Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1031 Agree to ascend the throne (2)

Emperor Jinming didn't expect his son to be accompanied by a doctor. He was immediately embarrassed. He sat up and glared at the doctor who came forward to treat him. He blamed his son and said, "I told him I didn't want to see him, but you are too much." Yes. "

Nangong Yi said with a smile: "I saw my father's complexion was ruddy and his words were full of energy. I couldn't figure out why my father was always in bad shape. Therefore, I found a master among the people. I must give him to him today." Take a good look, we must find out the root cause of my father's illness!"

Emperor Jin Ming understood that his son had discovered that he was pretending to be ill. His face turned red and he said angrily: "You kid, don't blindly blind me. I just want to ask you, when will you succeed to the throne?"

Nangong Yi said unhurriedly: "My son said that he and his wife would travel all over the world to famous mountains and rivers. When they have traveled enough, they will naturally come back and succeed to the throne. "

"Don't even think about it!"

Emperor Jin Ming gave a loud shout, got down to the ground with a dark face, and scolded in a loud voice: "You boy, let me just put my words here today. You can either obediently ascend the throne or don't blame me for not being a father." So kind!"

Nangong Yi raised his eyebrows and said, "Why did my father say this?"

Emperor Jin Ming snorted and said proudly: "Prime Minister Ning and General Li both made great contributions in putting down the rebellion of the deposed prince, and the daughters of these two important ministers are in love with you. If you become the emperor, I will naturally do it." You have no control, but if you are the prince, you can really make the decision to let the daughters of these two families marry you as concubines, so you can think of it!"

Nangong Yi was shocked: "Father, you can't do this!"

He promised to be with Caiwei for the rest of his life. If he married Ning Huaixiu and Li Ruizhu, Caiwei would never marry him. Even if she was married, she would leave him. Therefore, he would never allow it. This kind of thing happens!

When Emperor Jin Ming paid a visit to Chaoyun yesterday, he overheard Chaoyun talking about the lifelong promise between Nangong Yi and Cai Wei. He suddenly felt like he had found a treasure and was overjoyed. He finally got the boy's seven-inch Now, as long as you use this matter to coerce him, are you still afraid that he will not submit?

The emperor's guess was correct. After a painful ideological struggle, the prince said in frustration and helplessness: "My son is willing to share my father's worries. I just ask my father not to mention the matter of letting my son marry her again." …"

"This is natural. As long as you obediently ascend the throne, you will be the emperor. How can I have the time to care about the affairs in your house..."


The conversation between Caiwei and Shen Zhixian was very effective. Shen Zhixian not only agreed to all Caiwei's requests, but also took the initiative to make constructive proposals to encourage intermarriage between Jin and Mengnu people, so as to integrate the two ethnic groups into one family as soon as possible!

Shen Zhixian has been an official for many years, and he is a person who knows what is appropriate. The news that the prince was deposed and wanted has spread to Qingxian. At present, the most popular among the princes is His Highness King Qin. If His Highness King Qin ascends the throne, , the woman in front of him begging him to do something is the future queen of the Jin Dynasty. The opportunity is rare, how can he not do his best?

In the afternoon, Caiwei went to He's Roast Duck to visit sisters Dunzhu and Danzhu. Juhua also wanted to go, but Caiwei refused because after seeing Dunzhu and Danzhu, she would take the car to Zhuangzili. Look at the people in the nursing home. At night, they go directly from the nursing home to Lingbei, so it is very inconvenient to take her with them.

Seeing that Caiwei didn't want to let Juhua go, Shen Zhixian ordered her daughter to leave. He immediately sent people to prepare carriages and horses. He called the county government officials and ordered Zeng Baotou and Tian Baotou to escort Caiwei in person. go.

Caiwei said it was very difficult for Shen Zhixian to create such a big battle. She was used to living alone and was really not used to such a big show.

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