The two sisters who rented together with Huahua rushed into the toilet as soon as they saw Huahua coming back, and their faces were not very good-looking.

Yuan Yuan whispered to Yuan Li, "Look, you've been digging into the toilet all day long, you haven't had a baby yet, when she gives birth to the baby, the baby will be peeing and peeing all day long, and the toilet won't be completely swept away by her. Occupied."

Yuan Li frowned and said, "Then how to fix it? Let's just put it on the table. We can't just move for this reason."

"Moving? Why should we move? She will also move if we want to move." Yuan Yuan said with straight eyes.


The two sisters who shared the lease with Hua Hua were the two younger sisters of Yuan Zhenxing, who had been in love with Xiaoqiu back then.

Now, the two girls have come to Shanghai to work through the introduction of relatives. The place of work is in a karaoke hall near the brewery.

Because there is no dormitory in the karaoke hall, the sisters had to rent a house, and they happened to share the rent with Huahua. Speaking of which, it was a coincidence.

Yuan Li said in a low voice, "She moved? I think it's boring. She looks like she's about to give birth. She has a big belly. How can she stand the toss."

Yuan Yuan said, "It doesn't matter if she can't stand it, if she wastes water like this again, I have to find a way to get her out of this house."

Just as he was talking, there was a sound of flushing from the toilet.

This sound made Yuan Yuan and Yuan Li's sisters heartache for a while.

Under the guidance of their old mother, the two sisters have developed a stingy temper since childhood, and regard money as more important than life. Now that flowers are always unscrupulous, they use so much water at one time. Both sisters were distressed.

Hua Hua didn't know that she had been hated by these sisters. After going to the toilet and washing her hands, she walked out of the bathroom and went back to the room to lie down.

Because I met Han Mingxiu today, the flower felt very uneasy, and she couldn't stop lying down. She sat up and lay down, was frightened, and comforted herself...

After tossing around for a while, she simply turned on the tape recorder, intending to listen to a few beautiful slow songs to ease her anxiety.

"Listen, there's a tape recorder in that room again, how much electricity is this scourge!"

Yuan Yuan felt more resentment when she heard the music coming from next door.

Yuan Li also complained, "Really, if you want to listen to a song, you won't go to the place that sells the tapes, why would you come to listen to it? How can people resist such a hustle..."

Yuan Yuan stood up and said as she walked out, "I'll go find what she said."

This two-bedroom building is only 60 square meters, each room is very small, and the two bedrooms are only one step apart.

Before Yuan Yuan spoke, he had already walked out of the door and knocked on the door of the flower opposite.

When she heard the knock on the door, Hua Hua didn't have to guess, she immediately knew that it was the sister who was opposite the door. She lay on the bed and said weakly, "Come in, the door is unlocked."

Yuan Yuan pushed the door and walked in, and said without a smile, "Comrade Hua, can you turn off the recording? You know, my sister and I are working night shifts, so we point to the time of day. Duan sleep, you said that when you came back, you flushed the toilet again, and turned on the tape recorder again, can we still sleep?"

Huahua listened, and immediately reached out and turned off the tape recorder by the bedside, and said with a smile, "I'm sorry to bother you, I will pay attention to it in the future, I hope you two can be quiet when you come back every night, otherwise you will open the door. It's too loud, and the voice in the living room is too loud, and it will also affect my rest."

For the past few months, Huahua has been woken up by these sisters in the middle of the night every day. These sisters are used to being selfish and never care if they will affect others. Sometimes I will go to the kitchen to make a late-night snack.

In the few months that Huahua lived with them, there was not a day when they were not disturbed by them.

It's just that Huahua's character is open-minded, and she is not willing to care about small things, so she has not said it. Today, the girl brought up the topic of disturbing her dreams, and she just said it by the way.

While talking, he took out a small recorder the size of a palm from the bedside table, put on headphones and plugged in, and listened.

Yuan Yuan saw that he had gone out in person, but he could not stop the other party from wasting electricity, and was taught a lesson by the other party, and his face suddenly turned red.

This dead woman must have deliberately turned against her. She stared at the flowers without saying a word.

Seeing that she didn't leave, Huahua still looked at herself with hatred, so she took off her earphones and said strangely, "Are you okay?"

Yuan Yuan sneered and said, "Do you think that we are loud and disturbing you when we come back at night? Don't forget, when you give birth, your children will probably cry in the middle of the night. Then, I hope you can think about it for us too!"

Huahua said, "It's normal for a child to cry, but I will try to coax him (her) and try not to let him (her) disturb you."

"As much as possible? We want you to promise that your child must be quiet and must not disturb us."

Yuan Yuan said a little unreasonably.

Huahua didn't expect that she would make such an unreasonable request. After listening to her request, Huahua said without thinking, "Sorry, I can't do this."

"If you can't do it, move away, don't affect others here." Yuan Yuan put on her waist and put on a posture of fighting.

The flower said coldly, "Sorry, I have no plans to move out. If you hate us living here, please move out."

"Let me move out? Who do you think you are?" Yuan Yuan laughed angrily, and what he said was extremely mean and unpleasant.

"You are not pregnant with a dragon's fetus, and you are not the first-born son that the Ming media is marrying. Maybe it is a shameful illegitimate child. With this kind of thing, why should we let you make way!"

The face of the flower suddenly turned black.

Although she is open-minded and optimistic, and she doesn't want to be preoccupied with others, it doesn't matter if she scores.

If someone said something too much to her or did something too much, she might be able to ignore it, but it was absolutely impossible to slander her child.

She sat up and looked directly at Yuan Yuan with her clear eyes, not angered or arrogant.

"Now, I'll give you a chance to reorganize your language. I hope you can make a profound review of what you just said." She said sternly.

Seeing the performance of the flowers, Yuan Yuan giggled and said, "Oh, then I have to thank you, you can give me another chance."

"It's not funny, you offended me just now, not only offended me, but also slandered my children, so you must apologize to me and me." Flower said loudly.

"Then I won't apologize!" Yuan Yuan leaned against the door frame with his arms folded, with a kind of madness that didn't pay for his life.

The flower said, "If you don't apologize to me and my children, I won't let it go."

"What can you do if you're not good enough? Can you hit me or scratch me? Tell you, we've worked in the karaoke hall for so long, and we know a lot of gangsters. We're not easy to mess with!" Yuan Yuan was arrogant! said.

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