Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1027 Chaoyang’s thoughts (4)

It wasn't until she was far away that the big man woke up from a dream, ran down with big steps, and asked the madam eagerly: "Mom, who was that woman just now? What is she here for?"

Seeing the anxious look on the man's face, the Madam thought that he had fallen in love with Princess Qin, so she couldn't help but laugh, raised the handkerchief in her hand, and gave the big man a fluttering blow, making a sweet sound. Said: "Oh, my Lord, don't worry about that woman. Take good care of your girl Qiuhong. Although Qiuhong is not as handsome as that girl, she can't hold her back and her job is good. Besides, that master My son is not something you can worry about..."

The big man didn't have the intention to flirt with her, so he grabbed her arm and said harshly: "Mother, you are so coquettish and silly with me, tell me, what are you doing here? She's going to go now." Where is it?"

"Ouch, hurts, let go...I said...I said it's not enough..."


In line with the principle of doing good deeds to the end and sending them to the Buddha and heaven, Caiwei went to the market and bought the seasonings for making spicy hotpot. If there were no seasonings in the market, she secretly took them out from the space, and then followed the old man and the old lady. Returned to their home.

When they arrived at their home, Caiwei demonstrated in person and gave them the method of making spicy hotpot, and recorded every step in detail with a pen to prevent them from forgetting.

The two old people are getting older, so setting up a porridge stall is not a long-term solution. It is bitterly cold in the north, and summer is okay. Although it is a bit harder, it is not a disaster. But in winter, the kind of dripping water in the north turns into ice, and people urinate when they come out. Setting up a stall in a place where urine can freeze into icicles is really a choking experience!

With this recipe, they don't have to suffer the same fate. They can use the more than 20 taels of silver they have saved to open a small shop specializing in spicy hotpot. Northerners prefer heavy flavors. The spicy, spicy and fragrant Malatang is sure to be a hit!

After teaching them, Caiwei gave the page she wrote to the old lady. If they forgot something or didn't understand anything, they could have their granddaughter read it to them.

With the two old people's endless gratitude, Caiwei left the old man and the old aunt's home and went to the residence of Shen County Magistrate.

Today she went to see Magistrate Shen specifically. It is not easy to establish her own business empire in Lingbei now. It requires a large amount of capital and sufficient human resources.

For example, she wanted to build a prosperous commercial street in Lingbei Royal City. Although Lingbei could hire laborers, she could not find engineers to build houses. She wanted to develop pornography there, but she could not find a large number of pornographic jobs. Or, therefore, these all require help from the land lord of Qing County, Shen Zhixian.

When we arrived at Shen's Mansion, it was already late. Magistrate Shen went to the county government office, but Mrs. Cui and Juhua were both at home. Seeing Caiwei coming, both of them were very happy, and they arranged to serve tea and He was busy looking for some snacks and fruits for her to eat.

Mrs. Cui is a little fatter than the last time we saw her. She is smiling and looking good. It is obvious from the first sight that she is living a comfortable life.

After Caiwei sat down, she took Caiwei's hand and kept complaining: "You girl, you always come and go without a trace. Now that you are back, you have to stay a few more days. The chrysanthemums were blooming yesterday." Go to the nursing home, and Sanchun and I picked some good mushrooms in the woods near the village, and we will make dumplings stuffed with mushrooms for lunch later!"

Caiwei originally planned to go to He's Roast Duck to find Dunzhu and Danzhu sisters at noon. She had previously promised to let them go back to Lingbei this month, but Mrs. Cui couldn't refuse her kindness and insisted on letting her stay at the house to eat dumplings. She also I had no choice but to be respectful rather than obey.

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