Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1016: Canonizing the Crown Prince (1)

July of the 29th year of Shengwu of the Jin Dynasty

In the bustling and bustling Kyoto, three major events happened. These three major events caused people to rush to tell each other. In the streets and alleys, after tea and dinner, everyone talked about these three events.

The first thing is that the emperor named his legitimate prince Nangong Yi as the prince, moved to the East Palace, and temporarily acted as the official in charge of the government.

In the second case, the Great Khan of Mengnu led his troops to the capital to surrender, presented the map of Lingbei, tribute, and swore to forever submit to and be loyal to the Jin Dynasty.

The third thing is that a "Yishantang" medical clinic opened in the capital, which provides free medical treatment and medicines to poor people who cannot afford medical treatment, which arouses praise from the people...

These three things caused a strong resonance among the people.

The first thing was related to government affairs. Not many people dared to discuss it without permission, but there were some bold people who whispered behind their backs. It was said that the emperor intended to meditate on the crown prince and devote himself to practicing Taoism. This was because the emperor met a true immortal a few days ago and received help from the gods. He died. After escaping, he yearned more and more to practice immortality and Taoism.

Nowadays, the emperor doesn't even care about the government affairs, and bullies the prince to ascend the throne every day, so that he can concentrate on his cultivation. But the prince didn't want to ascend the throne so early. He wanted to live a few years of peace and leisure. For this reason, the father and son argued endlessly about this every day, making the whole palace restless...

The second thing was the very satisfying surrender of Lingbei. Lingbei was originally the land of the Jin Dynasty and had been occupied by the Mengnu people for more than a hundred years. Now they were able to regain the land and let the leader of the Mengnu people come to surrender in person. It was really Let the people of Jin Dynasty feel proud and uplifted.

What makes everyone even more excited is that the Mennu people brought something called glass. It is said that the thing called glass is installed on the windows and used as window paper, but it is much stronger than window paper. It cannot be broken by the wind, it will be okay if it gets wet, and it can also keep heat. The most important thing is that it is actually transparent. The Korean paper is still transparent, and it looks like there is nothing separating it from the other side. It is placed on the window, and the room is bright. The sun's light is not wasted at all, and all the light shines into the room!

However, such a rare thing can only be used by the emperor. The common people can only hear about it and take a look at it if they are lucky. They dare not think that they will one day be able to use glass!

The third thing is simply good news for the poor people. The opening of Yishantang Medical Center has enabled many poor people to get medical treatment.

Because of poverty, many people have to hold on when they are sick and cannot go to a medical center to see a doctor or take medicine. Many people also die because they have no money to see a doctor or take medicine. This kind act of opening Yishantang Medical Center is simply a sign of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva's life in this world. , come to save all sentient beings, and let those poor people who are sick and have no money for treatment see the hope of life!

Of course, the owner of Yishantang is not easy to fool. The management is very strict. The big shopkeeper is a young man named Mo Liancheng. Although shopkeeper Mo is young, he is the most selfless. Who is really poor and who is pretending to be poor? He could spot someone who was cheating doctors and drugs at a glance, with frightening accuracy. Those who cheated doctors and medicines were all sent to Yingtian Mansion by him. They were beaten up by Yingtian Mansion and almost lost half their lives. From then on, no one dared to go to Yishan Hall to cheat again. ...

For half a month, people are talking about these three things. When two acquaintances meet in a place, they will mention one of these three things in less than three sentences.

And a certain woman who is closely related to these three things has been very busy recently. She opened her Yishantang and her pawn shop. In addition to the pastry shop, cloth shop, restaurant, Zhenbao Pavilion, and Shenxing she opened in the past, There are nearly ten shops in Ling Ling Zong Zong, and she has to spend a lot of energy to manage them every day.

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