Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1029 Chaoyang’s thoughts (6)

The two of them were in Juhua's yard, looking at the little rabbit raised by Juhua for a long time, and talking to each other for a while. At this time, the eldest girl next to Mrs. Cui came to look for them to go back to eat, and Caiwei held hands with Juhua. , returned to the courtyard where Mrs. Cui lived.

Mrs. Cui's courtyard is newly built. It is magnificent, gorgeous and prosperous. It is the best courtyard in the entire mansion. Before, Aunt Yan lived in the best courtyard in the house, while Mrs. Cui only lived in a remote and leaky courtyard. After Aunt Yan died, Magistrate Shen once proposed that Mrs. Cui live in the courtyard where Aunt Yan lived. , was scolded by Mrs. Cui, and cried and had another fit.

Magistrate Shen knew he was in the wrong, so he withdrew humbly, and then hired someone to dismantle the most spacious stage in the mansion, and built the gorgeous and spacious courtyard now. They moved out in one fell swoop and spent all their financial resources to decorate the yard, making it look like flowers and luxury. Then they made Mrs. Cui happy and asked her to move into this yard!

This courtyard is many times better than the one where Aunt Yan lived before. After Mrs. Cui moved here, she slowly became happy and she was no longer as unwelcome to Magistrate Shen as before.

Zhixian Shen was very happy when he saw his wife's change of attitude towards him. From then on, he tried to please his wife more deliberately, hoping that she would forgive him as soon as possible, so that the couple could put aside their grudges and work together!

During the meal, Magistrate Shen actually came back. Caiwei was very happy. She was just about to go find him and discuss some matters with him...

Outside Shen's Mansion, several Liaodan men dressed as Han Chinese were wandering around the door of the Mansion, glancing at what was going on in the Mansion with vague eyes.

Ever since Butler Daru saw the woman in Lixiangyuan, he had ordered to keep an eye on her. Butler Daru had rushed back to Xiaoyao Villa and passed the news to Saknu Khan in a flying pigeon.

It is said that Saknu Khan has been asking about this woman since he ascended the throne. If they can help the Khan get this woman back to Shengjing, wouldn't they have made a great contribution?

However, after all, this is the border of Dajin, and she is the guest of Magistrate Shen. It does not seem to be an easy task to kidnap her on the territory of Qing County, and it may be a fight. , so they can only wait for the opportunity...


The Imperial Garden of the Imperial Palace of the Jin Dynasty

Princess Chaoyang held the queen's hand and walked carefully by the artificial lake, strolling and saying some thoughtful words.

Ever since encountering Saknu in Chaoyang, his temperament has changed a lot. He is no longer as unruly and willful as before, and he doesn't know where the world is from.

At this moment, she was half-hanging her head, patiently listening to the mother's instruction. No matter what the mother said, she listened patiently, without contradicting or refuting.

"Since you left the capital as Princess Liaodan, you can no longer use the identity of Princess Chaoyang when you come back this time. The queen mother plans to record you in the name of Concubine Yao De, saying that you are the daughter of Concubine De Yao in her early years. Because she She was sick as a child and was afraid of being fed, so she kept her outside the palace without telling the world. Anyway, Concubine De had a miscarriage many years ago. She is about the same age as you, so she can take care of her. "

"Well, it's up to the queen to make the daughter's decision!" Princess Chaoyang lowered her head and replied meekly.

Her daughter was so obedient and submissive, which made Empress Mo feel a little distressed. She comforted Chaoyang and said, "Don't worry, although she is not considered a legitimate princess in the name of Concubine De, in the future, your dowry and fief will still be treated as a legitimate princess." The specific specifications will never make you unable to hold your head high in front of your consort."

At the mention of getting married, Chaoyang's heart shrank, and the arm holding Empress Mo tightened subconsciously. She shook her head and said reflexively: "No, mother, my daughter will not marry, and my daughter will never marry in this life..." ."

"Silly boy, men should get married when they are older and girls should get married when they are older. How can there be a daughter who won't marry when her family is older?"

Empress Mo stopped, touched Bu Yao on her daughter's head lovingly, and said, "The Queen Mother has already discussed this with your brother. Your brother has been going to the Hanlin Academy frequently these past two days. Last year, the Emperor opened Enke, and the Hanlin Academy entered He has a lot of young talents with great talents. Although most of these talents are from poor families, do people like ours still care about the background of the prince-in-law? As long as he has a noble character and can treat you well, your brother will definitely Let him rise to prominence!"

Chaoyang raised her head, her eyes filled with tears. She shook her head again and said firmly: "No, Queen Mother, my daughter will not marry, and she will never marry!"

How could those rotten scholars who shook their heads and talked nonsense be worthy of her? The moment the queen mother mentioned getting married, a tall and tall figure suddenly flashed in her mind...

"Aunt, the reward my nephew wants is to see Sister Chaoyang every day..."


"Chaoyang, you shouldn't beat this poor palace maid innocently. You are so beautiful, and your soul should be as beautiful as your appearance..."

The eldest cousin, that handsome and graceful man, had been lingering by her side for many years. As long as she grasped him gently, she could hold him tightly for the rest of her life.

It's a pity that I was eventually misled by her stupidity and willfulness...

Empress Mo spoke sincerely: "Yu'er, life is short, and a woman's youth is fleeting. You are not young anymore. If you are still so willful and miss your youth, you will not be able to get married until you are young. How can you survive a long life alone?"

Nangong Yu bit her lips and turned her head stubbornly, "Mother, my daughter is stupid and missed her best marriage for a beast. In this life, my daughter is destined to spend her life in regret and self-blame. She has no hope for anything anymore. Mother Stop worrying about your daughter..."

There is something in Nangong Yu's words. Queen Mo is such a charming person, how could she not hear it? However, she also knew who her daughter said was the best marriage, and she couldn't help but feel a pang of regret in her heart.

"Yu'er, there are many good men in the world, and your eldest cousin is not the only one. Now, your eldest cousin already has his heart, and the queen mother can't force him to come, so you just... find someone else!"

If it were someone else, Queen Mo might be able to coerce or induce him. In short, no matter what, she would try to get him to marry her daughter. But Mo Ziqi was different. This boy had been stubborn since he was a child, and his stubbornness was similar to that of her son. At one point, there was nothing he could do to get back what he had decided. Even though he had decided to marry the second daughter of the Mu family, even if a knife was placed on his neck, he would not agree to marry Chaoyang.

She is destined to be unable to satisfy her daughter's worries!

Chaoyang took the handkerchief, wiped her tears silently, and said: "Mother, my daughter already knows that he has a sweetheart, and she doesn't want to force it. She can't ask for this kind of thing even if she forces it. So, mother, please don't do it anymore." If you worry about your daughter, let her live a peaceful life..."

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