Caiwei's eyes widened and she could hardly believe her own eyes.

Why is this guy here? She didn't tell him when she would be back, so how could he expect that she would be back at this time? Moreover, even if he calculated it, he should go from the direction of the capital to Zhuangzi, not from the direction of Zhuangzi to the capital!

In a daze, Nangong Yi's horse had stopped in front of her. The man seemed surprised to see her. After being stunned for a moment, he stretched out his hand in surprise.

"come over!"

Caiwei reached out her hand in a daze, and the man took her soft, white hand. With a strong force, he pulled her onto the horse and sat in front of him.

"Master, the Queen has asked you to get up early and go to her palace to discuss matters!"

Seeing that his master had turned the horse back again, Zhui Feng wanted to go in the direction of Zhuangzi, so he hurriedly raised his hand on the horse and started to preface.

Nangong Yi said quietly: "You go into the palace and tell your mother that something happened to you suddenly, and you will see her again at night!"

"But, Master..."

Before Zhui Feng could finish speaking, Nangong Yi had already shaken the reins, and the horse that was sitting down raised its hooves and ran towards the hunting ground, leaving Zhui Feng and the others behind.

"Don't follow..."

The royal hunting ground on the outskirts of Beijing stretches for hundreds of miles, with beautiful scenery. In the foothills, there are green trees, quiet and charming, and the air is fresh.

As the morning light dawned, Caiwei and Nangong Yi were already riding together among the mountain peaks.

Looking up, the forest is surrounded by white clouds, mountain streams and waterfalls, gurgling springs, gurgling water, birds singing, flowers fragrant, and green grass.

The intrusion of the two men broke the silence in the forest. Birds flew everywhere they passed, and several grazing hares jumped up in fright and fled in front of the horses' hooves.

The white-haired hare seemed to be too frightened. When running away, it bumped into a big tree and fell down among the grass. It kicked its legs and stuck out its butt. It couldn't get up for a long time.

Caiwei took this scene in her eyes and was stunned for a while, then she laughed and fell into Nangong Yi's arms with her belly in her arms, tears streaming down her face. She pointed at the rabbit and asked Nangong Yi, "Did you see it just now?" Hahaha, it turns out that the story of waiting for a rabbit is true. There really are such stupid rabbits in this world that bump themselves into tree stumps..."

As she spoke, she laughed again, and the bright sunshine in early summer shone from the shade of the trees, covering her face and body.

Because she was riding a tiger last night, in order to prevent her from jogging, she wore a tight-fitting riding outfit, a narrow-sleeved silver-red tunic jacket on top, bloomers of the same color on the bottom, and the trouser legs were tied into deerskin boots. , outside are the first two horse-faced skirts, and the waist is tied with a silk ribbon decorated with pearls.

Her hair was not combed into a bun, but was let loose, with a strand on either side of her ears, twisted and fixed at the back of her head with a small, exquisite diamond-encrusted flower crown. The long hair is like a waterfall, brighter than pearls and softer than satin.

The corolla is surrounded by hollow chrysanthemums. Between the slightly curled chrysanthemum petals, there are four tassels hanging down. Each tassel is a golden pearl the size of a grain of rice, and the bottom is decorated with a melo pearl the size of a longan.

As she laughed, the tassels swayed and shone, reflecting her beautiful appearance. It was really overflowing with brilliance, elegance and beauty, which is indescribable. Nangong Yi looked over, with a deep smile on his eyebrows, and suffocated when his eyes fell on Cai Wei.

She was originally wearing a tight-fitting riding outfit today, but now she smiled wildly, and a certain part of her chest became more and more visible, swaying and dancing, which made people's mouth go dry, and reminded them of the scenery underneath that riding outfit.

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