Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1012 Tianding Phoenix Star (6)

For a moment, time in the palace seemed to stand still, and the whole palace was so quiet that the only sound was the excited breathing of Emperor Jin Ming.

Li Guoshi suppressed his excitement, bowed deeply to the old turtle, and said, "Great Immortal, it's been a long time!"

His voice was trembling with excitement, and his heart was beating fast. This divine beast was trained by his master himself. It was the same generation as his master, and after all, he was still his uncle!

The old turtle nodded slowly as a greeting to him.

Li Guoshi said humbly: "Great Immortal, I have the courage to invite the Great Immortal to come here because I have been ordered to read this girl's fortune today, but I can't figure out what her destiny is. This matter is very important, so I specially invited the Great Immortal to come here." , I’m here to give guidance to my disciples, and I hope the Great Immortal won’t be offended.”

After hearing this, the old turtle turned his head and looked at Caiwei quietly for a while, then suddenly raised his paw, pointed at Caiwei, and then pointed at the sky.

Li Guoshi said in surprise: "Great Immortal, are you saying that this girl comes from heaven?"

The old turtle nodded, pointed at Emperor Jin Ming and Queen Mo, and then pointed at the sky.

"The emperor and the queen also come from heaven?" Li Guoshi asked again?

This time, the old turtle shook his head, pointed at Emperor Jin Ming and Queen Mo again, then at Caiwei, and finally at the sky.

At some point, Emperor Jin Ming had already got off the imperial concubine's chair. He saw the old turtle playing riddles for a long time, and suddenly he had an enlightenment and said with great happiness: "Great Immortal, you are saying that this girl is the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen of Heaven, right?" !"

This time, the old turtle nodded with satisfaction and moved slowly to greet Caiwei.

Caiwei suppressed her laughter, pretended to be flattered, and said, "The Nu family is the daughter of Mu Zhongqing, a scholar in Qingyun Town, Yushu County. How can she be the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven? Did the Immortal admit the wrong person?"

The old turtle pointed at her again, then pointed at the sky, and nodded, indicating that it had recognized it correctly, and that she was the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven.

Li Guoshi suddenly realized it and sighed: "It turns out that this girl is a princess from heaven who has descended to earth. No wonder my ordinary eyes cannot see her destiny. Hey, my disciple is really shallow and almost made mistakes!"

"That's right," Emperor Ming of Jin Dynasty echoed in a pedantic manner, "Thanks to the great immortal's advice, otherwise ordinary people like me would have gotten into a huge disaster!" As he said that, he looked at Caiwei in awe! Caiwei looked so proud!

The old turtle nodded towards Emperor Jin Ming and glanced at everyone coldly, as if his merits were complete and he was ready to disappear.

Emperor Jin Ming noticed its intention and suddenly took a step forward, knelt down in front of the old turtle with a 'pop' sound, and shouted: "The great immortal is staying here. This disciple is poisoned by a strange poison and will not die soon. Please ask the great immortal to save him!"

After saying that, he kowtowed his head with a bang, leaving Caiwei stunned.

The aloof emperor, who just had murderous intentions towards her, now kowtows to her old turtle like a devout believer. This scene... is really... so joyful!

Hahaha, Caiwei was about to laugh, but the old turtle came over with his mind: "Master, save him?"

"You can save him if you can. We on Fuyou Island are compassionate. How can we refuse to save him even if he is dead?" Caiwei replied.

The old turtle got Caiwei's permission and slowly crawled towards Emperor Jin Ming. When Emperor Jin Ming saw that the fairy turtle was willing to save him, he was so happy that he crawled to the old turtle on his knees and looked at it expectantly.

The old turtle pointed at his arm, grew claws, and signaled to him to check his pulse.

Emperor Jin Ming hurriedly stretched out his arm and dropped it in front of the old turtle.

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