Transmigrating to the 70’s: The Military Wife As A Farmer

Chapter 817 The wedding event is on the agenda

Xiaozhou met Huahua in the Huahua's restaurant.

The first time we met was four years ago, when Hua Hua was only 18 years old. Not long after arriving in the United States, when Xiao Zhou went to her restaurant for dinner, he happened to see Hua Hua who was scolded by her stepmother.

At that time, the Chinese in the United States were not as many as the Chinese in the United States in later generations, so the girl who was scolded suddenly caught Xiao Zhou's attention.

He found that this girl is very interesting and special. She is not like other girls. When she is wronged, she tears and is pitiful. When she is scolded, she does not resist or say anything. But she turned her face away, and those big smart eyes were exaggeratedly rolled upwards, showing the whites of their eyes, grimacing while showing a look of disdain.

Maybe it was because of her indomitable and optimistic attitude that Xiao Zhou remembered her at once.

From then on, every time Xiao Zhou came over to eat, he would look at her intentionally or unintentionally.

Flowers have to go to school, so she doesn't have much time to work in the store, and every time she works in the store, it's almost always work that doesn't touch the ground.

Therefore, after a few years, Xiao Zhou has not had many opportunities to talk to her, and he does not know her well. He only thinks that he is an optimistic, cheerful and positive girl.

In a limited number of exchanges, he heard that she was willing to return to China, and immediately proposed to her to cooperate with her.

Then...the two hit it off, and then the flowers were brought back by Xiao Zhou as a shield.

I met in a hotel before, and the two didn't have much contact with each other, but since the two formed an employment relationship and had more contact, Xiao Zhou discovered that this girl is not as kind and lovely as he thinks, even abhorrent. , is simply the devil. They specifically attacked him and opposed him, but also made full use of their family's resources to generate business for herself.

In the past few months, she has received five or six portraits, and she has also opened her long-dreamful studio.

After getting so many benefits, she didn't feel grateful to him at all, and she still treated him with red eyebrows and green eyes, as if she wouldn't get through if she didn't say a few words to him a day, until recently it got better.

He was nice to him for no reason. This move surprised Xiao Zhou. Considering that she was not the type to treat people easily, Xiao Zhou felt that it was necessary to guard against her.

If she had a relationship with his parents, or took a fancy to his family background, and really wanted to marry him, it would go against his original intention of looking for her...


"Old Zhou, you said that Duoduo has been with us Xiaoyuan for so long. It's been a few months since he came to our house. Shouldn't it be worth mentioning their marriage?"

One night, Aunt Zhou was lying on the bed and mentioned to her husband the marriage of Xiao Zhou and Hua Hua.

Because I like flowers, Aunt Lai Zhou has changed the name of flowers to blossoming.

Zhou Xilong also followed his daughter-in-law and called the flower Duoduo.

Hearing his daughter-in-law say this, Zhou Xilong agreed and said, "Well, it's time to put it on the agenda after we've been together for so long. It's just that Duoduo's parents are in the United States, so how should we propose marriage?"

Proposing a marriage is a major event. If you propose a marriage over the phone, it seems that you don't pay much attention to the other party. But if you come to the door to propose a marriage in person, the United States is too far away from here.

Besides, Zhou Xilong has a special status and cannot go abroad easily, so Zhou Xilong has a headache when it comes to proposing a relative.

Aunt Zhou also considered this, and said, "I listened to what Duoduo said, her father and her stepmother are not very good to her, or she can't come back and doesn't want to go back to the United States, so let's just leave it alone. If there are problems with etiquette, just call their family and let them know."

"But, do Duoduo agree?" Zhou Xilong considered his daughter-in-law's feelings.

Although the daughter-in-law's relationship with the father and stepmother is not good, it is a family matter after all. Which girl doesn't want her husband's family to formally come to propose marriage when she gets married, and then get married in a beautiful and beautiful way?

Aunt Zhou said, "Why don't I ask Duoduo tomorrow to see what she means, if she wants to ask us to come to propose a kiss, then I will run for them with Tuoxiu or Lao Cui, if she doesn't care about the red tape , then it's easy, let's just call his dad and we're done..."

"Well, you can do it this way, but when you tell Duoduo about this, pay attention to your words, don't put pressure on her, and be sure to ask her true thoughts, so as not to leave her any regrets." Zhou Xilong This is because Duoduo is afraid that in order to take care of them, he clearly wants them to go to the house to propose marriage, but he refuses to say it, because he is afraid of wronging his daughter-in-law, so he especially warns his wife.

Aunt Zhou said, "Don't worry, I know what I have in mind. We are just such a daughter-in-law. When we get old, we will have to point to her. With such a big matter of marriage, can I make her feel unhappy?"

"Exactly, we can't be such a confused in-law. We must try our best to answer the two children to the satisfaction of the two children, but we must not be afraid of making the children feel resentful..." Zhou Xilong said.


The couple discussed it again and went to bed in the middle of the night.

The next day, when there were only Hua Hua and Aunt Zhou at home, Aunt Zhou brought up the matter discussed last night to Hua Hua.

When Hua Hua heard that Aunt Zhou had put their "marriage date" on the agenda, she couldn't help being surprised.

Xiao Zhou had promised her before that if the family put their wedding on the agenda, she would be asked to find an excuse to break up with him. At that time, she also agreed properly.

But now-

She was used to Aunt Zhou's inquiries and caring, and she was also used to the warm family atmosphere of this home. She asked her to "break up" with Xiao Zhou, leave this warm home, and live outside alone. She...I don't want to...

But what if you don't want to? Everyone has already proposed to get married, but she can't really marry him, so she can only postpone it as much as possible...

"Auntie, this... I will take the time to discuss it with my dad first, and then... you can discuss it over the phone..." Hua Qian said with a dry smile.

Aunt Zhou saw that she had agreed, and she did not suspect him, so she agreed, and then waited for Huahua to communicate with her parents, and then happily went home...

After talking with Aunt Zhou, the flower was very tangled.

Hey, it seems that she really has to leave the Zhou family. After all, it won't take long for her to discuss this excuse with her father. She should come, she should come, and she will face it after all...

That night, the flower knocked on Xiao Zhou's door, intending to discuss this matter with him.

Seeing the flower sneaking into his room, Xiao Zhou frowned, "What are you doing at night? What do you want to do?"

Hua Hua looked at him with a satyr-proof look, and couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Of course I have something to do with you, or else? You still think I'm here to seduce you? Don't worry, you're not my thing, just like you..."

Before she could finish speaking, Xiao Zhou interrupted her abruptly, "Let's get to the point, no personal attacks are allowed."

He was also afraid of being hit by her, and he was afraid that he would hear those derogatory words such as "old man, little white face, weak chicken" from her mouth again!

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