Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1004: Get rid of the scumbag (7)

However, Caiwei avoided her father's touch and walked out from behind him, shouting: "What's going on? Mei Niang, didn't I ask you to come over and clean up the house? How could you do this? What's going on? ?"

That Mei Niang was crying out of breath, and said breathlessly: "Sister, I came here to clean up the house, but while I was doing it, the old man suddenly rushed over, hugged me and tore my clothes. This slave can't escape from him and is ruined by him... Girl, this slave's chastity is gone, this slave doesn't want to live anymore..."

While she was crying, Lian Niang in the room on the right of Tang Wei also howled: "This is the slave that the master has forced. Why are you beating this slave, madam? Are you trying to force this slave to death? Anyway, this slave's body has already been raped." The master has ruined it, and there is no point in living anymore. I can just die here..."

"Mu Chongfu, Mu Chongcai, go and hold them!"

Caiwei shouted.

Mu Chongcai and Mu Chongfu had been staring longingly at the two beauties with pear blossoms and rain for a long time, as if they were greedy for something and wanted to touch their bodies. After hearing Caiwei's cry, they immediately ran out. , ran faster than a rabbit, hugged the two beauties one by one, and said nothing to let go.

"I...I don't know what's going on, why is it like this...Hey!"

Mu Liankui was so embarrassed in front of his son and grandson that he wanted to put his head in his crotch and let Mu Bai cry and scold him without fighting back.

Although Mu Zhongli was not nice to Mrs. Li on weekdays, he felt very guilty at the moment. He hurriedly put on his clothes. No matter how much Mr. Li scolded him, he would not retaliate!

Caiwei got angry and said loudly: "Didn't the old lady buy these two people for my father yesterday? Lingli is already my father's concubine, how could they be raped by you? Daddy and eldest brother raped their son and younger brother Concubine, is there such a shameless thing in the world?"

Just as he was talking, the Zhang brothers ran in and shouted loudly as soon as they entered the door: "Miss, what happened? Why is there such a big commotion?"

Caiwei said angrily: "Boss Zhang, go to Yingtian Mansion and call Zhao Fuyin for me. I want to ask him what the crime should be for a concubine who rapes her son's brother?"

Captain Zhang said thoughtfully: "I actually heard about such a case last time in a teahouse. It seemed like a fifty-year prison sentence, three years in prison, and a fine of thirty taels of silver!"

When Mu Zhongli and Mu Liankui heard this, they were frightened. They couldn't care less about their shame and shouted hurriedly: "Sister Wei, you can't go. This is not honorable, and it won't look good on you if we expose it." ah!"

Caiwei sneered and said, "You have now remembered to take care of my face. Did you ever think about my father's face when you did the evil? These two women are my father's concubines. You have defiled them and put my father in a bad position." Where is the position?" After saying that, he looked at Captain Zhang and shouted sternly: "Touch Zhang, go quickly!"

As soon as Captain Zhang heard this, he turned around and walked out. As he walked, he said, "Don't worry, young lady. I'll hurry up and invite Mr. Fu Yin to you soon!"

"Hey, I can't go!"

Although Mu Bai was angry, resentful and aggrieved, she didn't want the old man to go to jail. If he went to jail, the family would be broken up. Seeing that Captain Zhang was about to go out, Mu Bai hurriedly let go of the old man, trotted over, grabbed Captain Zhang, and shouted, "You can't go!"

Then, she turned around and said, "Sister Wei'er, we can't let him go. Your grandfather and your uncle are in prison. What will the emperor, empress and King Qin think of you? Maybe they won't want you anymore? Fei'er Also, if her grandfather and uncle go to jail for such a dirty thing, Duke Li Guo's mansion will definitely not want her anymore, so you have to think carefully about it!"

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