Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1018: Canonizing the Crown Prince (3)

As soon as Xiangyun saw the set of violet jade jewelry, she couldn't put it down. She picked up the hairpins, rings, bracelets, and jade pendants one by one, put them under the sun and looked at them. The more she looked at them, the more she fell in love with them, and she was amazed. Said: "It is worthy of being the treasure of the store. It is really beautiful!"

Caiwei joked: "If you like it, just buy it for your dowry!"

"Yeah, that's fine, but this set of hair and noodles is cheap? It must be expensive, right?"

The shopkeeper came over and said, "There are seven heads in this set."

Before he could finish speaking, Caiwei took over: "Five thousand taels!"

The shopkeeper was startled, what was the boss talking about? Five thousand taels was not even able to get back the capital. The wife of the former judge Yao of the Children's Taipei Hospital wanted to buy this set of jewelry as a gift to Concubine Yao De, but even after giving it a full 7,000 taels, she still didn't sell it. Why did she sell it for only 5,000 taels? Is the owner crazy?

However, he only dared to be dissatisfied and muttered in his heart, but he did not dare to say it out loud. He could only look at Wu Xiangyun helplessly, hoping that she could not even afford the five thousand taels.

Sure enough, Xiangyun heard that a set of heads and faces actually cost five thousand taels of silver. He swallowed hard and put down the things in his hands.

Five thousand taels is really not a small amount for a young lady from an upright official family. Although she likes to pursue the latest clothes and jewelry, the price of those things is limited. One hundred and eighty silver, She could afford it, but this set of things cost five thousand taels at a time. She really couldn't afford so much money!

The girl who accompanied Xiangyun came up after walking downstairs and came up to look for Xiangyun. As soon as she went upstairs, she saw the set of things on the case. Her eyes suddenly lit up and she shouted: "Wow! This is a legend." The treasure of Zhongzhenbao Pavilion, the famous set of violet jade stone faces?"

"That's right, Miss, you are so knowledgeable!" Caiwei nodded and smiled in agreement.

The girl said without humility: "Of course, I have heard my mother talk about this thing before. Unfortunately, it costs 7,500 taels of silver. It is too expensive. Otherwise, my mother would have bought it for me!" "

"Seven thousand five hundred taels?"

Xiangyun screamed in surprise and said to the girl, "Xiao Wei, you mean, this set of noodles costs 7,500 taels?"

The girl said: "Yes, I heard what my mother said. When my mother counter-offered, she still didn't sell it even to 6,500 taels!"

The shopkeeper laughed and said to himself, "Auntie, what do you think your six thousand five hundred taels are?" Qian'er gave me 7,000 taels and still hasn't sold it yet!

Xiangyun suddenly understood what was going on, looked back at Caiwei, and said gratefully: "Caiwei, thank you for your kindness, but five thousand taels is very expensive to me, so I don't want it anymore." Look at something else!"

Caiwei has already given the lowest price in marriage. The price of five thousand taels is already a loss of several hundred taels of silver. It cannot be lowered. Caiwei had no choice but to ask the shopkeeper to put away the set of jewelry and look around with her again.

Finally, Xiangyun chose a red gold phoenix-pierced peony, a pair of eight-treasure gold-inlaid bracelets, and a pair of coral earrings. Caiwei asked the shopkeeper to sell these items to Xiangyun at a 60% discount. , not only did she not earn a penny, but she also lost dozens of taels.

Xiangyun is a lady from an official family and has seen a lot of good things. Therefore, she estimated the price of these pieces of jewelry at a high price. Seeing that Caiwei kept the price so low, she was naturally very grateful.

Miss Fu Guogong, Jing Xiaowei, who came with her, also bought a lot. For Xiangyun's sake, Caiwei also allowed her to enjoy the same treatment as Xiangyun, and gave them a big discount. Let these two ladies leave with satisfaction!

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