Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1005: Get rid of the scumbag (8)

Caiwei smiled sarcastically and said, "You old man, now you think of our face. When you plausibly sued us in front of the Queen yesterday, why didn't you expect that we still have face? Or are you going to do whatever it takes? Take it. Are we being taken advantage of?"

After saying that, he glanced at Mr. Zhang and said, "Why don't you go quickly? I'll ask him to bring some repairmen over so that we can get them more easily!"

"Yes, Miss!"

Zhang's head flicked slightly, and Mu Bai staggered and almost fell to the ground. Mu Zhongqing was right next to her, but he didn't even stop her.

"Oh, I can't go..."

Mu Liankui and Mu Zhongli panicked. They didn't care whether they were ashamed or not. They rushed over and hugged Zhang Biaotou tightly and refused to let go. Mu Zhongli also shouted to Mu Zhongqing: "Second brother, you should say something!"

Mo Ziqi said with a cold face: "You have done everything, what else do you want me to say? If you have anything to say, just go to Yingtian Mansion and say it!"

After finishing speaking, he said to Erlang Sanlang who was behind Zhang Biao: "Your eldest brother is entangled, you two go report it to the official!"

Erlang Sanlang roared like thunder: "Yes, little one, go right now!"

After that, I strode off!

"You can't go, you can't go, you unfilial son!"

Muliankui shouted to the sky and the earth, howling with anxiety. He was quite old. If he went in because of something like this, would he still have the dignity to behave? Besides, he couldn't bear the pain of prison! "

Caiwei crossed her arms and sneered: "I asked you to leave with three thousand taels of silver a few days ago, but you refused to leave. Now you can't leave even if you want to!"

"Let's go, let's go now!"

Muliankui shouted hurriedly: "Girl Wei, can't we leave? Don't report to the official. Come on, old lady, let's pack our things and go back to Mujiacun and never come back again. "

After saying that, he let go of Zhang Biaotou and went to pack his things in a panic.

Mu Zhongli also let go of his hand and asked his two sons to pack things with him. Mu Chongcai and Mu Chongfu were holding hands in their arms, so they couldn't bear to let go. They couldn't bear to be called by their father, so they had to let go of their hands reluctantly. , went to pack things.

The Mu Bai family had just lived a good life, how could they be willing to leave for so long? She was stunned for a while and suddenly shouted: "No, we can't leave. We have all been fooled. It is this little hooves who wants to drive us away and plots against us in different ways. We can't be fooled by her!"

Caiwei sneered and said, "Old lady, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't talk nonsense. If you frame me like this, King Qin will not be happy!"

Mu Bai shouted: "Little hoof, don't scare my old lady with the King of Qin. If the King of Qin knows how bad you are, he will definitely divorce you. These two bitches were obviously bribed by you and deliberately framed them." Framing your own grandfather and uncle."


Caiwei smiled, "Dare I ask the old lady who bought them?"

"It's me, so what?"

Mu Bai puffed up her chest and said aggressively: "The two of them stayed in the front yard last night, and they were bribed by you on time."

Caiwei sneered and said, "Does the old lady have evidence for saying this? If there is no evidence, you will be slapped by the government for talking nonsense!"

"I'm not talking nonsense, it's... they're... they seduced you two, right?" Mu Bai argued forcefully, turning back and looking at the pair of Mu Zhongli and Mu Liankui who were pricking her. Triangular eyes.

Mu Liankui and Mu Zhongli were very good at it. As soon as Mu Bai guided them, they hurriedly climbed up, "Yes, yes, yes, they are the ones who seduced us. I don't even know what happened. Suddenly I can't stand it anymore, it must be them..."

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