"Second dog, is that you?"

Seeing that Xiao Zeyun dared to take the initiative to provoke, Xiao Zhou showed no mercy, and immediately poked at Xiao Zeyun's weakness.

When Xiao Zeyun heard the word "two dogs", his originally handsome and fair face suddenly turned purple, he calmed down, gritted his teeth and laughed: "Hehe, it's Uncle Zhou! Why are you so free, why are you free? Why don't you accompany your fiancée? Don't you have a fiancée? What are you doing to accompany others to snub your fiancée?"

Xiao Zhou said as if scolding a child: "Don't take care of the adult's affairs as a child? If you have the leisure to make up your homework, it will also save you from being spanked by the old man."


Hearing that someone as big as Xiao Zeyun would be spanked by his grandfather, Yaoyao couldn't help laughing out loud, and she burst into laughter.

After laughing a few times, she saw Xiao Zeyun's face that was comparable to something in the ditch, and she realized that it was a little rude to laugh like this, so she quickly covered her mouth and turned her head to prevent him from letting him. Xiao Zeyun saw his expression.

However, even though she no longer smiled at Xiao Zeyun, her twitching shoulders betrayed her. Looking at her trembling shoulders, Xiao Zeyun could think with her toes. She must be laughing, laughing at myself.

The boy's face turned red and white, and there was an embarrassing feeling of being slapped in the face in front of his sweetheart. This feeling was even more embarrassing than when he was chased and beaten by the old man.

He coughed a few times, tugged at the collar, and said calmly to the beautiful back of the head:

"What are you laughing at? A girl's house, shopping with an irrelevant old man, and getting so close, is it a good thing?"

When Yaoyao heard that Xiao Zeyun dared to accuse herself, she immediately stopped her laughter and turned her head, and said sullenly, "Why, what's your business? Do you want your dog to meddle with mice?"

The slender temperament is completely different from Xiaoying Xiaoli, but she is somewhat similar to her grandmother Zhang Shuzhen.

Seeing Xiao Zeyun accusing herself, she immediately went full steam ahead and fired at Xiao Zeyun mercilessly.

Don't look at Xiao Zeyun's 2,580,000 dragging in front of others, but in front of Yaoyao, he is a coward, and Yaoyao is not afraid of him at all, and there is no pressure to fight him.

Xiao Zeyun was originally very arrogant to walk so close to Xiao Zhou, and she was angry with her for laughing at herself. She wanted to blame her again, but when she saw that beautiful and thrilling face facing him, she just said a word of blame. I can't even say it, I just stared at the face that fascinated him...

Ah, what a beauty! Why is it so beautiful?

When the brothers saw his unsatisfactory appearance, they all sighed secretly, it was over, their boss was planted in it, and there was no help...

"What are you looking at, what are you talking about! How old are you? Why do you care about me?" Yaoyao put one hand on his hips and pointed at Xiao Zeyun with the other, insisting.

"That...sister-in-law, in fact, you're blaming Brother Zeyun wrong. Brother Zeyun, he actually..."

One of Xiao Zeyun's brothers saw that their eldest brother was damaged by this little girl like a third grandson. Bravely speaking, he wanted to defend Xiao Zeyun.

As a result, before he could finish speaking, Xiao Zhou and Yaoyao shouted in unison, "Shut up! Who is your sister-in-law?"

Immediately, the boy was shocked by the powerful aura of these two people. Under their glares, he gradually lowered his head and turned into a pile of cannon fodder...

After scolding the stupefied young man, Xiao Zhou's anger still lingered, and he said angrily, "You can eat anything, but you can't talk nonsense! Yaoyao is a girl, and her reputation is more important than anything else. Why do you call her sister-in-law? Who gave her? Your power and courage, is that you, Ergou?"

Xiao Zhou's words in front of him were very powerful and courageous, but the last two words were a little bit hard to resist.

In fact, when Xiao Zeyun's brothers heard Xiao Zhou righteously accusing them, they felt a little uneasy in their hearts, but when they heard the last two words, they all pursed their lips in unison, afraid of fear. He couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Er Gou", who was named again, was ashamed, annoyed and helpless when he heard Xiao Zhou accuse him.

This old man seems to have made up his mind to call him "two dogs" in front of his goddess. How annoying!


He widened his eyes, cheered up, and confronted each other.

"Comrade Zhou, since you know that a girl's reputation is important, why are you still so close to the slender sister? Don't think that if she calls you little uncle, you are really her uncle! Do you have any relationship with others? You are well aware of the blood relationship, and an old man who has not yet married a daughter-in-law is so close to a beautiful flower girl, aren't you afraid of damaging her reputation?"

Although Xiao Zeyun didn't dare to fight against Yaoyao, he was not afraid of Xiaozhou. He wished that Xiao Zhou could fight himself first, so he had an excuse to fight Xiao Zhou well, and then beat Xiao Zhou hard to express the bad anger in his heart.

Xiao Zhou snorted softly and said, "Boy, I have known Xia Yao when she was still in the swaddling clothes. I watched her grow up, and I held her up. Everyone in the compound knows this. , don't tell me you don't know."

"Also, I advise you, it's best to dispel that unrealistic idea of ​​Yaoyao! Yaoyao is not only outstanding in appearance, but also excellent in character and learning. You are not worthy of her shoes, don't be selfish. It's overpowering."

"Hey, hey, Comrade Zhou, it's too much for you to say that! Don't think that if you are an elder, everyone has to let you go. Let me tell you, I hate those who rely on the old and sell the old..."

In front of Xiao Zhou, Xiao Zeyun has no other advantage, only the advantage of age, so he keeps talking about Xiao Zhou's age.

Xiao Zhou is a person who has experienced strong winds and waves, how can he be defeated by Xiao Zeyun's words?

Hearing him talking about his age again and again, and saying that he is relying on the old to sell the old, Xiao Zhou snorted softly and said, "Oh, to rely on the old to sell the old also has to have capital, not anyone who wants to sell can sell it! Just like you, you are a fool, you don’t know how to learn, you fight all day long, skip classes, eat and wait to die, but you can’t sell anything if you want to sell something. No wonder Mr. Xiao beats you twice every three days. Locking your home at a discount will also prevent you from polluting the social air all day long."

In front of the graceful face, Xiao Zhou not only called Xiao Zeyun "two dogs", but also demoted him to nothing, he was not as good as a piece of shit, and almost vomited Xiao Zeyun to death.

But in front of his goddess, of course he couldn't show that he was beaten to the point of collapse.

So, Xiao Zeyun put both hands up along the forehead, put on a very aggressive pose, and said without smiling, "Comrade Zhou, you don't envy my handsome, young and handsome, right? After all, you are already old. In front of a handsome man like Xiao Ye, you must have a sense of inferiority. You want to get back your lost confidence by belittling Xiao Ye?"

"Haha..." Xiao Zhou laughed and looked at Xiao Zeyun with a look of caring for the mentally handicapped.

"No wonder you are called Ergou. This IQ is really similar to that of a stupid dog. As expected, he lives up to his name."

"Hey, can you stop talking about people's nicknames when they were young, don't you think your approach is very low?" Xiao Zeyun said angrily.

Xiao Zhou said angrily, "No way, I always feel that the name Ergou is closer to you. If you want to change to a taller name, just live it up and let everyone see you later. I no longer think of dogs, and I will naturally not call you two dogs at that time..."

"Why does the young master look like a dog? You have made it clear to the young master. If you can't tell me today, don't even think about leaving here." Xiao Zeyun was hit hard by Xiao Zhou, and he pointed at Xiao Zhou with his finger. Start a surge.

If it weren't for the fact that his little green plum was in front of him, he would have rushed over to fight with Xiao Zhou.

No, if Yaoyao wasn't in front of him, he wouldn't be so embarrassed and angry, and he could give this elder some face.

Xiao Zhou paid no attention to Xiao Zeyun's accusations.

With his hands in his trouser pockets, he leaned on the counter calmly, looked at Xiao Zeyun, and said, "I'm in gangs all day long, and the streets are chaotic, isn't it just like a stray wild dog? , to be chased and beaten by the old man, isn't it just panic like a lost dog? And..."

He tugged at the corners of his mouth mockingly, and continued to make up the knife and said, "Every time I see a figure, I stare and open my mouth. Isn't that image like a silly dog?"

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