Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1013 Tianding Phoenix Star (7)

The old turtle put his paws on his pulse and closed his eyes for a while.

At this moment, Emperor Jin Ming held his breath and stared carefully, like a primary school student in front of the teacher, too honest to be himself.

When the old turtle opened his eyes and took his claws away from his pulse, he asked tremblingly: "How is it, Great Immortal? Can the poison on this disciple's body be cured?"

The old turtle nodded, raised his paw, and in the blink of an eye, there was a golden elixir on his paw!

The golden elixir is sparkling, dazzling, and fragrant. I don’t know what it is made of. Just smelling it makes me feel refreshed, and my ears and eyes are clear. As soon as I smell it, I know it is an excellent thing.

Emperor Jin Ming received the life-saving elixir and hurriedly took it. He couldn't wait to put it into his mouth. While swallowing, he thanked vaguely: "Thank you so much..."

Turtle Immortal glanced at him, nodded slightly, and seemed to have completed his merits. He turned to look at Caiwei again, and suddenly disappeared from the place under the eyes of everyone...

It took a long time for everyone to react after the Great Immortal Turtle left. After reacting, Emperor Jin Ming was the first to kowtow. Everyone in the room, including Queen Mo, kowtowed devoutly to the place where the old turtle disappeared.

"Farewell to the Immortal----"

Although Caiwei thought it was ridiculous, she couldn't laugh at this moment. She could only kneel down with them and kowtow to send off the old turtle who had taken back her space.

After the old turtle disappeared, everyone stood up. Li Guoshi laughed and said: "It turns out that Miss Mu is the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven. No wonder she can't die even if she is poisoned by Luo Anhua. Even if she is picked up by a tiger, she can escape death. The girl's life is Ge, he is indeed different from ordinary people!"

Emperor Jin Ming was immersed in the extreme joy of seeing the true immortal, and was also ecstatic that he could come back from the dead. After hearing Li Guoshi's words, he solemnly said: "I have thought about it. The tiger that appeared inexplicably is the Emperor of Heaven." Sent to save his daughter, the Emperor of Heaven did not agree with his daughter marrying Saknu, so he sent the divine tiger to rescue him. This must be the case!

Queen Mo was also deeply shocked after meeting Old Wu Gui, and convinced that Caiwei was not a mortal woman.

Thinking about it, she was the only one in the world who could escape the poison of Luo Anhua. And that giant white-haired tiger might have been sent by the Emperor of Heaven. Otherwise, how could she, a weak woman, Can you escape from the tiger's mouth?

The daughter of the Emperor of Heaven, the princess of Heaven, was many times more noble than her son. At this moment, her resentment dissipated unconsciously.

She is the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven, and it is her destiny to be able to fall in love with her Yi'er. If her Yi'er can marry the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven, she will definitely do something great in the future!


Caiwei's heart was full of pink bubbles, and she was respectfully sent out of the palace by Chen Shangxi, the eunuch of Yukun Palace. She used the space artifact to successfully settle the relationship between the emperor and the queen, and there was no longer any relationship between her and Nangong Yi. What's blocking it!

She was so proud that she really wanted to put her hands on her hips and laugh three times, hahaha, I have the space in my hands, I have the world!

When she came outside the palace, she sent Chen Shangxi away and asked Huanqiu to go to Yaoji Joinery to find someone to pull wood from the old house she bought privately in Beijing. Qiu was not here, so he sent the wood that Changmei had chopped and repaired to the yard, waiting for Yao Ji to come and pull the wood.

While waiting for others, she entered the space and cooked a seafood dinner with her own hands to reward the old turtle for his wonderful performance today.

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