Hearing Xiao Guoping's strange tone of yin and yang, and his words, Han Mingxiu immediately turned his eyes to Huo Jianfeng.

She is too lazy to talk to people like Xiao Guoping. Since she is a relative of the Huo family, let Huo Jianfeng solve it by himself.

Huo Jianfeng received his daughter-in-law's eyes, and immediately understood what his daughter-in-law meant, so he said to him, "Daughter-in-law, how much is this slim down jacket?"

Han Mingxiu said lightly, "Two hundred and seven."

"Ah? Just such a set of clothes costs two hundred and seventy-seven." Aunt Huo's family was shocked when they heard the price quoted by Han Mingxiu, and Xiao Guoping cried out in surprise.

"Why are these clothes so expensive? Brother and sister, you didn't fool me, did you?"

Han Mingxiu glanced at her with a displeased look on her face, and said, "If you think it's too expensive, you don't have to buy it."

Xiao Guoping didn't plan to buy clothes by himself, how could he not buy them? The reason why I thought it was too expensive just now was because I was so surprised when I first heard the price, I blurted out.

So, when Han Mingxiu said, "You don't have to buy it if you think it's too expensive," she hurriedly said, "Buy, buy, why don't you buy it? You have to buy it. My old girl is old enough to find her husband's family. I am a mother. She has to get two decent clothes for her to dress up. They all say that people are clothes and horses are saddles. She is so handsome. Yes, maybe I can find a mother-in-law in the city..."

As she spoke, she laughed "giggling" like an old hen who just laid eggs.

Han Mingxiu looked at her immersed in a beautiful fantasy, with a self-intoxicated look, as if his daughter had really married into the city and found a good son-in-law who was rich, powerful and filial to her. I couldn't help laughing, and I said in my heart, even if you don't wear a phoenix robe, you don't have a good guy to like her, and the guy who can like her probably can't be a good person. , it is impossible for this girl to have such a woman who can't stand on the stage.

At this time, Xiao Guoping said again, "Jianfeng, my niece and I both liked this dress, but the price is too high. If it's thirty or twenty, I can't afford to buy it. But two hundred and seventy yuan is almost equal to our family's income for two months, which is too much, we really can't afford it, so... so..."

She grinned and smiled with a wrinkle at the corner of her eyes, "Look, can you put a pad on your niece first, and then pay you back when we have money."

She said yes, but everyone had a clear mind. She just licked her face and took care of what Huo Jianfeng wanted. It was impossible to pay it back.

Aunt Huo's face turned red, and she didn't care whether her daughter-in-law was angry or not, and said, "Guoping, this is not very good, so much money for clothes, why would you be embarrassed to let others give us pads, otherwise, we will wait for the clothes. Buy it, wait until we save enough money..."



Xiao Guoping and Ya Dan'er spoke in unison, interrupting Aunt Huo's words together.

Xiao Guoping said dissatisfiedly, "Mother, what are you waiting for? When we have saved enough money, the good guy has already been picked, is it still our turn?"

Ya Dan also said angrily, "Daddy, who are you kissing? Why are you talking to outsiders? I'm not your granddaughter? Why don't you think about me?"

When Huo Jianfeng saw Aunt Huo being scolded by their mothers together, he said, "I can help you to get it first, but my monthly income is not much, and I have to support my family, so there is not much left in my monthly salary, if you are not in a hurry If so, just wait until I save enough money to buy it for you."

Seeing the face of the aunt, Huo Jianfeng did not reject them outright, but it was almost the same as rejecting them.

When Xiao Guoping heard Huo Jianfeng say this, he immediately fought cheekily, "Jianfeng, you are also your niece. You, an elder, can't do this to your niece. Who doesn't know about you? Your family is rich, you run a factory and go to work, your niece just cares about you wanting such clothes, why would you be so embarrassed to refuse?"

She said sharply, "It's really interesting. If you want to wear clothes, you can make money to buy them yourself? Why do you force my dad to buy them for you? My dad doesn't owe you anything!"

"Oh, why are you talking to your elders? It's been so many years, why haven't you made any progress at all?" Xiao Guoping was very dissatisfied when she heard Yuyao's words, so she attacked Yuyao.

Yaoyao is a well-known little pepper, and she is not afraid of the sky, let alone an ignorant old lady like Xiao Guoping.

Hearing Xiao Guoping burying herself, Yaoyao immediately said tit for tat, "You haven't improved much. When I first saw you, your family of three went to my house to find a bargain, and this time you still want to find a bargain, it seems It's really easy to change, and it's hard to change your nature."

Although she is a bit mean, she can't be polite to a shameless person like Xiao Guoping, otherwise she will definitely put her nose on her face.

Huo Jianfeng also thought in his heart that his daughter did the right thing. In fact, when Xiao Guoping accused Yaoyao just now, Huo Jianfeng wanted to give her a few words.

Being slender is Huo Jianfeng's heart, and he is reluctant to say a word about his precious daughter on weekdays? How can he tolerate Xiao Guoping, a dead old woman, making irresponsible remarks about his precious daughter.

It's just that she has slender teeth and sharp mouths and refuses to suffer any loss. Before her father's attack, she personally went into battle to tear up Xiao Guoping.

Hearing his daughter's counterattack, Huo Jianfeng gave his daughter a compliment in his heart, and secretly said: "Well said, right to scold, you shouldn't be polite to such a woman..."

"Oh my God, Jianfeng, listen to what your daughter has to say? How can you talk like this when you are a guest? You two don't care..." Xiao Guoping still has illusions about that set of clothes, so even if It was a little too much to say, and she tried her best to restrain herself without swearing.

Han Mingxiu said with a smile, "I'm sorry, this kid has a straight temper and can't hold back his fire. He has always said one thing and two other things. Neither Jianfeng nor I can stop you, sister-in-law. There are a lot of adults, don’t be like a child, eh…”

Huo Jianfeng stood up from the edge of the kang and said to Aunt Huo, "Aunt Huo, let's go first, I will come back to see you when I have time..."

Seeing Huo Jianfeng getting up to leave, Han Mingxiu also stood up and was about to leave.

Aunt Huo saw that her nephew and daughter-in-law didn't even sit on the edge of the kang before leaving. She felt very uncomfortable, she couldn't help holding one of her hands, and said, "Jianfeng, don't rush to leave, you and your daughter-in-law are good. It's easy to come back and leave after dinner."

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