In the old family building of the Shanghai Brewery, Hua Hua dragged her cumbersome body step by step to the rental room on the fourth floor. When she got to the door, she leaned on the door tiredly, feeling that she didn't even have the strength to pull out the key. there is none left.

At this moment, she is not only physically tired, but also very tired, tired and afraid.

Today is really unfortunate. I went out for a walk so hard, I met an old acquaintance, and it was an old acquaintance from his house.

Now, she is so scared, and she doesn't know if the woman named Han Mingxiu will tell them about her encounter!

If the woman owes her mouth and tells them (the Zhou family) about her pregnancy, I wonder if the Zhou family will come and ask her for a child.

If they come to ask for her child, they will suffer. She is a lonely little girl, how can she fight against the Zhou family?

However, maybe... her worries are superfluous!

Maybe the Zhou family doesn't care about her child at all. That guy has such a high social status, he looks so handsome, and his personality and ability are so outstanding. There must be a lot of women trying to marry him, saying Maybe, since she left for more than half a year, he has long been married, and maybe he is married!

If that's the case, how good would they want a serious 800-year-old son, why do they need this illegitimate child in her belly?

Their family is a well-known family, and they pay the most attention to reputation and face. They can't hope to have an illegitimate child to destroy their family's reputation.

If this is the case, her child will be safe...

Hua Hua rested against the door while guessing wildly.

After a while, she opened the door and walked in.

She rented the house. The owner was an old couple who retired from the brewery. However, the old couple went to the capital to help their daughter look after the children. They rented out the house when they were idle.

Hua Hua didn't have much money, and he had to raise children, so he couldn't afford to rent an independent house, so he and a pair of sisters from the capital shared this small house of more than 60 square meters.

The two sisters live in one room, and she lives in a room by herself, and the utility bills on weekdays are shared equally.

However, the pair of sisters used much more water and electricity than she did on weekdays. If she calculated carefully, she would really suffer from a shared lease with them.

However, she is not the kind of person who cares about a lot of words. As long as the general direction is acceptable, she will not take matters of several tons of water and several kilowatt-hours of electricity to her heart.

But the two sisters are both budget-conscious people, and they are both very temperamental, because the flowers have always let them take advantage of themselves, and the two sisters can live in peace with the flowers and live in peace with each other. If the flowers didn't let them take advantage of them, or she took advantage of them, the sisters would have driven the flowers out by showing their shrewish faces.

After opening the door and entering the house, Hua Hua hurried to the bathroom.

Pregnant women, especially those who are about to give birth, usually have the habit of frequent urination and urgency, probably because the fetus in the abdomen is too large and the capacity of the squeezed bladder becomes smaller, so drink some water and want to urinate.

Hua Hua has been going to the toilet extra diligently in the past two months, because of this, the elder sister and the two who rented together are unwilling.

Because flowers often go to the toilet and need to be flushed, a lot of water is wasted invisibly, and the water fee is shared by both of them. Very dissatisfied with this.

However, the two sisters are not stupid, they also know that the two sisters use more water and electricity than the flowers alone, so even if they are dissatisfied, they do not say it, they can only use other methods Just to vent their dissatisfaction.

For example, they knew that Huahua often urinated frequently, but they deliberately stayed in the bathroom for a long time, causing the flowers to suffocate, and finally had to go to the public toilet downstairs to solve the problem.

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