Everyone has a vain mentality, and so do Wang Wenyuan and his wife.

When he lived in Sijiawazi village in the early years, Wang Wenyuan was often bullied by the villagers because of his leg disability. He had no status in the village at all, and even a three-year-old child could call him 'Wang Lame, Wang Lame'. No one took him seriously.

Although he doesn't care on the surface, he is actually very aggrieved. Man, who doesn't want to be respected by others?

Because he was not respected by others, he was often bullied. For this reason, Wang Wenyuan was suffocated in the village for many years.

Later, he managed to rely on Huo Jianfeng as a soldier, and he was finally able to raise his head in the village, but no matter what he said, Huo Jianfeng was not his own son after all. Many villagers with serious feudal ideology always talk about the fact that his own son is not as good as his stepson, making Wang Wenyuan even vomit blood...

Now, his parents and children are all rooted in the capital, and his son has married a capital girl who graduated from Tsinghua University. He is finally proud of himself. He is so beautiful, if he doesn't go back and show off to those who looked down on him in the past, he can Are you willing?

So, from the day when Da Chao married Xiao Jing into the house, he thought about trying to find an excuse to go back to his hometown and enjoy the scenery...

It's just that everyone is busy and doesn't have time, so he just thinks about it for nothing.

But it's alright now, the winter vacation is coming soon, and everyone is fine, so we can take this opportunity to go back and let those who looked down on him in the past look down on him.

Those who have bullied him should take a good look at his son-in-law, daughter-in-law, and let out the sullenness that has been held in their hearts all these years!

Zhang Shuzhen also has this mentality!

Before, because she was a remarried woman, people in Tunli looked down on her. In addition, the man she remarried was a lame man without a labor force, so during those years, she had been criticized behind her back in the village, and her life was not very difficult, if she hadn't been like a shrew with the others in the village Women who talk so much about their wives have done it a few times. It is estimated that their family will be drowned by the spittle of those long-tongued women in the village.

Now, her two sons are married to college students from famous universities in the capital and have formal jobs. Her daughter and son-in-law have also bought a house in the capital, and they are earning a lot of money. She has also become a proper life. The winner is so beautiful, if she doesn't go back and show the old ladies who looked down on her, she will not be reconciled.

So, the old couple calculated it, and finally decided to take advantage of the winter vacation, when the daughter-in-law and the children had time to go back to visit the graves of the ancestors, and the most important thing was to go back to the village. Show off and show off, and have a good time.

When Huo Jianfeng and Wang Haixing heard their parents' decision, they naturally agreed, only Da Chao disagreed.

It's not that he didn't want to be home because of the chaos. After coming to the capital for all these years, he never for a moment forgot the small mountain village where he was born and raised, nor did he forget the little friends who grew up with him bare-bottomed.

If he could go back and see the village where he once lived, and gather with those friends, talk and chat, he would be very happy.

It's just that Jingjing is pregnant now. The capital is more than a thousand miles away from their hometown in the northeast. If they go back, they will have to go back and forth between trains and cars. He can't bear to toss with his daughter-in-law.

Compared with visiting my hometown and visiting my old friends, my wife and children are more important.

Therefore, when the parents proposed to go back to their hometown, the chaos began to make irresponsible remarks and all kinds of non-cooperation.

Seeing that he was not cooperating, Zhang Shuzhen did not get used to him, and immediately suppressed him by force.

From childhood to adulthood, those who are in chaos at home have always had no status. This phenomenon has continued to this day and has not changed. Just because he refused to cooperate well, Zhang Shuzhen slapped him on the head casually.

"Jingjing, look at Mom, if I can't say anything, I'll hit me. I'm going to be a father. She's still like this!"

Dalian covered his head and complained to his daughter-in-law, but it was a blessing that Xiaojing was far away from him. If he was close, he would have to throw himself into her arms to complain.

Xiaojing watched the warm interaction between their mother and son, pursed her lips and said with a smile, "It's also a kind of happiness to have a mother beat you, so you can be content."

"Look, we are still quiet and sensible. We are indeed top students who graduated from Tsinghua University. We think more than this stinky boy. Hmph, this stinky boy, when he was a child, he never gave me peace of mind. hit him..."

While scolding her son, Zhang Shuzhen did not forget to hold her daughter-in-law.

This move really coaxed the daughter-in-law into a warm heart, and without discussing with the chaos, she directly promised to go home to worship her ancestors.

"Mom, it's not that you don't know the chaotic temperament, you're skinny, don't look at his nonsense, in fact, he is more willing to go back to his hometown than anyone else. Just a trip, so that he can get rid of his homesickness, I just went back to meet the old relatives and friends who knew my hometown, and by the way, I will put incense sticks for my ancestors..."

Hearing Xiaojing's promise, Wang Wenyuan and his wife were overjoyed and moved.

Because when the two of them proposed to go back to their hometown to worship their ancestors, they didn't worry about showing their home or Hongzheng and the three of them would not cooperate, because that was their hometown, and they would definitely be willing to go back, so as long as the two of them were together Zhang Luo, they pledged to agree.

The only thing they worried about was Xiaojing. They were both afraid that Xiaojing, a girl who grew up in a big city, would not like to go to the northeastern countryside, and they were also afraid that he would refuse to go back under the pretext of being pregnant.

But now, the daughter-in-law has personally promised to go back, so they don't have to worry.

Because they know very well that in their son's house, it is the daughter-in-law who has the final say, and the daughter-in-law says to go back, then this matter is considered accurate.

Although the son is not the master at home, the old couple is not dissatisfied.

My son is not worthy of Xiaojing in the first place, so it is also right to let Xiaojing at home. Besides, even if he lets Xiaojing, Xiaojing is not coquettish and coquettish. He takes care of this home very carefully, and has always been very good at chaos.

Both Wang Wenyuan and Zhang Shuzhen felt that, given the chaotic conditions of their family, being able to marry a daughter-in-law like Xiaojing was considered a special blessing from God...

Da Chao was worried about his daughter-in-law's pregnancy and didn't want him to go back, but he didn't think about it, but his daughter-in-law rushed ahead of him and promised his parents. Since he agreed, he, the son, didn't have much to say, so he nodded and agreed. now...

So, it was such a happy decision to go back to the hometown to worship ancestors.

After the matter was finalized, Wang Wenyuan immediately happily planned the itinerary to go back. With so many people going back, which bus would they take to go back? How many days will I go back to live, and who will I find accommodation in? Which relatives and friends to visit, when to come back, etc...

Recently, Kawen has been very stuck, so it is a little less, hey...

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