When Dashuang heard Xiaoshuang's words, it seemed as if he had been dialed. He hurriedly broke away the big dry hand and turned to Han Mingxiu.

"Mom, show my aunt the present, let's see if he likes it?"

Knowing her son Mo Ruomu, Han Mingxiu knew better than anyone what the temperament of her own child was.

She knows that the big bisexual is a bit withdrawn and cold, and hates being so close to being contacted by others. Today, it is not easy for him to endure this old lady for so long. At this moment, seeing him collapse and ask her for help, Han Mingxiu hurried forward to smooth things out and save his son.

"Auntie, Jianfeng and I bought you some ginseng royal jelly, as well as imported milk powder, cakes and wine. See if you like it." Han Mingxiu put the gift in his hand into Aunt Huo's hand and did not move. He shoved Da Shuang aside.

Aunt Huo was even more moved when she saw the gifts her nephew's daughter-in-law gave her. Although she liked it, she kept saying, "Oh, how much does this old thing cost? Just come back, Auntie. I'm just happy, I can't spend money on these old things anymore, the aunt is an old country woman, how can I eat such good food?"

Han Mingxiu smiled and said, "Don't say that, aren't these things made for people to eat? All beings are equal, others can eat it, why can't we country people eat it?"

Han Mingxiu used the word "we" to classify herself as a countryman. Hearing Aunt Huo's heart warming, the smile on her face became even wider.

"Listen to what others have said, you are indeed a college student who went to college in the capital, and what you say sounds better than the words of our countrymen." Aunt Huo happily put the things Han Mingxiu put into her on the cover of the cabinet. Complimented while admiring.

The eldest uncle also kept saying, "Oh, I'm not an outsider, what are you spending this money for? What a waste..."

At this time, not only the aunt and the eldest uncle were present, but also the eldest son Sui Zhenye and the eldest daughter-in-law Xiao Guoping, as well as the two sons and a daughter of Sui Zhenye and Xiao Guoping.

That daughter was the girl who followed her parents to the capital to find Han Mingxiu's house to fight the autumn breeze, and even kicked Da Shuang.

A few years have passed, and the girl who buried Batai has grown into a big girl, and it is in line with the old saying about the eighteenth change of the female college. Now she is born with water and water, and she is a serious and handsome big girl. .

It's a pity that this girl has only improved in appearance, but has not improved at all in temperament and disposition. She is lazy, greedy and selfish just like when she was a child, always trying to take advantage or get something for nothing.

At this moment, seeing the wealthy relatives at home, she certainly wouldn't let it go easily.

"Hey, uncle, your children's clothes are so beautiful, they are very expensive." She peeked at the down jacket with the big red fox fur collar on her body, and she wished she could peel off the clothes on her body. It's like wearing it on her.

Huo Jianfeng said lightly, "Your aunt bought their clothes. I don't know how much they cost."

Ya Dan'er turned her face to Han Mingxiu again, "Auntie, how much is this dress? Can you bring me one too?" She pointed to the down jacket on her slim body.

Aunt Huo hurriedly said, "Damn, don't make trouble. Those are the clothes worn by children in big cities. How much does it cost? How can we country people afford such good clothes?"

Xiao Guoping said angrily, "Mother, look at what you said, isn't it just a piece of clothing? It's not inlaid with gold or plated with silver, so why can't you afford it? Besides, even if we can't afford it, Jianfeng and the others are the two of them. Can't you afford it? The couple are both the director and the factory, so how can they afford this set of clothes?"

Hearing this, Han Mingxiu felt very uncomfortable.

what does it mean? What does it matter to her that they have money? She is rich and can afford any clothes, but it is one thing if she can afford it, and it is another if she is happy to buy it for this bastard. Xiao Guoping said this, so she almost didn't care. Does she want it? She Han Mingxiu doesn't owe her Xiao Guoping, why should she buy clothes for her children for nothing?

That bastard once kicked her child, and she still doesn't look like a good girl. She (Han Mingxiu) can't look down on their mother-in-law even with her eyes closed. They are just like that, why would you want to take advantage of her for nothing? ah?

Does her head look big?

Han Mingxiu was very upset. After Xiao Guoping finished babbling over there, Han Mingxiu acted as if she didn't listen. She drooped her eyelids and didn't speak and ignored her.

Aunt Huo was very embarrassed when she saw that her daughter-in-law had a big face to take care of other people's things, and also saw Han Meixiu pulling her face and ignoring her. She wanted to say something to her daughter-in-law. , Besides, the nephew's family is here, if Xiao Guoping, the old lady, does it regardless, she will not be able to control the situation.

So, even if she was embarrassed, she didn't dare to say that her daughter-in-law was wrong, she just said to her granddaughter a little sternly, "Da Dan, you are not a child anymore, how did the milk usually teach you? Reaching out to take care of what people want? How embarrassing?"

Xiao Guoping sneered and said, "What's the shame, Ya Dan cares about her own uncle's request for clothes, and doesn't care about other people's requests."

When she said the word "others", she gave Han Mingxiu a special look, as if she had deliberately said it to Han Mingxiu.

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