Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1019 Canonizing the Crown Prince (4)

When the shopkeeper saw that Wu Xiangyun didn't buy it, he breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly put away the two sets of treasures and locked them in the cabinet.


In the General's Mansion

Li Ruizhu was sleeping on it, feeling sick and looking very bad. The maid Chunxiao walked forward softly and whispered: "Miss, the medicine is ready. You can get up and drink it while it's hot. It will get cold later." It will have no effect..."

Li Ruizhu opened her eyes slightly, glanced at Chunxiao cautiously, turned over, and faced her with his spine.

Chunxiao did not dare to persuade her any more, so she had to hold the medicine and wait by the couch for a while. The young lady was indifferent and had to retreat gently.

As soon as he walked outside the door, he happened to meet Mrs. Du who came to visit. Chunxiao was startled, stopped in her tracks, and timidly called out: "Madam!"

Mrs. Du looked at the medicine bowl in Chunxiao's hand and asked displeasedly: "Miss, you still refuse to take medicine?"

"Yes!" Chunxiao agreed weakly, her head almost lowering to her chest.

"It's useless, even the master can't persuade it, so what use do you have?"

Mrs. Du shouted vigorously, and a maid next to her immediately stepped forward and took the medicine bowl from Chunxiao's hand. Another woman stepped forward, grabbed Chunxiao's arm and left.

Chunxiao froze and let the woman drag her out without saying a word.

Experience tells her that if Madam is in a bad mood right now and wants to take it out on her, if she obediently punishes her, she can come back to serve her. But if she cries for mercy now, what awaits her will be If the wife is upset or the young lady is disturbed by a violent beating, the crime will be even greater. The lighter one may be beaten to death and sold out, while the more severe one may result in being beaten to death directly.

So, she kept her mouth shut and was pulled out with a pale face to be punished...

Mrs. Du sighed at Chunxiao and vented a lot of the frustration in her heart. She opened the door of her daughter's room and walked in quietly. She walked to Li Ruizhu's bed and sat down. She said softly: "My son, today I am alone." Are you feeling better? Why haven't you taken any medicine?"

When Li Ruizhu heard her mother coming, she turned around weakly, smiled sadly, and said, "Mother is worried because her daughter is unfilial..."

"Look at you, why are you so polite to mother?" Mrs. Du raised her hand to straighten her daughter's messy hair, and said distressedly: "My son, your illness has improved a lot, and mother is stunned just looking at it. I feel so distressed, so get up and take medicine."

Li Ruizhu didn't move. She lowered her eyes, pursed her chapped lips, and whispered, "Mom, is there any letter from aunt?"

Speaking of Concubine Li Shu, Mrs. Du sighed and said, "Hey! It's no use. Mother sent someone to inquire about the news yesterday. The little bitch didn't know what tricks she used to make the emperor and empress believe that she was Tiandingfeng." Xing, now I wish she could become the crown princess. Now, how dare your aunt send her in front of the queen? Two days ago, she only said a few words to her when greeting her, and was punished by the queen to fast for a day. He also ordered me to copy the Diamond Sutra, who else in the palace would dare to send that bitch?"

After hearing this, Li Ruizhu smiled miserably and said quietly: "It seems that I lost and let her marry Yi after all..."

After saying that, crystal tears rolled out of his eyes and fell one after another. They were sobbing quietly at first, and slowly turned into sobbing.

Seeing her daughter crying and sobbing, Mrs. Du felt extremely distressed. She wiped her daughter's tears with a handkerchief, coaxing her and cursing at the same time: "It's all that bitch who seduced the prince. Your Highness, you have made my son so sad, Zhu'er, don't worry, my parents will never fulfill her wish and let her marry the prince, and they will never spare her!"

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