As I said before, Yuan Yuan used to be a bad girl, the kind who often mixes with a bunch of gangsters in society, so she still retains the ruffian nature of a female hooligan. No, talking to Huahua, just like Begin to reveal the rogue temperament.

Seeing her like this, Huahua was also angry. She said angrily, "I won't hit you or scratch you, but if you don't apologize to me, I'll find a place to reason with you."

"Reasonable? Haha..." Yuan Yuan laughed, her face full of sarcasm, "What reason do you reason with me? A woman who has a big belly without even a man, are you worthy of reasoning with me?"

In the 1990s, it was still a very shameful thing for a woman to conceive before marriage. Such a woman was usually regarded as dishonest and shameless, and no one looked down on it outside.

If Yuan Yuan went to the police station or neighborhood committee to reason with Hua Hua, just because Hua Hua had no man but was pregnant with a child, people from the police station or neighborhood committee would not be on Hua Hua's side.

Because she was pregnant out of wedlock, does not love herself, and has no sense of shame, it must be her fault if such a person conflicts with her neighbors.

Hua Hua was so angry that her face turned pale, she covered her chest and was speechless.

"Che, there's nothing to say, if I were you, hurry up and find a place to hide, so as not to be embarrassed..."

A scream resounded throughout the room.

Yuan Li in another room heard Yuan Yuan's screams and ran out in a hurry. When she ran to the flower room, she saw her sister squatting on the ground and covering her face, screaming in her mouth.

"What's the matter? What's the matter..."

"My eyes..." Yuan Yuan screamed and cried.

When Yuan Li heard her talking about her eyes, she squatted down in a hurry, took a look at her hand covering her face, but saw blood gurgling from one of her eyes.

"Oh my God, what's going on..." Yuan Li was so frightened when she saw her sister's miserable state, her legs went weak and she sat on the ground.

"'s her, hit me with a small tape recorder..." Yuan Yuan complained with a trembling voice.

Hearing what she said, Yuan Li took a closer look, and sure enough, she saw a small tape recorder stained with blood on the floor.

The small tape recorder was rectangular, with edges and corners. Just now, the flower was in a hurry and smashed the small tape recorder out. Unexpectedly, it happened that the hard and sharp corners of the tape recorder hit Yuan Yuan's eyes. Her eyes were hurt quite badly, and there was so much blood that the flowers, who were already in a hurry, couldn't take care of her anger, so she went away feeling nervous and afraid.

"Sister, bear with me, I'll call for an ambulance..." Yuan Li stood up with red eyes, and quickly went back to the house to get her wallet, thinking of a nearby public phone booth to call an ambulance.

Yuan Yuan endured the severe pain, gritted his teeth and said, "Don't the police, my injury can't be in vain..."

"I know, I know, don't worry about it, cover your eyes quickly, don't let your eyes bleed, if the blood dries up, you will be blind..." Yuan Li urged in a hurry.

After instructing her, she pushed open the door and ran out quickly.

Yuan Yuan covered her eyes and said to Hua Hua through gritted teeth, "You and the vicious slut, wait for me, I have appointed you to sit through the prison... ah..."

She moaned in pain.

Hua Hua stared at her, watching the blood dripping from her eyes, with regret and fear.

Seriously, she is so impulsive, how can she just grab something and beat people up?

Thinking that if Yuan Yuanzhen was blinded by her, she would definitely be held accountable, or even the children would be sent to orphanages. When she was in the United States, she knew that her mother had committed a crime, so she had been robbed of her children. precedent.

She doesn't want to be separated from her child, she is not afraid of the consequences, nor is she afraid of being held accountable, but she is afraid of being separated from her child!

Thinking of this, Hua Hua felt that she couldn't just sit still like this, let's go when the police didn't come...

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