Hearing what Da Shuang said, Han Mingxiu frowned and thought for a while, and quickly lowered his head and took out a brick-shaped eldest brother from his bag, and decisively dialed the Zhou family's phone number.

Zhou family

The phone was picked up quickly, and Aunt Zhou's kind voice came out of the receiver, "Hello, who is it?"

Han Mingxiu said, "Auntie, it's me, Xiu."

Hearing that it was Han Mingxiu, Aunt Zhou's already kind face became even more kind. She smiled and said, "Xiu, didn't you go to Shenzhen today? Hey, is this here?"

Han Mingxiu said, "Not yet, we are stopping in Shanghai now, auntie, I want to tell you something."

"What's the matter? Listening to your movement seems to be a big deal." Aunt Zhou sat on the sofa with a smile, chatting with Han Mingxiu while stroking the newly bought Garfield.

Han Mingxiu said seriously, "Auntie, I saw flowers just now."

"Ah? Did you see Duoduo?" Aunt Zhou heard Han Mingxiu say that she had seen flowers, and immediately sat up straight, her eyes widened and her voice raised - "Is she also in Shanghai now? How is she now? ,Are you ok……"

At this moment, Aunt Zhou's heart is quite excited, because she has always liked flowers, and her son has done such a sorry thing to others, she has always felt sorry for flowers, and always wanted to find an opportunity to compensate her.

It's just that this child was so stubborn that she ran away without asking for any compensation. She thought she went back to the United States and would never come back. I didn't expect that she was still in China and was touched by Xiu. arrive.

Aunt Zhou was very surprised, and said in a loud voice, "Is she by your side now? Give her the phone, and I'll tell her..."

Han Mingxiu said, "She was not by my side. When I first saw her, I was going to say hello to her, but she ran away when she saw us."

"Ah? Run? Why did she run?" Aunt Zhou asked inexplicably.

Han Mingxiu was silent for a moment, then lowered his voice and said, "Auntie, the flower is pregnant, it looks like she is seven or eight months old!"

"What? She, she is... pregnant, you say she... is pregnant?" Aunt Zhou stared, stuttering when she spoke in shock.

Han Mingxiu said, "Yes, I look really bright, I must be pregnant, otherwise my belly can't be that big, and when I met her, she was looking at the baby's clothes, it should be for unborn children. Look at it."

Aunt Zhou clucked her mouth twice, but said nothing.

At this moment, her heart is being hit by a huge joy——

Dodo is pregnant! It's been seven or eight months. If you count the months, this child should be the seed of their Zhou family!

Oops! Originally, she and Lao Zhou always thought the family was lonely and desolate, so they had no choice but to raise a cat to relieve their boredom.

Unexpectedly, God gave them such a big surprise, and quietly imported them into their home!

Aunt Zhou's heart melted at the thought of having a chubby little baby called her grandma soon...

No, she has to tell Lao Zhou the good news quickly, and let Lao Zhou share this surprise together.

Yes, I have to tell Siyuan, that wicked child, Duoduo doesn't care to look for it when he leaves, there will be a child, and he doesn't care anymore...

After putting down Han Mingxiu's phone, Aunt Zhou quickly dialed the phone to Zhou Xilong's office.

As soon as Zhou Xilong answered the phone, he heard an excited voice coming from the microphone, "Old Zhou, you go home immediately, I have a big happy event to tell you..."

Zhou Xilong shivered a little when he heard his wife's excited voice, so he put down the pen in his hand and said, "What's the matter? Seeing how excited you are, your voice has changed."

"It's a good thing, a big good thing, you'll know it when you come back, let it go, I have to call Siyuan!"

Without waiting for what Zhou Xilong was saying, Aunt Zhou clicked the phone, and quickly called Xiao Zhou.

At this moment, Xiao Zhou was accompanying the leader to check outside. When he was not in the office, Aunt Zhou heard the secretary say that Xiao Zhou was not in the office, and immediately dialed the eldest brother that Xiao Zhou carried with him.

"Ring Ling Ling..." Big Brother rang loudly.

Xiao Zhou nodded apologetically to the people around him, then took out the big brother in his satchel and walked into the distance.

"Hey, who is it?"

"Siyuan, I'm mom, go home now, I have something important to tell you."

"Mom, I'm accompanying the leader to inspect the textile factory. If you have anything to do, just tell me on the phone, or you can wait until I go back in the evening."

"No, this matter is too big, the three of us have to sit down and study together."

"What's the matter? You can tell me first, I think it's worth me to go back." Xiao Zhou said jokingly.

Aunt Zhou said, "Listen, it's about flowers. Just now, your sister Xiu called me and she said that she saw flowers in Shanghai. The flowers were pregnant and looked like seven or eight months. Do you think Think, who can this child belong to..."


"Hey, son, are you listening? Reply..." Aunt Zhou heard the silence on the other end of the phone, and hurriedly called out.

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