Chaos burned paper and kowtowed in front of the ancestral grave. Afterwards, Huo Jianfeng's family and Lin Hongzheng's family also came to pay their respects.

Although Huo Jianfeng has no blood relationship with the Wang family, Wang Wenyuan is his stepfather, his mother-in-law is also the daughter-in-law of the Lao Wang family, and Han Mingxiu is also the granddaughter of the Lao Wang family. The relationship between the threads, he should also kowtow and worship.

After the worship, Da Chao carefully helped Xiao Jing to get into the car, and everyone also got into the car. The van roared all the way and sent them to Sijiawazitun.

Si Huaqiang, the village chief of Sijiawazitun, received a call from Wang Wenyuan long ago. Knowing that they were coming back today, he had already prepared food and drinks, waiting to meet this old neighbor who was doing well in the capital.

It is said that the poor cause trouble and no one asks, and the rich have distant relatives in the mountains. People are such power. I think back when Wang Wenyuan's family was down and out, no one in the village looked at them. Now their family is rich and has become the capital. People, everyone is naturally happy to come and get close, in order to get some benefits.

There are also people who know that they have nothing to do with Wang Wenyuan's family, but they are ready to see what the Wang family who has jumped into the Dragon Gate is like now...

So, a noisy group of people waited while discussing.

"I heard that my family, Chuanzi, had married a Tsinghua university student, and he looked like a thief. This time, I have to open my eyes and see what this Tsinghua university student is like..." Someone said.

Another person said, "It's all human, so what else can it be? It's just two eyes and one nose. How about two noses and one eye?"

"That's not true, I just want to see what kind of person can be admitted to Tsinghua University!"

"Hey, what's there to see? Tsinghua University is not too difficult to pass the test. I heard that the boy from Sun Aotun's Sun Heizi's family passed the test. I saw that boy when he was a child. He was dark and small. I didn't expect it to be so promising..."

"Prosperity is also the credit of the adoptive mother. It has nothing to do with Sun Heizi. If the child is still in the hands of Sun Heizi, it is estimated that it is no different from us now, and he must still be squatting in our old village to be an old commune member..."

"You said that Sun Heizi has regretted his bowels now, such a good son, he just let him out, look at the children he raised with the table, how can there be any good fun, they are all again and again The animals have no water..."

"Who said no? I heard that some time ago his second son couldn't give him a dowry because his family was poor, so he smashed the house."

"Well, I also heard that this is all retribution. Who made him treat his eldest son so much back then? God has eyes, this is asking him to pay off his debts..."

Amidst everyone's discussion, the van pulling Wang Wenyuan's family finally arrived.

Hearing the sound of the car turning off, everyone rushed out of the gate to greet Wang Wenyuan's family.

"Aiya, let's see who's back? People from the capital..." The village chief Si Huaqiang teased with a smile.

Wang Wenyuan was carrying the gift he brought to the village chief's family (after all, the family has to stay overnight, and they have to eat dinner and tomorrow's breakfast, so I'm sorry to come empty-handed), he said with a smile , "Don't be funny, what are you from the capital? I am a native of the countryside, and I can't lose my identity as a peasant at any time."

Everyone was very happy to hear him say that.

They are both from the countryside, and they have lived in this village for half their life. Now one of them suddenly leaps from the dragon gate and becomes a native of the capital. He is also a wealthy and successful person. It is enough to make them envious and hateful. The people in the capital are arrogant and staring at them, doesn't it make them even more blocked?

Fortunately, Wang Wenyuan knew how to be a human being and didn't want to draw hatred. He emphasized his identity when he got out of the car, which invisibly narrowed the distance between him and the villagers, making everyone feel both cordial and comfortable.

"Hey, don't be humble. Now your family has taken root in the capital, and you are also from the capital, so you are still an old farmer." road.

Before Wang Wenyuan could be polite to him, a daughter-in-law in the village stared at Xiaojing and said loudly, "Brother Wang, is this the daughter-in-law of Da Chaos? She looks so handsome!"

Xiaojing smiled and said to the aunt who praised her, "Hello, I am a wise lover, nice to meet you!"

"Hey, listen, people in the capital speak differently from those in the countryside. They are polite and polite." The speaking daughter-in-law said loudly.

An old lady standing beside her said, "Can people in the capital be like us? Besides, I heard that Da Chao's daughter-in-law is a graduate of Tsinghua University. Da Chao, isn't it?"

Chaos, whose name was named, immediately nodded wildly, with a proud look on his face, "Yes, yes, my daughter-in-law graduated from the History Department of Tsinghua University, and she is now working in the Capital Museum."

"Tsk tsk, listen, people are serious literate people, no wonder they speak so nicely..." The woman with a loud voice sighed with undisguised envy in her eyes.

The friends who grew up with Da Chao are even more envious. They all stared at Xiao Jing, their envious eyes turning red.

I think back when Da Chao was hanging out with them, Da Chao was the worst in study, the poorest in the family, not very good at work, and looked average...

Logically, just like him, even if he married a girl who didn't have a job in the countryside, no one would be happy to marry him, but who would have thought that he would marry a woman from the capital, and a beautiful graduate of Tsinghua University, who was so gentle. people. Where is the reason for this, what a shame to call them friends who are better than Da Chao!

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