"Don't worry, you are the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven. Even if the monkey wants to make things difficult for you, she won't dare. As for Chaoyang, I will not allow her to make trouble again!"

After receiving the man's assurance, Caiwei's mood improved a lot. She sat down, lay in the man's arms, and talked to him for a while. Perhaps it was because of the hard work last night, and as she talked, she unknowingly fell asleep...

When I woke up, the sun was already setting in the west.

She woke up from hunger. She didn't eat well in Lingbei last night. She met Nangong Yi early in the morning, so she didn't bother to eat. She slept for a full day. At this moment, she was really hungry. It's to the point of rolling.

Nangong Yi was busy under a big tree not far from her. He disembowelled a skinned hare and took out its internal organs. It seemed that he was preparing to cook it.

"Nangong Yi, what are you doing?"

"Roast rabbit, just wait, it will be ready in a moment!"

Nangong Yi caught a glimpse of Caiwei's face as she just woke up, staring in confusion with sleepy eyes. She slightly raised the corners of her mouth in a good mood, slashed the hare a few times with a dagger, and took it from the bag. Taking out many small paper bags, Caiwei was stunned. She didn't expect that a proud and arrogant person like Nangong Yi could carry such equipment. Could it be that he had planned to meet her this morning? And then taking her here for a picnic?

"Wow, you can also pickle!"

Caiwei's eyes were drawn back to the naked hare. Now she was so hungry that she could not wait to turn the plump rabbit into a fragrant, golden roasted rabbit, burnt on the outside and charred on the inside. The crispy, tender and fragrant rabbit meat entered my stomach warmly.

Thinking of this, her stomach responded.


"You're hungry, don't worry, you can only eat it when it's cooked, otherwise you'll get sick!"

Nangong Yi looked at her fondly and sped up the movements of his hands. Xiao Nizi hadn't eaten anything all day, and he had been tossing him so much that she had exhausted her strength. She should have replenished her strength, but when she fell asleep, he was afraid that a wild beast would come, so he could only kill the hare he knocked down in the morning. He beat them to death, cleaned them up, and picked up some firewood nearby, waiting for her to wake up and roast them for her to eat.

"Nangong Yi, can you do it? Otherwise, let me do it instead!"

In Caiwei's eyes, Nangong Yi is an aristocratic young master, and it is said that he has the false reputation of being the first young master of the Jin Dynasty. How could such a person do such a thing?

"Don't worry, you will be satisfied!"

Nangong Yi rubbed some salt on the knife edge on the hare's back. Seeing the confusion on Caiwei's face, he guessed that Xiao Nizi might be worried about him, "In the past, every autumn hunting, my father would order someone to bake it." The prey was shared among everyone, but the Queen Mother was worried that Concubine Jin would take the opportunity to attack me, so she ordered me to roast the food I had brought and eat it, and only claimed that it was my favorite thing to do."

Unexpectedly, there was such a sad past behind the roasted rabbit. Caiwei felt a little distressed. She supported her chin with her hands and stared blankly at the man who was seriously turning over the roast. She felt that her man was really handsome.

A picture-perfect side face, dark and deep eyes, charming and alluring, high bridge of nose, pink thin lips, plus that smooth and clean face, it is really intoxicating.

The man dressed the hare with branches and said in his unique magnetic voice: "It's a pity that there is no oil, otherwise it would be more delicious!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a greasy porcelain bottle was handed to him.

"Here, your oil!"

Caiwei supported her chin with one hand and held the oil bottle with the other, looking at him mischievously.

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