Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1014 Tianding Phoenix Star (8)

During the meal, she asked Changmei to go to the big banyan tree to get a jar of flower wine she had brewed. She wanted to have a few drinks with everyone. As a result, Changmei came back angrily not long after she left.

"Master, your wine jar is gone!"

Caiwei said in surprise: "How could it be? I clearly remember that I only drank a few jars?"

While he was talking, the parrot had almost put its head under the table. Looking at its guilty expression, it was obvious that he knew the whereabouts of the wine without asking!

"Damn it, you thieving bird, how dare you steal the master's wine!" He raised his fists and raised his fists to demonstrate to the parrot.

The parrot knew that he was in the wrong, so he lowered his head and said nothing despite the long eyebrows scolding him.

Caiwei said helplessly: "Parrot, if you want to drink, just tell me and I won't let you drink. However, if you take it without asking, you are stealing, and this behavior is very despised." Yes, do you know?"

The parrot nodded shyly: "Master, I understand!"

Just as he was talking, he suddenly heard someone knocking on the door outside. Caiwei had no time to teach her parrot, so she hurriedly jumped out of the space and went outside to open the door.

Huanqiu came with Yao Ji's men, and Caiwei pointed out the wood in the yard to them. When the guys saw the whole rosewood, red sandalwood and golden nanmu trees, their jaws almost dropped. to the ground.

This girl looks young, how can she be so rich? These pieces of wood are worth at least thirty or forty thousand taels!

Huanqiu also found it incredible. She felt that these things were definitely given to her by the master. Even if the master had great hands and eyes, he would not be able to get so much good wood at once!

Caiwei ignored their amazed gazes and said seriously: "Can you please tell your master that these things are what I will use to make dowries for myself and my sister. If they do a good job, I will pay double the wages." Pay, if it’s not done well, they have to compensate according to the price!”

Several young men pecked at rice and said, "Don't worry, miss, the craftsmanship of this shop is one of the best in the capital, and we will never make anything bad..."

"That's good, I hope you won't disappoint me!"

Furniture was something that lasted almost half of their lives. Caiwei attached great importance to it, so it was inevitable that she would give her a few more words and watch them load the wood into the car before locking the door and leaving with Huanqiu.

It was still early now, and Caiwei didn't want to go home so early, so she went to look at the three shops Nangong Yi gave her.

The three shops had already collected the money she returned to them and were packing their things and planning to leave. Caiwei was very satisfied when she saw this. According to their progress, she would be able to let several shopkeepers introduced by Huo Yuan enter the shops in two days. Now, within ten days, her shop will be officially open for business!

"Miss, haven't you already made a lot of money by opening a restaurant, a shopping mall, a clothing store, a pastry shop, and a Zhenbao Pavilion? Why do you need to open a medical clinic? No one in your family knows medical skills. Besides, opening a medical clinic is still a big deal. It’s easy to get into a lawsuit without a solution."

Huanqiu never liked to talk too much, but when he saw Caiwei lingering in the soon-to-be-opened medical clinic, he couldn't help but talk too much.

She really couldn't figure out why the young lady would bother so much. With her current financial resources and her future status as Princess Qin, she had plenty of ways to make money. Did she still need to open a troublesome medical clinic to make money?

Caiwei shook the fan in her hand and explained to Huanqiu: "This medical clinic is not for making money, but for doing good things."

Although the capital seems to be in bloom and full of flowers, there are also poor people who have no food to eat and no clothes to wear. Once these people get sick, they can only hold on without money to see a doctor or take medicine. If their illness is mild, If you are in good health, you may be able to survive, but if you are seriously ill and cannot survive, you will have to wait for death. "

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