Mother and a few were standing outside the door chatting, when Mrs. Qian heard the noise outside and came out of the room.

Seeing that her grandchildren and daughters were all back, the old lady immediately showed a kind smile and looked at his precious grandson with bright eyes.

"Obviously back? How's the dinner? The wedding is not beautiful?"

Among these grandchildren, what the old lady likes most is her eldest grandson who is filial and sweet. "

Qian Ming said, "Honey, we just finished talking to my mother, my eldest sister's wedding is already well organized, and the three-story restaurant is full, not to mention the big fish and meat, and such a big crab. !"

Qian Ming compared it with his hands, and compared it with a shape the size of his face to describe the king crab that shocked him at the banquet today.

"That big crab is old-fashioned, milk, I'll pack back two crab legs for you."

While talking, Qian Ming took out a paper bag from his pocket. The paper bag contained the two crab legs that he came back from the banquet today.

"Look, the crab legs of this big crab are so long. You can estimate how big the crab is just by looking at the legs."

Qian Ming presented the crab legs in front of Mrs. Qian as if offering treasures. Old Mrs. Qian was both relieved and shocked when she saw the two thick crab legs.

It is gratifying that her precious grandson knows how to be filial to her, and he knows how to go out to dinner and bring her delicious food back, so he will show his filial energy. Give it to her!

The shock is that there are such big crabs in this world. Not only has she never eaten them, but she has never even seen them in such an old age. This time she has finally learned a lot.

"Milk, try it quickly, in order to get you these two crab legs, I let the people at the table give me a stunned stun, but I have to give me milk too, just scold me. I have to take it too, or I enjoy such a good thing myself, but my milk is not eaten, I am not feeling strong..." Qian Ming said in a vernacular like honey.

The old lady heard the words of her eldest grandson, and was so moved that she almost cried. She picked up the crab with one hand and groped on Qian Ming's head with the other, and said with tears, "Okay, good grandson, milk really didn't hurt you in vain..."

As he spoke, he thought of the few people who fooled his eldest grandson at the dinner table, and then cursed bitterly, "Don't take those foolish things to heart, they are all a bunch of idiots. Quality things, we don't have the same knowledge as them!"

"Well, I won't give it to them!" Qian Ming said, remembering the contemptuous eyes that the men and women on the table looked at him when he was packing the two pieces of crab legs.

Damn, those eyes are really uncomfortable.

However, in order to coax his grandmother to buy him the mountain bike he had long admired, he had to admit it through gritted teeth.

Anyway, he didn't know those few people, and the only beautiful girl on the table had a boyfriend, so he didn't need to maintain his image.

In fact, Qian Yali and Qian Yanan also wanted to pack, but girls are not as thick-skinned as boys. Besides, even if they pack the old lady's legs back, because the old lady's preference is for boys Women's character, at most, is to praise them a few words, and will not give them any real benefits.

Therefore, the two sisters gave up the idea of ​​packing, so as not to be laughed at by the two handsome guys on the opposite side (Xiao Suo and Cui Lianjie), and also avoided by those annoying women (Niuniu, Xiaoying, Xiaoli and Xiaomeizi). ) was taken lightly.

"Come on, grandma, try it now. This seafood is fresh and fresh. If it's not fresh for a long time, it will be in vain."

Qian Ming put a crab leg in his mouth, bit it open, then took out the white crab meat inside, and put it in Mrs. Qian's mouth for her to taste.

Old lady Qian ate the crab legs that her eldest grandson fed into her mouth, and narrowed her eyes happily.

"Well, it's fragrant, it's fragrant. It's the first time I've eaten such a big crab, and it's the first time I've eaten something so delicious. Thanks to my eldest grandson..."

"Hey, it's good to eat milk if you like it, don't worry, after I work to earn money, I'll buy you this big crab every day, I have to tell you to eat enough..."

Qian Ming threw the good words out like he didn't want money, and coaxed old lady Qian into a grin.

When Qian Yali and Qian Yanan saw Qian Ming's diligence, they knew that he must have something in mind, otherwise he wouldn't be so kind and give the old lady the crab legs that he brought out so easily.


After the old lady had eaten the crab, she started calling him daughter-in-law.

"Hongmei, you are about to spend this month. When the expenses are over, buy a mountain bike for Mingming. The children have been complaining about it many times. It is convenient to go to and from school if you have a car to ride back and forth."

When Xiu Hongmei heard her mother-in-law's order, she said embarrassedly, "Mom, I have to buy Jingjing's dowry for my salary this month. Although I don't agree with her marriage, no matter what, this marriage is over. This mother can only send blessings."

"You want to buy him a dowry?"

The kind smile on Mrs. Qian's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by shock and meanness.

"Why did you buy her a dowry? Did she take you as her mother? If she takes you as her mother? Why didn't she ask her man to send a dowry to our family?"

Xiu Hongmei pursed her lips and said, "Mom, Jingjing is my daughter. Over the years, I haven't fulfilled my duty as a mother, and I didn't help my child when something happened. I'm married, if I don't show it, I'm so sorry for this child."

Old Mrs. Qian pouted and said with a sneer, "I have lived so many years, and I have never heard of a parent who is sorry for his child. There are all parents in the world, no matter what parents do, they are right. Parents, as long as they are brought into this world, they will owe their parents forever, how can the parents be sorry for what they said!"

The old lady said so, and thought so in her heart. In her consciousness, the gift of life is greater than the gods, and the life of the child is given by the parents. Based on this, the child will always owe the parents. They should always be filial to their parents, no matter what they do to them, they can't hold grudges or refute them.

Xiu Hongmei is a person with modern education, and her ideology is of course different from that of the old lady. When she heard the old lady say this, she retorted, "Mom, the times have changed, and the relationship between parents and children will not be the same. Although we as parents have given the lives of our children, we can’t just because we are proud of ourselves and take credit for it. To be born without raising them is a great harm to our children, and it is enough to offset the parents’ kindness to their children. , I abandoned Jingjing in the past. I thought she would hate me for a lifetime and never forgive me. Fortunately, this child is kind-hearted and forgave me. It was so easy for her to stop complaining about me. I have to take it out. Like a mother!"

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