
Unprepared, Xiao Zhou sneezed.

Right now, he is shopping with Yaoyao.

Because Xiaosuo and Xiaoying are about to get married, Yaoyao wants to buy them a wedding gift, but she doesn't know what to buy, so she pulls Xiaozhou out as a consultant, and wants Xiaozhou to help her choose.

Seeing Xiao Zhou sneezed suddenly, Yaoyao hurriedly handed over her little handkerchief and asked thoughtfully, "Little uncle, what's the matter with you, are you not feeling well?"

Xiao Zhou looked at the snow-white handkerchief and couldn't bear to soil it, so he reached out and took out a tissue from his trousers pocket, wiped his nose, and threw the tissue into a nearby trash can, "It's alright. , maybe the sun is too dazzling."

After listening to him say this, Yaoyao was relieved, and put the handkerchief back in her pocket, and then her thoughts returned to her own question:

"Hey, little uncle, what kind of gift do you think I should buy them? The premise is that it can't exceed one thousand yuan."

Xiao Zhou raised his eyebrows and joked: "Yo, a thousand dollars? Little girl, you are quite rich!"

"It's all the New Year's money that everyone gave me. It took me a long time to save it! Thinking that this is a wedding gift for my little brother and my sister Ying, I was willing to take it out and do something else, I couldn't bear it. What." She pouted her little mouth with a pained look on her face.

"Oh, so, it seems that your brother Xiaosuo and sister Ying are quite important in your heart!"

Xiao Zhou couldn't help laughing a bit when he looked at the slender mouth with a reluctant expression. He raised his hand and tried to rub her little head as before to show his intimacy.

But when he was halfway up his hand, he suddenly realized—Xiaoyao is now a big girl, and it would be inappropriate to rub her head casually.

Thinking of this, he turned his raised hand, stroked his hair, and said calmly: "Let me see, your brother Xiaosuo and sister Ying are more practical people, it is better to give something practical. , like — buy them a bedding set, or buy them a couple’s watch.”

"Well, great idea! Then... just buy a couple's watch."

A slender finale.

She originally liked things like jewelry and watches. After hearing Xiao Zhou's proposal, she immediately agreed to buy a pair of lovers' watches for brother Xiaosuo and sister Xiaoying as a wedding gift.

Xiao Zhou said, "I happen to have an elementary school classmate who sells watches in a department store. Let's go to him and buy them. We promise not to fool us and give us a little cheaper."

"Okay, okay!" Of course I can't ask for something cheaper.

Seeing her happy applause, Xiao Zhou shook his head helplessly.

This little iron cock, the family's money is about to pile up, she is still stingy, and I don't know who she is following...

So, the two walked to the department store together and came to the watch counter of Xiao Zhou's old classmate.

Xiao Zhou's old classmates were very excited when they saw Xiao Zhou condescending to come to him. They hurried out of the counter, took Xiao Zhou's hand and did not let go. It was as if his esteemed old classmate had descended.

After a long while, Xiao Zhou found the opportunity to pull out his hand and said, "I'm here to accompany my niece to buy gifts for her this time. She wants to buy a couple's watch. The price is scheduled to be around 1,000 yuan. Please help me recommend Bar."

"Hey, great!" The old classmate who sold the watch answered quickly, but a strange smile flashed on the corner of his mouth.

These officials, ah, like to do these robbery, want to hide things, to buy gifts for your little girlfriend is a real benefit, why cover up, lie and bullshit?

Xiao Zhou's family is not bad, his classmates all know his background and background, and they all know that Xiao Zhou's family has only his only son, no sisters and sisters at all. Since there are no sisters and sisters, where did he get his niece?

Taking a step back, even if it is a niece from a distant house, can parents rest assured to let a little girl come out to buy something as expensive as a thousand yuan?

Cut, who are you lying to? Who are you taking for a fool?

However, this classmate is a smooth person. Since people say she is a niece, then she should be her niece.

Anyway, it's none of his business whether he is a niece or not. He should do his own business safely. There is no need to offend the Zhou family for a gossip that has nothing to do with him.

Besides, for someone like Xiao Zhou, it's too late for him to flatter him, so how could he not be happy for him?

"Siyuan, look at this pair, it's made in Shanghai, with a German watch movement..." He diligently put a pair of silver-white watches on the counter, and began to introduce it eloquently... ...

Xiaosuo and Xiaoying are about the same size as Xiaozhou and Xiaoyao. When they saw the watch in the picture, Xiaozhou and Xiaoyao picked it up and tried it on. Xiaozhou tried it for Xiaosuo, and Xiaoyao tried it on for Xiaoying.

Here, the two were trying, but Xiao Zeyun, who received the tip, rushed over with a few brothers on fire.

"Fuck, it's time to buy couple watches! It's over, Brother Zeyun, you're done..."

After a few people arrived, they saw Xiao Zhou and Yaoyao trying on the couple's watch at a glance. Several brothers looked at Xiao Zeyun with sympathy (schadenfreude), as if seeing their majestic brother Zeyun, who was overhead at this time. A green.

Xiao Zeyun looked at the pair of intimate figures, and rushed up with anger, the top of his head was about to smoke, he gritted his back teeth and said, "Damn it! The young master saw him long ago. I don't care about Yaoyao anymore! He dares to rob the daughter-in-law whom the young master likes, I am at odds with him, young master!"

Under the education of Mr. Xiao's fists and sticks, Xiao Zeyun no longer dared to call himself "Lao Tzu", but changed the title of "Lao Tzu" to "Little Lord".

For the title of "Little Master", although Mr. Xiao is not happy, he is slightly less disgusted with this title than the title of "Lao Tzu".

At least, when he heard Xiao Zeyun calling himself "little master", Mr. Xiao wouldn't blush and beat him with a thick neck.

So, slowly, Xiao Zeyun changed his mouth and called himself "Little Master".

"Brother Zeyun, it looks like you've been green... Look, my sister-in-law's head is almost close to that Zhou's head! Shall we go over and teach Zhou a lesson?" An Er Lengzi brother suggested angrily. road.

Another brother who was more attentive immediately stopped and said, "No! If we go to teach him a lesson, he will definitely tell the old man when he comes back, and then Brother Zeyun will be offended again, isn't it, Brother Zeyun?"

This brother said very nicely, but in fact he didn't care whether Xiao Zeyun would be beaten by the old man, but he didn't dare to provoke Xiao Zhou himself.

In the capital, who doesn't know the power of the Zhou family? There is a possibility that Xiao Zhou will achieve great things in the future, and the future is boundless. It is too late for such a person to fawn on, so how can he dare to provoke him? Isn't that self-defeating and self-destroying?

When Xiao Zeyun heard the suggestion of the Er Lengzi brother at the front, he really had the urge to beat up Xiao Zhou, but after hearing the words of the brother at the back, the fire that had just started was extinguished at once. Now, not even a Mars is left.

It's not like he hasn't learned how painful it is for the old man to beat people. Moreover, the methods used by the old man to beat people have also improved in the past few months.

He also pointed at this handsome face to confuse the slender sister. If he was broken, he would not be able to see the slender girl for several months, so why not want to kill him?

Therefore, you must not provoke the old man, and you must not provoke the surnamed Zhou.

"Damn it, it's so shameless that I still want old cows to eat tender grass when I'm old!"

Because he couldn't beat Xiao Zhou, Xiao Zeyun was extremely aggrieved. He irritably stroked the messy hair on the top of his head, and stared at Xiao Zhou with poisonous eyes, wishing to stare him into a hole.

What kind of person is Xiao Zhou? It is specially trained, and the sensory nerve is many times more sensitive than ordinary people. Although he turned his back to Xiao Zeyun, he felt the malice coming from behind him.

He turned his head, just in time to see Xiao Zeyun with the group of people staring at him viciously.

Seeing Xiao Zeyun, Xiao Zhou's first thought was that this fellow is entangled again this time.

So, he quietly took a step back and blocked the figure in front of him.

Then, continue to accompany you to pick a watch casually.

However, from Xiao Zeyun's point of view, she looks like she's snuggling in Xiao Zhou's arms!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zeyun almost vomited blood.

Damn, this grandson definitely did it on purpose, deliberately angering him and provoking him! If you don't give him some color, how can he still be in front of the brothers in the future!

In fact, Xiao Zeyun is not impulsive at all, not only is he not impulsive, but he has a lot of heart and mind, and he is also a scheming boy.

However, seeing that the daughter-in-law he had planned in his heart was so affectionate with other men, all his reason went to Java.

Xiao Zeyun walked to Xiao Zhou and Xiao Yao's side in a few steps, suppressing his anger, put his hands on the edge of the counter, and said with a smile, "Hey, hello, isn't this my little sister? What a coincidence! "

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