On January 10th, the primary and secondary schools in the capital finally had their winter vacation. Wang Wenyuan and Zhang Shuzhen finally got their wish and brought their children and grandchildren. They happily got on the train back to their hometown, ready to go back to their hometown to visit relatives and worship their ancestors. .

The train rumbled all night and arrived in Chunshi the next morning.

After arriving in Chunshi, they returned to Nong'an County by bus, and then took a bus from Nong'an County back to Halahai Town.

After arriving at Harahai Town, it was already noon. Considering that everyone was hungry, Huo Jianfeng took everyone to dinner, and was ready to return to the village to worship his ancestors after eating.

After entering the 1990s, Harahai Town is much more prosperous than before, and there are also four or five individual restaurants from the original public restaurant.

Huo Jianfeng made a rough inspection, and finally chose the restaurant with the biggest face and the most prosperous business.

As a result, a large group of people entered the restaurant in a hurry. The owner of the restaurant saw so many people coming, and hurriedly welcomed them in with a smile on his face, and invited them to the largest table.

After being seated, Huo Jianfeng asked Wang Wenyuan and Zhang Shuzhen to order food. Wang Wenyuan waved his hand and said boldly, "I'll invite you for this meal today. Order what you like, don't save me money."

Wang Wenyuan has always been a person who speaks less and does more things. He rarely has such a high profile in front of his children on weekdays. Today, an old man is happy, so of course everyone has to support him and follow his heart.

So, Huo Jianfeng's family, Wang Haixin's Xing's family, the big messy young couple, the three families took the family as a unit, each family ordered two dishes, and then Wang Wenyuan and Zhang Shuzhen were asked to order two dishes. In this way, there are eight dishes for this meal, enough for everyone. eat.

Now that everyone has money, Wang Wenyuan and his wife are responsible for purchasing for the restaurant every day. They are often filial to the vegetable vendors during Chinese New Years, and Han Mingxiu has not treated them badly. It's very drum, and it's more than enough to treat the children to a good meal.

Therefore, no one was polite, and they all picked up their favorite dishes and ordered them.

There are no high-end things like abalone, lobster, and hairy crabs in the restaurants in the town. There are only dishes such as chicken, goose, pork knuckle and beef and mutton. Everyone ordered a table with big fish and big meat.

Because the winter in the northeast is too cold, if you don't eat something high-heat, your body will be overwhelmed when you go back to the grave later.

After ordering, everyone sat and chatted, talking about the changes in the town over the years.

Everyone has not come back for several years. In the past few years, the town has undergone earth-shaking changes, not only several tall buildings have been built, but also more shops on both sides of the road.

The adults were lamenting the changes in the town, and a few children were sitting by the black and white TV set in the hotel, watching the TV series "Fengshen Bang", which is currently on the air, with relish.

The 90th edition of Fengshen Bang is a large-scale ancient costume mythology TV series jointly produced by Hong Kong and Huaguo. There are many big names in it. Among them, the actress who plays Su Daji is a newcomer, but her amazing beauty is enough to make her qualified for this role. important role.

Han Mingxiu remembered that when she first watched this TV series in her last life, she was still in elementary school, and was amazed by Su Daji's beauty at that time.

After a lifetime, seeing the TV series that I was obsessed with for hours, I can't find the feeling of that year, but when I saw this film, I was extraordinarily close, as if I saw a long-lost old friend.

The adults were all gathered to talk and chat, but she, like the children, was attracted by the TV series...

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