Huo Jianfeng's family greeted everyone at the door, and let the van take them to Sun Aotun and Xiaodongshantun to worship.

In addition to the old Wang family, they also have relatives who need to sacrifice.

The couple had discussed in advance that they would go to Sun Aotun first, and then go to Xiaodongshan.

When Han Mingxiu passed by, her physical parents had already passed away, so she had no real feelings for the two old people, but some memories of her parents remained in the original owner's mind.

Because of the warm memories in her mind and the fact that she borrowed the body of other people's daughters, she should assume the responsibility of their daughters and sacrifice for the two old people.

The process of offering sacrifices is similar to the previous sacrifices to the ancestors of the Wang family, that is to use a broom to clean up the snow on the tomb, and then put tributes, burn paper for the parents, and kowtow...

Before returning, Han Mingcui and Han Mingyu specially entrusted Han Mingxiu to burn some paper money for their parents and bring their sisters' share.

If neither of them came back, they could only let their younger sister perform filial piety in front of their parents instead of them.

Han Mingxiu burned a lot of burning paper because they wanted to sacrifice for the two sisters because of their filial piety to their parents. The smoke rising from the woods, I thought it was a fire in the woods.

So, he hurriedly called someone to go outside the village to put out the fire.

As a result, when she arrived in the woods outside the village, she saw Xiaoxiu from the Old Han family leading her men and children to visit the graves of her parents and the ancestors of the Old Han family.

"Oh, it turns out that Xiu is back!" a villager said enthusiastically.

Han Mingxiu was also happy to see the village neighbors. She said enthusiastically, "Yes, come back to pay my parents' graves. Uncle Maotai, it's been a long time since I saw you. Is everything in the village okay?"

Maotai said, "Everything is fine. Thanks to you, our village has been rated as a model breeding village by the county for two years in a row. This year, the county also organized village chiefs from various villages to visit our village."

It turns out that the villagers in Sun Aotun have been following Han Mingxiu's breeding method for animal husbandry. From the beginning of small troubles to gradually expanding the scale, now every household has become a big farmer, and it has become the richest in the county. the village.

Han Mingxiu was very happy when she heard that the village had become the richest village in the county, and wanted to go back to the village to have a look. Empty, just do it...

Just as he was regretting it, Sun Maotai said again, "By the way, Xiu, your second uncle is gone, do you know about this?"

"Ah? My second uncle... gone?" Han Mingxiu was stunned.

She hadn't heard from the Han Zhide family for many years, and almost forgot that there was such a person. Now, after being reminded by Uncle Maotai, she suddenly remembered that she had a second uncle.

"Yeah, it didn't last year, your second aunt is also ill, and now she's lying sick at home with no one to take care of it, I guess she won't survive the new year..." Uncle Maotai continued.

Han Mingxiu didn't have any feelings for his cheap second uncle. When he heard that he died, his emotions didn't fluctuate, but he was a little surprised. She said, "My second uncle and my second aunt are not very old, why are they like this?"

Uncle Maotai said, "I was fascinated to hear people say that they have been selling blood in the south for a living during the years since they left home. Later, your second uncle contracted a strange disease for some reason, and he died in less than two years. Their Biaozi brought back your second uncle's ashes and your second aunt last year, and when your second aunt came back, you were still able to walk and walk by yourself, but your body is not getting better every day, and now you can't move on the kang..."

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