At this moment, Xiao Zhou was shocked and didn't know what to say.

Flowers are pregnant!

Pregnant with his child, he Zhou Siyuan has a child.

This knowledge made Xiao Zhou feel a little at a loss. He was not ready to get married, but now he suddenly jumped to become a father.

It feels incredible...

"Hey, are you listening, but I'm just saying something, Xiaoyuan, I can tell you, this child is the seed of our old Zhou family, and is your own flesh and blood, you can't deny him, or I will Never agree."

"Mom, I didn't say I didn't recognize it..." The school recruiter replied with difficulty.

Although he didn't love flowers, he never thought of escaping his responsibility, not to mention that the flowers already have his children, that is, she has no children. After that happened, he planned to marry her responsibly.

It's just that the flowers didn't give him a chance, and before he could take responsibility, she ran away.

Now, knowing that this was the case, he wanted to take responsibility even more.

"Let me tell you, we can't let our children wander outside. When I think of my grandson still wandering outside, my heart hurts. I won't tell you, anyway, hurry up. Come back, let's discuss together how to find flowers..."

On the other end of the phone, Aunt Zhou was still chattering.

Xiao Zhou Chang sighed, "Got it..."

"It's good to know, hurry up, the month of flowers is so big, we have to hurry up and find a way to bring her back as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too late to regret anything..."

Soon, Zhou Xilong and Xiao Zhou both returned.

After Zhou Xilong entered the door, he seemed very excited. He was used to seeing the wind and rain, and after hearing that the flower was pregnant, he couldn't keep his calm.

"Fanghua, Xiu'er read it right, can she be sure that that person is the flower?" Zhou Xilong asked impatiently as soon as he entered the door.

Aunt Zhou said, "Can't you believe Xiu if you don't believe in others? How sure is that child? Can she say anything she's not sure about?"

"Haha, yes, I'm too worried!"

Hearing his daughter-in-law's words, Zhou Xilong finally let go of his heart that had been hanging all the way. He sat down on the sofa, leaned on the back of the sofa, combed his hair with his fingers back, and looked in a good mood.

"Since it's confirmed that it's her, let's bring her back quickly. You said that this child is still so old, and he is still running outside alone, so he is not afraid of hurting the fetal gas..."

Zhou Xilong complained, but he couldn't hide the smile on his face. It can be seen that he is very happy about the pregnancy of the flower.

Aunt Zhou said with a smile, "Exactly, I think so too. No matter what, we must not let our grandson be born outside."

"How do you know it's a grandson? Maybe it's a granddaughter." Zhou Xilong immediately retorted when his daughter-in-law said it was his grandson.

In Zhou Xilong's heart, his granddaughter is much better than his grandson. If he can have a good granddaughter as beautiful, cute, and soft as Takaya, his life will be complete.

Aunt Zhou said, "Well, I can't be prepared to be a granddaughter, but whether it is a grandson or a granddaughter, they are all children of our family, and I like them all."

"It's better to be a granddaughter, as cute and cute as she is, how wonderful!" Zhou Xilong was immersed in the fantasy of wanting a granddaughter as cute and graceful, unable to extricate himself.

Seeing his stubborn appearance, Aunt Zhou immediately raised her face and warned him, "A granddaughter has the benefits of a granddaughter, and a grandson has the benefits of a grandson. You can't prioritize women over men, whether it's a grandson or a granddaughter, you must to be loved as much.”

"Understood, I'm just talking about it, even if it is a real grandson, how can I not like it?" Zhou Xilong said.

Aunt Zhou saw that the old couple had been talking for a long time, and Xiao Zhou didn't say a word, so she turned her head and said, "Xiao Yuan, you are going to be a father, why don't you say anything? You don't like children. what?"

Zhou Siyuan twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Mom, I don't dislike it, it's just that this happened so suddenly, I was a little surprised, and I felt a little unacceptable for a while..."

"Then accept it quickly, I tell you, when you go to find the flower, you can't be in this state, if the child of the flower sees you absent-minded, in case he refuses to come back with you, see how you deal with it. "Aunt Zhou warned.

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