"Xiaoyuan, Xiaoyuan..."

Xiao Zhou was lying on the hospital bed with his eyes closed, vaguely, as if he heard someone calling him, the voice seemed to come from far away, and it seemed to come from another space, it sounded extraordinarily ethereal and distant .

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu000, don't scare mom, wake up, mom will be scared to death by you..."

Aunt Zhou crouched beside her son's hospital bed, crying to her son with tears in her eyes.

This child has been in a coma for more than ten hours. He also took the injections that should be given, the medicines that should be fed to him, and even used acupuncture and massage, but after such a long time, he still woke up a little. There is no sign of it, is this to scare her to death?

"Fanghua, why don't you go take a rest first, you haven't slept all night..." Zhou Xilong sat wearily on the chair beside the hospital bed, dark blue under his eyelids.

He also hadn't slept all night. He was worried about his son and his wife, and also worried about whether this matter was seen by others? Will it cause damage to my son's reputation...

It can be said that a heart has been divided into several petals. In just one night, his anxious hair has turned a lot white, as if he has grown old overnight...

Aunt Zhou said in a heavy nasal voice, "Xiaoyuan hasn't woken up yet, how can I sleep in? You can leave me alone, but it's you, you've been exhausted, or else, go and take a rest, it's okay. I'm just staring at it."

Zhou Xilong sighed, "No need, I can't sleep either, and I don't know when Xiaoyuan will wake up?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he sat up straight, "Huh? I seem to have seen his eyelids move just now, Xiaoyuan... Xiaoyuan..."

Aunt Zhou listened to what he said, and stared at her son's eyelids for a while, and she found that her son's eye hairs were trembling slightly.

"Eh? It's really moving, Xiaoyuan, Xiaoyuan... son..."

Hearing the call of his parents, Zhou Siyuan opened his eyes with difficulty...

I'm so tired, I feel like I've walked a long way, and I'm exhausted and I have nothing left.

"Dad...Mom..." he called weakly.

"Hey, hey..." Uncle Zhou and Aunt Zhou hurriedly agreed.

"Son, how are you feeling? Is there anything uncomfortable?" Aunt Zhou asked eagerly.

"Zhou Xilong turned his head and said loudly to the door, "Xiao Zhang, hurry up and find a doctor, Xiao Yuan is awake..."

When Xiao Zhang heard the leader's instructions, he quickly walked to the next door to ask for a doctor.

Although Xiao Zhou was tired, his mind was clear. Hearing his father calling for a doctor, he said in surprise, "Doctor... Sheng? This is... a hospital? What's wrong with me? Why... why am I here... "

Hearing their son ask this, Uncle Zhou and Aunt Zhou were dumbfounded.

It seems that the son has forgotten all about last night, otherwise it would not be this blank expression.

"Ahem...that...Xiaoyuan, don't you remember what happened before?" Zhou Xilong asked tentatively.

Xiao Zhou narrowed his eyes slightly, recalling what happened before...

Slowly, he remembered...

I remember when he came home from get off work, Hua Hua came to the house for dinner. After the meal, he sent her back, and then they broke down in the car... Hua Hua left the car angrily and wanted to go back. He was worried about his safety, so he Chase out and send her.

Later...his body happened...the mind was not clear.

However, he still vaguely remembered that he seemed to...seemly...to do something very bad to flowers!

Thinking of this, he suddenly opened his eyes.

"Dad, Mom, where are the flowers?"

Zhou Xilong and his wife heard his son mention flowers, and looked at each other. Zhou Xilong said, "Forget about flowers, take good care of your body is the most important thing."

"Dad, where are the flowers? Was she given by me... to..." Xiao Zhou asked a little embarrassedly.

Zhou Xilong coughed again, lowered his head and rubbed his forehead, and said, "Don't you remember?"


Xiao Zhou saw his father's embarrassed look, and heard his father say this, and then he was sure that the memories in his mind were not dreams, but were real.

He closed his eyes in annoyance and didn't speak for a long time.

Seeing her son's dejected look, Aunt Zhou hurriedly consoled her and said, "Don't get angry, anyway, you and Duoduo are also boyfriend and girlfriend friends, and sooner or later they are going to get married, and it's not overstepping. Don't you all have the habit of living together? You should just take it as a fashion and get closer to the world..."

"Mom..." Xiao Zhou frowned and interrupted Aunt Zhou, "Where's the flower? Is he okay now?"

He vaguely remembered that when he molested him, the flower resisted, and he was knocked unconscious by his palm, and then...


Can't think any more!

The more he thought about it, the more he felt dirty, the more he thought about it, the more shameless he felt.

"How can this happen? How can this happen?" Xiao Zhou murmured, feeling terrible in his heart, wishing to kill himself with a gun.

"Son, you have been tricked. Mom has added material to the traditional Chinese medicine. Your dad has already sent someone to investigate, and the perpetrator has also been found out. Don't worry, Dad and Mom will definitely I'll get justice for you..." Seeing her son's pain, Aunt Zhou hurriedly comforted him.

Just as he was talking, Xiao Zhang came in with the doctor, and the topic between the two girls temporarily came to an end.

"Doctor, please help me to check and see how his body is now?" Zhou Xilong stood up and said to the doctor.

Seeing that the leader stood up for himself, the doctor was flattered and hurriedly agreed, "Okay, okay, don't worry, I'll give Comrade Xiao Zhou a comprehensive inspection..."

After an examination, the doctor diligently said to Zhou Xilong, "Zhou Jun, Comrade Xiao Zhou's health is fine, as long as he takes good care of himself for two days and drinks more protein powder..."

"Oh, thank you so much." Zhou Xilong said politely.

The doctor said with a smile on his face, "Where is it? It is my duty and my honor to serve the people and benefit the patients..."

After sending the doctor away, Aunt Zhou said with relief, "Great, Xiaoyuan's body is all right, he almost scared me to death last night when he saw other people's affairs not awake..."

Thinking of the frightening scene last night, Aunt Zhou still has lingering fears.

Last night, Xiao Zhou went out to deliver flowers, but he didn't come back. The two of them both knew Xiao Zhou's personality, and it was certain that he would not stay at his girlfriend's house, let alone do anything that should not be done before marriage.

So, after waiting for two or three hours, Zhou Xilong couldn't sit still, so he sent someone to look for it.

As a result, Xiao Zhou's car was found at the Hutong entrance of the flower rental house.

At that time, the car door was wide open, Xiao Zhou was lying in the car alone, his clothes were messy, and he was unconscious. Fortunately, this alley was quiet, and no one passed by so late, otherwise, if someone saw Xiao Zhou in a mess. On the one hand, it is estimated that his fame will be ruined.

Later, Xiao Zhou was rushed to the hospital, followed by Zhou Xilong and his wife.

When they arrived at the hospital, they saw that their son was pale, his limbs were cold, and he was lying motionless as if he were dead. Zhou Xilong and his wife were terrified.

They have only one son, Xiao Zhou, in this life. Xiao Zhou is all their expectations, and 100% of them. If Xiao Zhou has three strengths and two weaknesses, it would be meaningless for them to live.

When guarding the boat, Zhou Xixilong certainly didn't forget to investigate why his son was like this all of a sudden.

When he learned from the doctor that his son had taken too much breeding medicine for animals, he was so angry that the veins on his forehead burst out, and he made a series of "checks", and he must take the medicine that feeds his son. The murderer is found out.

Later, after checking and searching, they found their own traditional Chinese medicine. After professional identification, they realized that their own traditional Chinese medicine had been manipulated and added.

So, after another investigation, with little effort, the student of Dr. Chen and Xiao Zeyun's group were investigated.

This made Zhou Xilong so angry that he called Mr. Xiao overnight, and unceremoniously sued Xiao Zeyun.

After that, in order to appease Zhou Xilong's anger, Mr. Xiao sent someone to arrest his unfilial grandson overnight in the compound, beat him to pieces, and then sent it to the army overnight.

In fact, the old man planned to send Xiao Zeyun to the army when he was older, otherwise he was too young and his bones were still developing. He was afraid that the heavy training of the army would affect his growth and development.

But from what it looks like now, this wicked child is pitiful. He kindly left him at home, but he didn't think about it, but he caused trouble for him again and again.

In the past, it was okay to fight and fight with people, but now he has even resorted to such low-handed methods. If he doesn't put him in the right place, he may do something outrageous in the future. What's the matter.

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