Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1032 Agree to ascend the throne (3)

However, Shen Zhixian made repeated orders. Qingxian County is a border area, where there are many Liaodan and Mengnu people, so it is not very safe. Caiwei is Juhua's best friend and Mrs. Cui's favorite junior. He must protect her safety to avoid making the two women in the family sad if something goes wrong.

Magistrate Shen said this to show that he did not do this out of flattery or selfishness, but out of concern for his daughter, friends and his wife's younger generation.

Caiwei couldn't refuse her kindness, so she had to let him go.

Along the way, the grand pomp and ceremony made Caiwei feel very uncomfortable. In the past, every time she took a car, she always liked to lift the curtains and look at the street. But today, she just sat in the car obediently, unwilling to look at the awe or hatred of the people looking at her car.

Fortunately, Shen's Mansion is not far from 'He's Roast Duck' and we arrived in a short walk.

Dunzhu and Danzhu were both heartily happy to see Caiwei. After not seeing each other for a month, the two sisters were a little fatter than before and talked more. Dunzhu took Caiwei and reported to her the progress of their studies, and insisted on roasting a duck for Caiwei.

Caiwei rejected her fierce offer and told them that their sisters could go back to Lingbei with the people from Shen Zhi County tomorrow. Dunzhu and Danzhu have been away from Lingbei for a long time. Ever since they knew that Lingbei would not have a daughter-in-law ceremony within three years, the two of them have been looking forward to going back as soon as possible. They miss their father and mother very much, and they also miss their father and mother. Missing the vast prairie of their hometown, they were both excited when they heard the news that they could go home and open a roast duck restaurant in their hometown...

Hearing that Caiwei was going to the nursing home soon, Dunzhu and Danzhu immediately rolled up their sleeves and roasted several oily, golden ducks with their own hands for the elderly and children in the nursing home, and baked two thick piles of lotus. Ye Bing allowed her to leave...

Because she had to visit the nursing home, Caiwei went to the market and bought a few snacks, a large piece of fatty pork, a basket of eggs, and secretly took out two big fish from the space. I almost filled a cart with delicious food before I left the market with satisfaction and headed towards the nursing home.

The nursing home in Qingxian County is located in a village about fifty miles east of Qingxian County. It was originally the property of Juhua’s uncle’s family. It was later bought by Caiwei and opened as a nursing home to take in and support many old, weak, sick and disabled people. it's here.

After leaving Qingxian County, the carriage went eastward, becoming narrower and more remote as we walked. Zeng Baotou and Tian Baotou were riding horses, walking one behind the other in the Caiwei carriage. Suddenly, Tian Baotou behind the carriage suddenly appeared. The catcher rode his horse to Caiwei's carriage and whispered to the carriage, "Miss, someone is following us behind!"

When Caiwei heard this, she suddenly felt puzzled. She always wore a hat and curtains outside, and no one could recognize her. Why was she being followed?

She reached out and gently opened the curtain a small crack and asked, "How many people are there?"

Captain Tian looked back and said, "Not many, four!"

"Okay, stop the car." Caiwei knocked on the wall of the car and signaled to the driver to stop. "Tian, ​​headman, go tie them up and send them to the county government for interrogation to see who is following me and what their purpose is. !"

"Yes, ma'am, you'll be waiting later!"

Tian Daotou respectfully agreed, whipped out the simple knife from his waist, pointed at the four people following not far away, and shouted loudly: "Come here, take down those hair balls—— "

After hearing this, all the government officials drew out their sabers one after another, shouted majesticly, and ran towards the four people.

Shen Zhixian County sent a total of two catchers and ten yamen guards to escort the pickers. Except for the catcher Zeng who was guarding the pickup truck, the other eleven rushed forward with great momentum and speed. , well trained.

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