"Let me tell you, my aunt asked me to discuss our marriage today? What do you think?"

After the flower closed the door, it immediately entered the topic.

Xiao Zhou said lightly, "Didn't we agree at the beginning? As long as my parents get married, you will find an excuse to break up with me."

"But... don't you want to save our love again? For example, find an excuse to delay your uncles and aunts, otherwise, you will bring me back here from the United States, and you will only be a shield for so many months. , don't you think it's a loss?"

"Rescue our love?"

Xiao Zhou narrowed his eyes, and a look of scrutiny appeared in his eyes.

"Hey, please don't look at me like that, I don't mean anything else, it's all for your sake, think about it, if I break up with you, your parents must try their best to let you go on a blind date, don't they? Do you want to be blind dated?"

Of course, Huahua didn't want to admit that she didn't want to leave the house, so she made a look of "I'm for your own good and for your sake".

Unfortunately, Xiao Zhou did not appreciate it.

He put the book he was reading on the desk, leaned back on the chair, and said calmly, "You are not the only and irreplaceable one, if you are gone, I will naturally find someone else. Cooperation, in fact, even if my parents didn't put the marriage on the agenda, I was thinking about ending the contract with you."

These days, the flowers have been inexplicably kind to him, and they have also peeked at him inexplicably, which has seriously aroused his vigilance, lest she make any more tricks.

So, when my parents mentioned their marriage, of course he was happy to terminate the contract with her. As for the idea of ​​"rescue love", he had absolutely no idea.

Hua Hua was furious when he heard such ruthless and unjust words from him. Fortunately, she still felt sorry for the sins and sufferings he suffered. As a result, this guy was so ruthless and did not express any gratitude for her changes. Just a heart of stone.

"Hey, I've been your nominal girlfriend for several months, and I've lived under the same roof with you for so long. Even if we have some disagreements, it's not a big hatred, you don't care about that trivial matter. Take revenge on me?" she said angrily.

Xiao Zhou snorted softly, "You think too much, my sister once told me that people who are not worth it, things that are not worth it, never take it to heart, in my eyes, you happen to belong to the kind of people who are not worth it. The one who cares about you, so I don't bother to remember what happened to you."

Hua Hua was so angry with Xiao Zhou's remarks that she covered her chest, "You~~you~~ is so unreasonable, I have been working with you for so long, and you have treated me like this, raising a kitten and a dog for so long. There is still a little emotion, you are simply a cold-blooded animal!"

Xiao Zhou said calmly, "How can you compare with kittens and puppies? Kittens are cute and puppies are obedient, how about you? What's the use of you?"


A mouthful of old blood almost spurted out!

Hua Hua was so angry that her fingers trembled, she pointed at him tremblingly...

"You cold-blooded animal, thankfully I still feel sad for your past encounters. If I knew you were so cold-blooded and ruthless, I would not sympathize with you. You deserve those crimes!"

After saying this, Hua Hua rushed out of Xiao Zhou's room angrily.

After she went out, she felt too angry again, and she couldn't calm her hatred without venting, so she turned around and kicked his door fiercely, and then went back to her own room.

Even if she kicked the door, she was still angry, so angry that she didn't sleep well all night.

She also decided that since the cold-blooded animals no longer wanted to cooperate with her, there was no need for her to linger on this home and stay here.

Otherwise, that narcissistic cold-blooded animal might think she wants to marry him because of his family background!

Hmph, he must never be allowed to have this wrong mentality, just leave, what's so great about it? Her studio has already opened, she has received several business deals in the past few months, and she is not short of money. Even without this narcissist, she can live well.

After breakfast, all the men in the family went out, and Aunt Cai went out to buy vegetables. Aunt Zhou repeated the old words and asked about Huahua's communication with her father.

Because Huahua was still angry, she didn't want to save face for Xiao Zhou, and said directly to Aunt Zhou.

"Auntie, I'm afraid... I don't need to say anything to my dad. Xiaozhou and I may...maybe...we will break up..."

Aunt Zhou was startled, stared and said, "Break up? Why? Did you quarrel?"

She couldn't think of any other reason for them to break up. The only thing she could think of was that the two young people had a fight.

"No." Huahua pursed her lips and said, "I suspect that Xiao Zhou's...that aspect...disappeared!"

After saying this, she blushed, feigned sadness, and lowered her head shyly...

But in fact, at this moment, her heart was very relieved.

Isn't the reason why that guy hired her to lie to his parents because he was afraid that his parents would know about his hidden illness? Now, she showed his scars in front of his parents without reservation, to see if he would lose face?

Even if he didn't have that hidden disease, she would say the same thing, give him a big shit pot, and he couldn't explain it, so mad at him!

Aunt Zhou didn't know Huahua's dark heart at this time. After hearing Huahua's words, she said in shock, "What did you say? Really? Are you sure?"

Seeing Aunt Zhou's frightened expression, Hua Hua's heart was also relieved.

It looks like that guy hasn't made any fuss in the past years, otherwise, Auntie wouldn't be so frightened, she must have explained it to her long ago.

"Duoduo, did he admit it to you personally? Tell Auntie, what's going on..." Auntie Zhou clung to the flower's hand, her hands trembling a little, showing how nervous this is something happened.

Seeing Auntie's nervous and panicked appearance, Huahua suddenly felt very guilty, but then she thought about Xiao Zhou's bad attitude yesterday, and her guilt disappeared.

"Auntie, although he didn't say it outright, but I already felt it. Think about it yourself, he is thirty years old, and he is just the age of vigorous blood, but he has no physiological needs of a normal man at all. This is not normal at all. , don't you think it's strange?"

Aunt Zhou opened her mouth, "This..."

This, she had doubted it before, but at that time, she always thought that her son could not accommodate other women because he was pretending to be beautiful. But now, when she heard the words of the flower, she couldn't help but question her previous thoughts. .

what happened?

Is there really something wrong with my son?

But how could it be?

She and Lao Zhou are both healthy and normal in that respect. How could his son have such a problem?

"How could this be? How could he have such a problem?" Aunt Zhou muttered and sat down in the chair, feeling like she was hit by ten thousand points.

"Auntie, do you think he was injured when he was beaten and imprisoned in the past?" Hua Hua raised a question in her heart.

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