Caiwei felt pain, came back to her senses, and said: "Oh, uh..." It's nothing, business is important, oh, by the way, just now Benbo Erba said that your mother is looking for you, it can't be something important, right? ? How about we go back, we were delayed!"

Nangong Yi sighed, held his head, looked at the floating clouds in the sky, and said worriedly: "It's about Chaoyang."

"What's up with her?"

Upon hearing Caiwei's inquiry, Nangong Yi hesitated and said, "I'm telling you, don't be in a hurry."

Caiwei said, "Tell me, I'll listen and see if it's something worth worrying about."

Nangong Yi glanced at Caiwei anxiously and said firmly, "You promise you won't be in a hurry?"

"Say it!"

Caiwei lost her patience and grabbed the soft flesh around his waist, threatening him.

"Okay!" The man was defeated.

"Chaoyang wants to marry Ziqi. The mother's intention is to let Ziqi marry both Chaoyang and Fei'er, imitating the empress E's daughter-in-law, no matter how big or small, regardless of seniority..."

"Huh, ridiculous!"

Before Nangong Yi could finish speaking, Caiwei sneered and interrupted him.

She is very protective of shortcomings. If Queen Mo told Nangong Yi to take a concubine at this moment, she would not necessarily be so angry.

Chaoyang is unruly and willful. She would poison other women and kill people secretly just for a man. If she lets such a man share the same husband with her sister, wouldn't it push her daughter into a pit of fire?

He also said that no matter how big or small, regardless of superiority or inferiority, you can say anything when you get married, but if she really gets married and she wants to act like a princess and bully Fei'er, what can Fei'er do to her?

"Nangong Yi, since Chaoyang wants to marry Mo Ziqi, let Mo Ziqi decide who to marry. If she wants to marry Princess Chaoyang, please ask him to send back our Fei'er's wedding invitation. Marriage between a man and a woman will be separate. It’s related; if he wants to marry Mayfair, you should advise your sister that getting married is not a business. As a woman, you have to be a little more reserved. How can someone not want to marry her and why she insists on marrying someone else? If Mo Mo Ziqi wants to marry both of them, so congratulations, your sister has won. Even if my Fei'er marries a farmer or a blacksmith, she won't share a husband with anyone else!"

Nangong Yi rubbed her angry face and said helplessly: "Look at you, are you in a hurry? You promised not to be in a hurry!"

Caiwei said angrily: "My sister's lifelong happiness will be ruined. How can I not be anxious? I'm warning you, you are not allowed to favor your sister. The outcome will only be determined by Mo Ziqi's attitude!"

Nangong Yi said: "If Ziqi agreed to marry Chaoyang, the queen mother would not let Chaoyang marry Fei'er. It was because Ziqi refused to go to Chaoyang that the mother came up with such a method. Don't worry, I won't do anything about this." I will intervene, as you said, everything depends on Ziqi's attitude and whether he can withstand the pressure!"

After hearing the news, Caiwei felt bad all over. She had a cold expression on her face. After putting on her clothes, she prepared to go back. Nangong Yi pulled her and said, "Weier, actually this is just fine." Test Ziqi's feelings for Fei'er. If Ziqi's love for Fei'er is stronger than that of Jin, he can solve this matter by himself. There is no need for you, a sister, to get angry; if Ziqi expects Fei'er not to be so Deep feelings, then you should be glad that this happened, otherwise what would you do if this happened after they got married?"

After what he said, Caiwei felt that it was quite reasonable and was no longer so angry. However, when she thought of Queen Mo and Chaoyang, she was still a little unhappy. She warned Nangong Yi: "If we get married, your mother will If you and your sister want to interfere in our lives, I will never agree!"

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