Zhou Xilong and his wife thought that Huahua rejected Xiao Zhou just because of such a thing, girls need to be restrained, not to reject Xiao Zhou out of sincerity.

After all, where is their son's identity, status, appearance, knowledge, and such an excellent man, which woman can be willing to refuse?

They originally thought to wait for a while, let this matter settle down, and after the two young people's emotions have calmed down, they will sit together and talk about marriage.

That's right, Zhou Xilong and his wife both fell in love with flowers and wanted to marry her as their daughter-in-law.

But I didn't expect that after Hua Hua left the hospital, he quit the studio and the rental house, and I don't know where to move to.

When they got the news, it had been three days.

At that time, Xiao Zhou was discharged from the hospital, and Zhou Xilong and his wife were relieved. It was estimated that Huahua's mood might have calmed down, so Aunt Zhou brought some things to visit her, and was going to talk to her about marriage by the way. .

As a result, when I arrived at Hua Hua's studio, I found that the door of the studio was locked. I went to her rental house, and the door of the rental house was also locked.

Aunt Zhou saw that Huahua's studio and the rental house were locked. Fearing that something might happen, she quickly found Huahua's landlord. Only then did she know that Huahua had already returned from the rental house three days ago and moved out of here.

After hearing the news, Aunt Zhou was taken aback and hurriedly went to the studio's landlord, but the studio's landlord also told her that Hua had already left the house and said she was going back to the United States.

It turned out that this girl actually went back to the United States.

When Aunt Zhou heard the news, she immediately had mixed feelings. She felt guilty, regretful, and a little angry at the flower at the same time.

The guilt is that this girl was given to that by their son, and their family left before they had time to compensate them. So, aren't they sorry for them and owed them all their lives?

They had planned to let her be their daughter-in-law, but she quietly left without saying goodbye, what a pity!

Girl, what is this for? Since such a thing has already happened, their old Zhou family is not irresponsible, so why are they running? Why can't the Zhou family marry her if they stay?

Now she just ran away so silently, doesn't this make their old Zhou family feel guilty about her for the rest of their lives!

Zhou Xilong heard that the flower was gone, and hurriedly sent someone to check.

It's just that the information in this era is not as developed as in later generations. Even if Zhou Xilong is a high-ranking person, after thirteen investigations, he still can't find any flowers.

But one thing is certain, that is, the flowers must have left the capital.

Because the capital is Zhou Xilong's sphere of influence, within his sphere of influence, if you want to check a person, you can still find it. Since it is not found, it is enough to prove that that person is no longer in the capital.

After Xiao Zhou heard that Hua Hua had left, he felt more guilty.

He still remembered Huahua's happy cheers when he proposed a deal with Huahua in the United States. She really wanted to go back to China, and she really wanted to stay in the capital!

After arriving in the capital, she has been very active and hardworking. She paints for about ten hours a day. No matter how difficult the customer is, she has a way to answer it happily. She really wants to be here. Stand firm and settle down here.

However, because of him, she left the long-awaited capital, dragged her injured body and mind, and walked away quietly, throwing away the hard work of the past few months and abandoning it completely.

Perhaps, in her eyes, the current capital is no longer the cultural capital she once yearned for, but the birthplace of her nightmares.

Or, she doesn't want to accept the resources provided to her by their family anymore (many customers in the studio now go to see the Zhou family's face), and she wants to cut off relations with him completely...

No matter what the reason, in the end, he owed her.

Xiao Zhou's heart is very heavy, although he usually doesn't like seeing flowers, but when he thinks that the little girl brought it back by himself, she is here alone, with no relatives, and when something like that happens, there is no one to comfort her. .

In the end, she left here with an illness and went to heal her injuries alone...

Unexpectedly, Xiao Zhou felt guilty. He always wanted to find the flower, wanted to say 'sorry' to her, or try his best to compensate her, even if he married her.

It's a pity that the flower didn't give him this chance. She seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. She disappeared into his life without a sound. He couldn't find it no matter how much he looked for. He just wanted to make compensation. Sorry, no chance.

Therefore, Xiao Zhou can only hide this guilt deeply in his heart, looking forward to one day when he can meet her again and say sorry to him personally.


In a flash, it's New Year's Day.

On New Year's Day, Huo Jianfeng's family, Wang Haixing's family, and Da Chao's family all went to the Siheyuan for dinner.

During the meal, Wang Wenyuan said solemnly, "I want to discuss something with your mother while everyone is complete today."

With a big laugh, he said, "If you have anything to do, the old man will tell you what to do. What else can you discuss? Are you not the head of our family? How can we refute you?"

"Fuck you, I'm about to become a father, and I haven't slipped yet." Wang Wenyuan gave him a confused look. Although he blamed him in his mouth, he was still very satisfied with his son's compliment.

"That's how it is, don't you look at the Chinese New Year? I'm thinking about our family going back to our hometown this year to visit our ancestors. Over the years, thanks to the blessings of our ancestors, our family has always been smooth, adults and children. All want to be fragrant, all thanks to the blessing of our ancestors..."

"Father, I don't agree with what you said." Daran interrupted Wang Wenyuan's words and said, "Our family can live such a good life, it has nothing to do with our ancestors, it is my sister Xiu who leads everyone to live well, don't you? Thank you for the wrong person, it makes my sister Xiu angry. They don't let us work in the hotel, and they won't let you live in this courtyard. Let's see if our ancestors can arrange such a good job for us, can they give us such a good job? You arrange a courtyard house..."

"You kid, are you kidding me?" Wang Wenyuan was a little embarrassed by his son's words, raised his hand and nodded his head, and said, "Father and mother are not confused, our family can live so well, of course. It's because of your sister Xiu, but isn't it because of the blessing of your ancestors that your sister Xiu can make such a great progress?"

"Father, my sister Xiu's surname is Han, and our surname is Wang. Even if it is my ancestor's blessing, it should bless me and my sister. How can I bless my sister Xiu? It's obviously my sister Xiu. After getting along, we will all have a good life, and we have nothing to do with our ancestors, so please don't mess with your ancestors, okay?" Da Chao told the truth.

Wang Wenyuan was speechless by his son, so he looked at his daughter-in-law with a blushing face, and wanted to ask his daughter-in-law for help.

Zhang Shuzhen's way of dealing with the chaos is the same as before, which is simple and rude. She slaps her son on the head and slaps her son on the head. Days, isn't your father saying this to make the ancestors happy? If the ancestors are really happy, maybe they can really bless us and help us start our lives!"

Clutching his head that had been patted by his mother, he complained to his daughter-in-law aggrieved, "Jingjing, look at Mom, if I can't say anything, I'll hit me. I'm going to be a father, and she's still like this!"

Good ecstasy of Calvinka, everyone, I'm sorry, there is only one more update today.

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