Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1026 Chaoyang’s thoughts (3)

However, I don’t know why Princess Qin gave her free money and built a house in Lingbei for her to make money, and she didn’t receive any share of it. Why on earth was this?

The Madam is also a shrewd person. Although the money is good, she does not dare to make money if it is questionable money.

"Haha, I am really flattered that the princess is taking care of me like this, but... Haha... Forgive me, why would the princess do this?"

Caiwei said: "Because I want to develop a business empire in Lingbei, and women are the biggest driving force to attract men to invest and build in Lingbei. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

She did not say that she wanted to develop the sex industry in Mengnu in order to get the Mengnu people to abandon circumcision, but that she wanted to develop the Mengnu economy and use brothels to promote the development of the Mengnu economy.

Madam Madam didn't know much about difficult words like business empire and investment and construction, but she didn't understand them at all. Seeing Princess Qin's serious look, she knew she had enough reasons to do so, so she Agree immediately.

"Don't worry, the princess. If you are so considerate to me, I will definitely do what the princess tells you. I will never let you down."

"Ah, very good!"

Caiwei thought for a while and then said: "The girls you buy must be of their own free will. You must not force girls into prostitution, and you must not let them pick up customers day and night just to make money. In particular, you must pay attention to the girls' bodies and do not let them Got some bad disease..."

"Yes, I have been in this business for thirty years. I know everything. I can definitely make arrangements..."

After settling the matter, Caiwei brought up the matter of redeeming the child for the old couple again. The madam took Caiwei a thousand taels of silver, so she was embarrassed to raise the price for the little girl's ransom money, and only took the five taels. For ten taels, after giving the deed of betrayal, the old couple took their children and left.

The old man and the old lady did not expect it to be so easy for them to redeem their child. When they walked out of Lixiangyuan, they took the little girl and knelt down to Caiwei.

"Princess, I don't know what kind of virtue our family had in our previous life, but we have met you in this life. When we get home, we will set up a memorial tablet for you to live forever and burn three incense sticks a day..."

"Uh, no need, really no need..."

Caiwei had a black line on her head and couldn't help but think of the scene when she attended a funeral in her previous life. She helped the old man and the old woman up, and then the delicate little girl, and said, "Is there anyone among you who can read?"

The little girl raised her hand and said, "I know it. When we were in Lixiangyuan, my mother hired a female concubine to teach us how to read and draw. She also said that if we learn well, we will find a rich sponsor in the future..."

Caiwei touched her hair and said pitifully: "Later, sister will write you a recipe for making spicy hotpot. With this recipe, sister will be able to earn a lot of money, enough to support her well." Your grandparents, from now on, don’t say anything to find a sponsor, remember?"


The little girl nodded and looked at Caiwei with admiration with her big black eyes.

This sister named Princess is so beautiful. She is hundreds of times more beautiful than the courtesan of Lixiangyuan. Not only is she beautiful, but she is also a nice person. He spent so much money to save her from the fire pit. She must listen well. Sister, I can repay my sister's kindness...

Caiwei took them out of Lixiangyuan, closed the porridge stall with them across the street, and went to the market to buy Malatang seasonings together.

Little did he know that in a room on the second floor of Lixiangyuan, a tall man from Liaodan with a full beard was standing in front of the window, looking at her in astonishment.

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