He is a martial arts practitioner and has sharp ears and eyes. Although every time he is intimate with her, it is in the dark night, but he can still clearly see every beautiful scenery and personally witness every process of her growth and development.

After not seeing each other for a few days, she seemed to have grown a little more, just enough for him to control with one hand. Thinking about it, her eyes became hot.

Caiwei laughed to herself for a long time, but when she didn't get any response from the man, she raised her head and looked at him. When she saw the wolf-like light in his charming eyes, she immediately stopped laughing and crossed her arms with her chest. Staring at him warily: "Where are you looking?"

Nangong Yi said gently: "Hey, did you eat something greasy yesterday? Look, it's all greasy here." After saying that, he naturally reached out to wipe it, no, touch it!

Caiwei's face turned dark, and she stretched out her hand to pat the fake Gongji's paw, "Let go quickly, it's clear as day, what should I do if someone sees me?"

"This is the royal hunting ground, no one will come!"

Nangong Yi took her small and delicate earlobe in his mouth, and his breathing became obviously heavy. Instead of leaving, the evil hand stretched in along her skirt.

Caiwei resisted for a few times at first, but in the end she was not as strong as him, and was moved by his pitiful appearance. Finally, he carried her to a soft grassland full of wild flowers, took off her clothes, and After dancing happily for a while, the rain stopped and the clouds stopped.

Afterwards, the two of them hugged each other and lay on the grass, looking at the blue sky and white clouds in the distance, talking to each other.

"Weier, I may be about to succeed to the throne..."

Caiwei raised her head and said in surprise: "Isn't the Emperor already well? Why is he abdicating again?"

The man pinched her nose and gritted his teeth and said, "I haven't been stimulated by the Turtle Immortal. Now I am focusing on cultivating to become an immortal. I even ignore the government affairs and just want to ascend as soon as possible. If I don't agree to him, he will give me The master forced me to marry Li Ruizhu as his concubine, but I was forced to have no choice but to agree!"

Unexpectedly, the majestic king of a country would use this method to force his son to succeed to the throne, and even more unexpectedly, his son would give in because of such a threat. Caiwei was really drunk.

"When will you ascend the throne?"

"Originally we agreed to ascend the throne during the Chinese New Year, but my father regretted it and insisted on moving it forward. On August 15th, our wedding day, we will ascend the throne and be crowned queen at the same time!"

Isn’t that just over a month left?

Caiwei suddenly sat up. The cake buyer said that in more than a month, she will become the queen of the Jin Dynasty. This... is that true?

Nangong Yi said: "Now the Ministry of Rites is preparing for the enthronement. If nothing unexpected happens, the matter is a foregone conclusion..."

Although Caiwei was ready to marry Nangong Yi, she was not ready to be the queen of Dajin so soon. For a moment, her expression became a little tangled.

Queen, the mother of a country, this identity seems very strange and far away to her, but it is about to happen to her...

The man said: "I originally planned to take you out for a few years after getting married, and then come back to take over the throne after you have had enough fun. It seems that this idea may not be realized for a while..."


Caiwei was stunned and didn't hear what the man was saying. She only thought about how to be a queen. If she becomes a queen, should she be like the queens of all dynasties, staying in the palace every day, sitting upright, and acting like a mother who respects the world!

Seeing her wandering around, Nangong Yi reached out his hand in dissatisfaction, pinched her stunned face, and said, "What are you thinking about? You are so stupid?"

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