Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1024 Chaoyang’s thoughts (1)

Because Qingxian County is located on the edge of Liaodan and Lingbei, commerce is developed, especially the pornographic industry, and competition within the industry is also very serious. Each brothel is full of tricks. In addition to working hard to train girls, they also launch various incredible projects. They also put a lot of effort into the decoration and facilities of the brothel, which is very exquisite.

Caiwei, led by two old men, entered the brothel called Lixiangyuan across the street.

Because it was still early, the girls and the prostitutes had not gotten up yet. Only a few rough ladies were busy. When they saw someone coming, and they were not prostitutes, they dared to come forward and ask questions.

The old couple explained the reason. A woman who was cleaning vases looked at a few people, turned around, and went to the back room to invite the madam.

The Madam was relieving herself on the bucket when she heard that someone was coming to redeem someone in front of her. When the God of Wealth arrived, she was so happy that she ordered tea to be prepared and fruits to be served. She hurriedly pulled out a few pieces of tissue paper, wiped them randomly a few times, and then disappeared. I ran to the flower hall.

Caiwei and the two old men were sitting in the flower hall. The maid brought tea and fruits. Caiwei felt uncomfortable with this, so she just sat there and did not drink their tea. The old couple were too timid to drink tea. Eat fruit.

The Madam entered the flower hall, her eyes only glanced at the old couple, and then her eyes were precisely fixed on Caiwei.

At this moment, Caiwei's hat curtain has been taken off. It is difficult to show her sincerity when talking to people with a hat curtain covering her face. What's more, the identity of Princess Qin she used to suppress the bustard is also I need this face to prove it.

"Haha, may I ask where this girl lives? She is so beautiful!"

As soon as the Madam saw Caiwei's face, she sincerely praised her and felt thoughtful in her heart.

If such a stunning beauty could fall into her hands, she would definitely be able to turn her second-rate brothel into the top brothel in Qing County, and all the brothels competing with her would be out of her hands...

Just as she was thinking about it, Caiwei suddenly said, "Thank you for the compliment, mom. I'm not from here. I came here specifically to redeem the lives of these two old people's granddaughters."

After that, he took out the fifty-tael silver note, got up and personally delivered it to the case that the Madam left behind.

"This is the fifty taels of silver you were talking about. Take a look!"

The Madam glanced at the banknote, picked up the tea cup and took a sip, smiling and said: "The matter of the banknote is not urgent, I just want to ask boldly, who is this girl from these two old guys?" ?"

Caiwei laughed softly and said: "Passers by chance learned about the children's life experience, and felt pity for a moment, so they helped these two old people."

The Madam's eyes swept around Caiwei's body calmly, and she said with a smile: "Out of pity, he took out a huge sum of money to save people. I think the girl's identity must be either rich or not." It’s expensive!"

The old Qianpo was inquiring about Caiwei's life experience in a roundabout way, and her purpose was self-evident.

Caiwei is a crystal-hearted person. When did she come up with such an idea? She immediately smiled and said, "Speaking of which, mom must have heard of me. The King of Qin who won the Northern Expedition a few days ago is my husband-in-law!"

She did not say the word "prince". The capital is far away from Qingxian County. It may take several months for King Qin to be crowned prince to spread. Even if it does, it may not reach the ears of these ordinary people, so , she still reported the name of King Qin.

"Princess Qin? You are...Princess Qin"

The Madam's eyes widened in surprise, and her shrewd eyes almost touched Caiwei's body.

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