Transmigrating to the 70’s: The Military Wife As A Farmer

Chapter 834 I already have someone I like

"Mom, where's the flower? How is she?"

Xiao Zhou had already asked about flowers several times just now, but his mother had left the conversation out of the way. Now that the doctor had left, Xiao Zhou couldn't wait to ask.

Hearing her son mentioning flowers again, Aunt Zhou froze for a while, and when she met her son's persistent eyes, she knew she couldn't escape, so she answered truthfully.

"Hey, Duoduo is also in the hospital." Afraid of his psychological burden, he hurriedly said, "She is fine, just a little feverish. The doctor has given her an infusion and fever, and she has already retired."

When Xiao Zhou heard that Hua Hua was hospitalized with a fever, he felt extremely guilty.

She has a fever and must have been harmed by him.

A little girl's family, encountering such a thing, must have suffered serious damage to her body and mind. It's all her fault. If only his willpower was stronger, he could overcome the control of drugs...

He raised his head and said, "Mom, help me up, I'll go see her..."

Although Xiao Zhou is not a kind person, he is a responsible person.

The flower was hospitalized by him, and he must take responsibility.

Seeing that he was trying to get up, Aunt Zhou became anxious, "Oh, you just ordered. Didn't the doctor tell you to rest? Don't move, I'll send someone to take good care of it at Duoduo, it's alright." She He grabbed his son's outstretched arm, forcibly returned the arm to the bed, and tucked him in the quilt again.

"However, I don't feel relieved if I don't see her with my own eyes." Xiao Zhou insisted.

Aunt Zhou said, "There's nothing to worry about, your dad has already found the best doctor for her to see her. Besides, it's not a serious illness, it's just a fever. Just lie down for a day or two and it'll be fine. You, you have been fed so many medicines for animal breeding, and your vitality has been greatly damaged. Now, you are not allowed to go anywhere, so let me take care of them steadily."

Xiao Zhou said, "Mom, I just want to apologize to her in person. No matter what I say, she was hurt because of me. I should go and see her."

"Then wait for you to feel better before you go. You can't take it anymore. You still have to go to see others? Squint for me, don't worry, I have already dealt with this matter. I've told Duoduo the whole story, Duoduo also knows that you were drugged to do this, and I have forgiven you, so you can put down your burdens, and don't have any ideological burdens..." Aunt Zhou said, lightly I patted my son's quilt lightly, as if I patted him sleeping when I was a child.

This morning, Aunt Zhou did go to the ward next door.

When I went there, Hua Hua was still infusion. After Aunt Zhou greeted Hua Hua a few words, she told her why Xiao Zhou would suddenly be violent to him, and asked her to forgive Xiao Zhou and keep this secret for Xiao Zhou. Don't spread the word about this.

Otherwise, if this matter spreads out, Xiao Zhou's future will be completely over...

After Hua Hua heard Aunt Zhou's words, she suddenly realized.

No wonder that cold-blooded animal suddenly treated her like that. It turned out to be the effect of drugs.

That being said, it's not his fault!

To blame, she is also responsible.

At the beginning, if she hadn't speculated wildly and deduced that if he didn't do it, his parents wouldn't have been able to prescribe medicine for him?

If he didn't get the medicine, others would have no chance to give him that medicine.

Therefore, if the responsibility for this matter is divided, she also has a certain responsibility in it.

Therefore, when the aunt asked her not to blame Xiao Zhou and not to tell the matter, she thought for a while and decided not to take revenge on him, forget it...

So, she said slyly, "I know..."

Although it was just three short words, it was enough to show that she forgave Xiao Zhou and did not hold Xiao Zhou responsible...

But in fact, before her aunt came to see her, she did think about taking revenge on him, and even thought of going to the Public Security Bureau to sue him.

The reason why she didn't go last night was because she had just been raped and felt very uncomfortable. She felt like she had been run over by a car, her bones were about to fall apart, and she really didn't have the strength to report the crime.

So, I went home first, wanting to rest and wait for my body to recover before going back.

When she got home, exhausted, she collapsed onto the bed at once, and then fell into a coma, and she didn't know how long she slept.

It wasn't until Zhou Xilong sent someone to investigate the matter that she was knocked up.

After getting up, Hua Hua found herself top-heavy, walking like she was stepping on cotton, and her body was so cold that her lips were shivering when she went to open the door.

Only then did she know that she was ill, had a fever, and had a severe fever.

Out of self-help psychology, she asked someone for help, and then she was sent to the hospital where Xiao Zhou lived.

Aunt Zhou was very satisfied to see that she didn't blame Xiao Zhou or embarrass the Zhou family.

After this incident, it was proved that Xiao Zhou had no problems in that area (or the problem in that area, but it has been cured), so she still thought - after the couple was healed, they would take care of the two children. put your wedding on the agenda...

It's just that the flower is still ill, and Xiao Zhou hasn't woken up yet. She just thought about it in her heart and didn't say it.

Under the suppression of Aunt Zhou, Xiao Zhou still did not go to see the flowers, but at night, Xiao Zhou's body recovered a little, and he was able to get up by himself, so he ignored Zhou's dissuasion and insisted on visiting the flowers. .

At that time, Hua Hua was lying on the bed with her eyes closed, and when she saw Xiao Zhou coming in, a trace of fear flashed in Hua Hua's eyes.

She still remembered the nightmarish memories of last night, but when she saw Xiao Zhou now, she couldn't help feeling scared.

Xiao Zhou caught the panic flashing in Hua Hua's eyes, and felt ashamed and guilty in his heart. He took the initiative to say, "Hua... I'm sorry, I hurt you..."

Hua Hua leaned on the bed, looked at him vigilantly and said, "You came... just to tell me this? If you want to say this, I have heard it, now, please leave!"

Xiao Zhou said, "I won't bother you for too long, and I also know that you have a deep prejudice against me now, but please believe me, that's not my intention, I really don't know what I've done. , I'm very sorry for the harm it caused you, if you have any requests, just tell me..."

Looking at Xiao Zhou's calm appearance, the flower gradually became less afraid, and the emotion of fear was replaced by another emotion.

She straightened her back and said, "You are quite calm! You have caused me so much damage, shouldn't you be crying and repenting to me now? Why are you still so calm? Wouldn't your conscience hurt for doing such an immoral thing?"

Xiao Zhou said, "As I said, this is really not my intention. If you don't believe me, I can bring you the doctor's examination report. I am also a victim, really."

Huahua hehe and said, "Since you think you are also a victim, what are you doing here? Go back to your ward to lie down and be your victim."

"Although I am also a victim, you are implicated because of me, so I have an unshirkable responsibility for you." Xiao Zhou said.

Then, he said solemnly, "You don't have to complete the unfinished agreement between us, I will find a way to explain it to my parents, and in the future, I will not ask them to disturb you again. Besides, if you have any other requirements, you can tell me."

Hua Hua narrowed her eyes and looked at him for a while, then suddenly said, "If I ask you to be responsible for me, will you marry me?"

Xiao Yiyi was startled, "How can you... have such thoughts?"

The flower hooked the corner of her lips and said, "Don't worry about why I have this idea, just say whether you will agree or not."

Xiao Zhou frowned, with a look of pain and entanglement on his face. After a long time, he said, "Can you change your request? Apart from this, other than this, as long as I can do it, I can do it. promise you."

Huahua laughed mockingly and said, "Didn't you keep saying that you want to compensate me and take responsibility for me? So this is how you take responsibility? Use some spare money that your family can't spend to buy me, or use everything Your family's connections came to do something for me, just to atone for my sins and exchange for peace of mind?"

Xiao Zhou said, "It's not like this, I just don't want to miss your life, if you have to marry me, I can marry you, but there is one thing I must tell you in advance, flowers, I already like them in Zhou Siyuan's heart. In this life, I will never fall in love with another woman again, if you insist on marrying me, you will definitely regret it in the future."

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