Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1015 Tianding Phoenix Star (9)

"The greatest pain in the world is not death, but waiting to die, especially for the relatives of those who are dying. Watching the lives of their relatives disappear bit by bit, but there is nothing you can do because you have no money. This is a lifelong feeling. There is no way out of the pain, so I hope to help those poor people who cannot afford medical treatment!"

"Miss, are you going to give medicine to the poor? How many poor people are there? How much money will you get for doing this?" When Huanqiu heard Caiwei's idea, he was moved but felt it was unrealistic.

There are many poor people in the capital, and there are even more people who like to take advantage. If those who like to take advantage pretend to be poor and come here to ask for medicine when they get sick, the master's little wealth will not last for two years. It was all squandered by the princess!

Caiwei smiled and said, "I'm not a fool. I won't indulge the villains who come here to take advantage. I will also send trustworthy people to manage this hospital. If you want to come here to take advantage, it depends on whether he has the destiny." Come take advantage of me!"

Huanqiu lowered her head. She was just a hidden guard. She didn't know how the young lady could identify the truly poor and the poor, but she knew that the young lady's heart was definitely kind!

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the sun was already turning west. Caiwei visited several shops in a row. Feeling a little tired, she walked with Huanqiu, planning to meet her father at her restaurant, and then go to Buzhuang with her father. Pick up Mayfair and go home together.

The master and servant were walking without any distractions when they suddenly heard a beating and scolding in front of them, accompanied by the child's cry and begging for mercy. Caiwei and Huanqiu looked at each other and hurriedly ran over.

Next to a stall selling steamed buns and steamed buns at the corner, the bun vendor angrily grabbed an eighty-nine-year-old boy by his unkempt hair and beat him violently, until the little boy's face was bruised and bruised. They were all in one piece, but they gritted their teeth stubbornly, neither crying nor shouting. They only used their two dirty little hands to protect their heads tightly, looking extremely pitiful.

On the ground, a drawer of overturned buns was scattered everywhere, trampled to pieces. Not far away, a little girl of five or six years old cried loudly: "Uncle, don't hit my brother, please..."

Someone in the crowd of onlookers tried to persuade him and said, "Zhang San, you think this kid is so pitiful, just forget it!"

The hawker named Zhang San said angrily: "Forget it? This little brat stole my buns, and even knocked over a drawer of my buns. If you are willing to pay the eighty cents for him, I’ll forget it for now."

"I'll do it for him!"

A cold voice came, and outside the crowd, Caiwei and Huanqiu squeezed in, looking at the murdering hawker with a cold look.

"Xuanqiu, give him eighty cents!"

Huanqiu took out his purse, picked up a small ingot of silver and threw it over, almost hitting the vendor in the face.

"Is this enough for your buns?"

Caiwei asked coldly.

The hawker took the silver, put it in his mouth, bit it, and laughed, "That's enough, that's enough, thank you girl!"

Caiwei crossed her arms and said with a sneer: "Now that the children have settled the account for ruining your buns, now let's settle the account for you spanking the children!"

"What? The eldest child's account?"

Zhang San's face dropped: "Girl, what do these two wild children have to do with you? Why should you be used to stand up for them?"

Caiwei smiled and said, "Since I can settle the debt for them for ruining your Baozi, I can also settle the debt for them for being wronged."

After saying that, he glanced at Huanqiu and said coldly: "According to this child's injury, give me double the blow!"


Huanqiu responded and quickly struck out at Zhang San.

Although Zhang San is a five-foot man, what is Huanqiu's background? Let alone one Zhang San, even ten Zhang Sans or a hundred Zhang Sans cannot defeat her!

Zhang San was beaten by her until he cried like a wolf and howled like a ghost. At first, he yelled and threatened, but after beating for a while, he cried for mercy. Caiwei looked at Zhang San who was beaten into a pig's head with cold eyes, feeling very relieved.

A person who can do such a heavy hand to a young child should be punished twice!

The boy who was beaten also heard Zhang San's howl. He lowered his head and pursed his lips tightly. His little face, which was bruised and bruised, had an expression of endurance. He was about to cry. , I don’t know whether it hurts from being beaten, is frightened, or feels humiliated and sad. In short, this child wants to cry, but he does not allow himself to cry and show weakness in front of so many people.

Not only that, he also held his sister who fell into his arms, gently touched her messy head, comforted her, and signaled that he was okay.

That scene was very distressing to watch.

Caiwei walked over, bent down, and said gently to the boy: "Does it still hurt? Let my sister check it for you."

The boy raised his head, glanced at her quickly, and then quickly lowered his head. He was very beautiful. Although his little face was beaten badly, it could be seen that he was a very beautiful person. My child is so rare and beautiful!

It makes people feel sad and fond.

Huanqiu knocked Zhang San down and came over to Caiwei and said, "Miss, let's go. If we are late, we won't be able to catch up with the master's car."

Caiwei looked at the brother and sister and said, "Take them both and let's go together."


Mu Zhongqing saw his daughter coming with a pair of young children, and hurriedly asked the waiter to get some food for the two children.

While the two children were eating, he quietly called his daughter aside and asked the two children what was going on.

Caiwei said calmly: "I picked it up on the roadside and planned to take it home to raise."

Mu Zhongqing did not object to his daughter's good deeds. He just said: "Do you know the details of these two children? They won't cause any trouble. Let me see. These two children are very good-looking. They don't look like ordinary people." How could my child end up in such a situation? Is there any problem? "

Caiwei smiled nonchalantly and said, "Even if the identities of these two children are suspicious, can we just leave them alone in order not to cause trouble for ourselves when we see them living on the streets and almost being beaten to death?"

Mu Zhongqing thought the same thing. Even if something like this happened to him, even if he knew it was trouble, he would not sit idly by and ignore it.

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