Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1028 Chaoyang’s thoughts (5)

Daihua pulled Caiwei, twisting her butt like a candy. Now he wants to go shopping with her, and now he wants to go see her rabbits with her. She is obviously older than Caiwei, but she looks like a child.

Looking at her childish daughter dotingly, she smiled and said, "Girl, you are so old and you are still jumping up and down like a child. Why can't you be as stable as Caiwei?"

Juhua said unconvinced: "Why does my daughter act like a child? You have forgotten that Shen Furong provoked you a few days ago, but it was my daughter who took care of her!"

Mrs. Cui curled her lips and said with an angry smile: "I just borrowed Caiwei's name, what's the point of being proud of!"

Upon hearing this, Shen Juhua became anxious, "So what if I borrow Caiwei's name? It's not like Caiwei wouldn't let me borrow it? The situation was urgent. If I hadn't said that the hairpin on my mother's head was given by Caiwei, she would have done it." I have to ask you to give her a big gift, and then my mother’s face in the entire Bianzhou Prefecture will be lost!"

Seeing that her daughter was anxious, Mrs. Cui smiled helplessly and said, "Yes, yes, Miss Juhua is responsible. Miss Juhua is the smartest, gentlest and most prudent one, okay?"

"Humph, that's pretty much it!"

Only then was Shen Juhua satisfied. She raised her chin arrogantly and took Caiwei's hand: "Let's go, Caiwei, I'll take you to see the rabbit I raised. "

When going to see the rabbit, Caiwei asked curiously: "What did you say about taking care of Shen Furong just now? I remember, wasn't Shen Furong married to Bianzhou Mansion? Why did she come back to be a demon again?"

Shen Juhua said angrily: "That vicious and evil woman took advantage of the fact that she is now Mrs. Fuyin. She had her birthday half a month ago and asked the wives of the county magistrates from various counties to pay her birthday. But when she met my mother, the children beside her The mother-in-law actually ordered my mother to pay homage to her, how shameless!"

Caiwei said in surprise: "What? How dare she treat her aunt like this? Isn't she afraid that the news will spread and the censor will impeach her men?"

"She's not afraid. She is Mrs. Fuyin now. It's too late for the wives of the county magistrates to fawn over her. Who will stand up for my mother?"

Daisy gritted her teeth, her round face bulging with anger, and when she thought of what happened that day, she had the urge to hit someone.

"Later, I got a quick wit and said that the pearl flowers on my mother's head were rewarded by you. You are the Princess of Qin, a thousand times more noble than her. Naturally, she did not dare to let my mother bring your flowers to her as a gift, so she had to Done!"

Caiwei shook her head and said, "A concubine actually asked her aunt to worship her in public. This kind of treacherous and unethical thing will probably never happen again in our country of Jin. It's really shocking!"

"No, you didn't see the triumphant look on her face at that time. I was so angry that I really wanted to pull her off the beauty couch and give her a few slaps!" Shen Juhua said, circling her hands in the air. Fanning, as if slapping Shen Furong.

Caiwei said: "That Shen Furong is young and beautiful, and she comes from a famous family. Master Fu Yin of Bianzhou must be very fond of her!"

"Tch, what's the use of being pampered?"

Ju Hua curled her lips disdainfully, "The old Fu Yin is nearly sixty years old, how many years does he still have to live? Besides, Fu Yin still has grown-up children and grandchildren, even if Shen Furong can give birth to an heir. , I'm afraid that Laofu Yin will die before the child grows up. How can she have a good life? If she can be a good person and be kind and low-key to others these years, maybe her stepson can still give her a place to live in the future. If she just relies on favor and is arrogant, and uses her power to bully others, she will be beautiful to see when the old man Yin dies!"

Shen Furong obviously doesn't understand the principle of leaving some escape route for herself and her future children. The more she yells now, the harder she will fall in the future. However, this Caiwei has nothing to do with it. To her, Shen Furong is just a stranger. What kind of life she chooses has nothing to do with her at all!

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