Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1023. Canonizing the Crown Prince (8)

"Hey, okay!"

The old man happily filled a bowl of porridge and placed it in front of the little girl.

The old couple looked lovingly at the little girl who was devouring her food. Their eyes passed over the scars on the girl's face, and they couldn't help but look distressed. However, neither of them mentioned the child's injury. They just said: " Eat slowly and be careful not to choke..."

The little girl devoured the food and said vaguely while eating: "I have quickly, I'll be late when I go back...Miss Qiuhong will beat me..." ."

The old couple's eyes felt distressed again. The old lady thought for a moment, then hurriedly ran to the steamer on tiptoes, wrapped two large meat buns in oil paper, and placed them next to the little girl's table.

Girl, go back later and give these two buns to Miss Qiuhong to eat, which will save her from beating you.

The little girl swallowed a mouthful of porridge and said, "Grandma, please put it away quickly. Miss Qiuhong doesn't like our buns. She fed all the buns she brought to her last time to the dogs..."

The old lady lowered her head sadly, and the old man sighed deeply and remained silent. The little girl finished her meal quickly, said, "Master, grandma, I'm leaving," and ran away.

The old couple kept looking at the direction in which the little girl disappeared. It wasn't until she sank and disappeared that they slowly withdrew their eyes, their expressions very depressed.

The girl just now is obviously the granddaughter of these two old people, but why is their granddaughter in the brothel? The two old men have kind-hearted intentions, and they don’t want to be the ones selling their granddaughters!

At this time, there were not many people at the stall, so Caiwei started chatting with the two elderly people.

Through chatting, she learned the whole story.

It turned out that the two old people were very unfortunate. In order to collect medicine for the sick old man, their only son went to the Karen Mountain at the junction of Mennu and Dajin alone. As a result, he was eaten by wild beasts on the mountain. When their son died, their daughter-in-law was still young and did not want to stay with him, so she returned to her parents' home. The old couple were also reasonable. Since the daughter-in-law didn't want to stay, they didn't force her and let her go.

However, one day a few years later, they suddenly learned that their daughter-in-law had given birth to a daughter after she returned that year, and that girl was their granddaughter.

Unfortunately, the daughter-in-law died during childbirth. Their granddaughter was raised by her biological mother. Later, the biological mother passed away. The granddaughter's uncle and aunt were vicious and sold their seven-year-old granddaughter to a brothel for money.

When the old couple heard the news, they rushed to the park to redeem the child. However, when the child's uncle sold her, he sold her for ten taels of silver. But when they redeemed her, the brothel's madam offered a price of fifty taels. Not a penny should be missing.

The child is still young and not yet old enough to receive customers. Now she is just a maid who is beaten and scolded in the brothel. But when she reaches the age of thirteen, she will inevitably have the bad luck of receiving customers.

In order to save the one-rooted seedling left by their son, the old couple worked from dawn to dusk to set up a stall and earn money. They wanted to collect the money for their granddaughter's ransom as soon as possible. They specially set up the stall in front of the brothel where their granddaughter was sold. In this way, Not only can they do business, but they can also see their granddaughter from time to time.

In order to prevent my granddaughter from being beaten and angry in the brothel. The old couple was often blackmailed by the madams and bastards in the brothel. Therefore, after two years, they had only saved more than 20 taels of silver.

However, according to the old couple, according to their current progress in making money, they will be able to take their granddaughter back in two or three years.

Caiwei didn't think so. The granddaughter of the two old men should be nine years old now. In two or three years, she will be twelve years old. Twelve years old, in the eyes of some perverted prostitutes, is the age of a flower, just right. Pick. At that time, the Madam would never allow the old couple to redeem the money tree they had raised with just fifty taels of silver!

After dinner, Caiwei said, "Second elders, why don't you accompany me to the brothel where your granddaughter is, and I can help you redeem the child!"

When the old couple heard this, they were shocked and said, "Girl, what are you talking about?"

Caiwei smiled and repeated what she just said. After hearing this, the two old men were so excited that tears filled their eyes. The old lady kept chanting, "Girl, you are such a kind person, God will definitely bless you!"

The old man was so excited that his lips trembled. He said intermittently: "The money you redeemed... we will remember to save it in the future... when we have enough." , I’ll give it back to you..."

The reason why Caiwei went to the brothel in person was not just because she wanted to help the two old men redeem their granddaughter, but also because she wanted to negotiate a business deal with the madam, a pornographic business!

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