already eaten lunch, and both grandma and dad went back to the room to rest, and his mother was sitting at the door waiting for them.

Seeing them coming back, Xiu Hongmei said sternly, "You guys are back, how was your eldest sister's wedding going? How many people went? Is the reception good? Does your eldest sister look happy today? Yes? Didn't you ask me about it?"

Qian Ming said, "Mom, you ask so many questions all at once, how can we answer them?"

Xiu Hongmei said, "You can answer one by one. Tell me first, does your eldest sister look happy today? Did you ask me about it?"

Qian Ming said, "I'm happy, so a lot of money has been given to her, so who is unhappy! But she mentioned you, after all, she didn't grow up with you, and she didn't want to be close to you, so don't expect others to really be able to. Treat you as my own mother."

When Xiu Hongmei heard that her daughter didn't mention her, she felt a little disappointed, but there was nothing she could do. In her eyes, it was always dispensable.

Qian Yanan said, "Mom, the old Wang family's meal is well prepared. It's the first time I've had such a good meal when I'm so old."

Qian Yali also said, "The old Wang family seems to be very powerful. I saw a lot of people. The three floors were full, and there were many who didn't get their seats. They just wrote the gift account and left. people..."

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